

Arrribaa! Adios snö och vintermörker, jag ska till Karibien!
Nu är det dags för mig att berätta lite om resan jag och fem kompisar planerat i vinter. Allt är bokat, det enda som återstår är en otrolig massa förtids-jobb (närmare bestämt 40 inlägg att producera) för min del för att frigöra så mycket ledig tid jag bara kan framöver.

Den 19:e januari hoppar vi på planet (yaaaas). Första stoppet blir San José, där vi har en lägenhet i 1,5 vecka. Därefter lämnar vi fastlandet med båt för att spendera de kommande 1,5 veckorna på ön Culebra. Efter det lämnar vi Puerto Rico bakom oss och styr kosan mot Mexico– närmare bestämt Playa Del Carmen där vi hyrt världens villa med pooler och allt. Efter en veckas glassande kommer gruppen splittras- fyra av oss flyger raka vägen till NYFW för att i några dagar byta kokosnötter och stränder mot skyskrapor och takeaway-muggar (samtidigt som de andra två reser vidare i Mexico på nya tropical adventures). I slutet av februari är jag förhoppningsvis på svensk mark igen och då vettetusan var jag tar mig härnäst- Berlin, Umeå eller Götet.

Visst har jag rest mycket (oftast själv) i jobbet och tågluffat flera gånger, men såhär långt med såhär stort sällskap och såhär länge har jag aldrig varit på resande fot förut. Jag är SÅ pepp. Jag kommer ta med mig datorn och försöka live-uppdatera då och då (även om jag ser till att ha ett härligt lager av förhandsinställda inlägg åt er också), men helt ärligt är jag osäker på om jag ska våga ta med min käraste ägodel- kameran- på resan. Jag har liksom inte hunnit tänka på packningsmomentet ännu, men det börjar bli dags. Har ni tips, tankar eller frågor? Hit me!

Arriba! Adios snow and winter darkness, I’m going to the Caribbean!
Now it’s time for me to tell you a bit about the trip five friends and I planned this winter. Everything is booked, the only thing that remains is an incredible amount of pre-work (more specifically, 40 posts/articles to produce) for my part to free up as much free time as I can get.

On January 19, we’ll get on the plane (yaaaas). The first stop will be San José, where we’ll have an apartment for 1.5 weeks. Then we’ll leave the mainland by boat to spend the next 1.5 weeks on the island of Culebra. After that, we’ll leave Puerto Rico behind us and head for Mexico-Playa Del Carmen, where we’ve booked a great villa with swimming pools and all. After a week of sun and fun the group will be divided- four of us will fly straight to NYFW a few days to change coconuts and beaches to skyscrapers and take-away coffee mugs (while the other two continue to new tropical adventures). In late February, I’m hopefully on Swedish soil again and to be honest I have no idea of where I’ll go next- Berlin, Umeå or Gothenburg.

Sure, I’ve traveled a lot before (usually by myself) in my work and interrailed a several times, but so far I’ve never gone so far with such a big company for such a long time. I’m so excited. I’ll bring my computer and try to live blog from time to time (although I’ll make sure to have a stash of high quality pre-made posts for you too), but honestly I’m not sure if I dare to bring my dearest thing- my camera- on the trip. I haven’t had time to think about the packing yet (ahh), but it’s about time. Do you have any tips, ideas or questions? Hit me!


Så himla passande. Fick den här jackan av gnusse resan till ära. Det är helt okej om ni får feeling och hellre kallar mig Raquel från och med nu.

Haaa haaa. Gnusse gave me this jacket to bring on the trip. If you suddenly get the feeling that you’d rather call me Raquel from now, that is totally okay.


  1. tora says:

    Men åh vad roligt!!

  2. ISA says:

    haha åh vad matt jag blev av tanken på alla inlägg du ska langa innan. MEEEEN kommer ju va så värt det. fatta gött med vacaaaay 😉

    1. ebba says:

      Eller huuur! It’s worth it!!!

  3. Caro says:

    My advise: Take a break! Don’t take that camera with you. Instead, allow yourself to enjoy your free time.
    I can image that blogging is a full-time job, so you definitly deserve some holidays!
    Seriously: I’m not mad at you when you don’t blog for some weeks! (I would miss it, but I would not get mad! 😉 )

    1. ebba says:

      Awww thanks for the support <3 I just want to make sure to make my readers happy! It's hard to be totally free without a hint of bad conscience, so this means a lot 😀

  4. Theresa says:

    I think it’s always best to travel with several people, because having that familiar social security can alleviate any culture shock anxieties that people who travel at times unwillingly experience.
    Also, they say it’s important to know about the place your visiting, and to pay close attention to their laws and customs, and current events at your vacation choices; it will make your vacation much easier, and you can avoid potential delays/dangers. You probably know that already.
    Last, you might want to increase vitamin/mineral intake, just to be on the safe side.
    Have a great time, Ebba.

    1. ebba says:

      Thank you for the tips Theresa!

  5. Itzel N. says:

    Hey, Ebba! I’m so glad you chose to visit my country! Playa del Carmen is beautiful and I’m sure you’ll love it! My advise to you is just to relax, forget about work a bit and enjoy the sun and the company! Us Mexicans love foreigners so you’ll get treated great, just keep your belongings close to you when in big crowds 😉
    Can’t wait to hear about all of your adventures, safe travels!
    Kisses from Mexico.

    1. ebba says:

      Thank you <3 I'm so excited! And I'll make sure to keep track of my belongings!

  6. Ebba says:

    GUD va spännande!!! är superavis!

    1. ebba says:

      ELLER hur??!!! yaas

  7. YOu’ll love Mexico lindo!!

  8. Rafaela m says:

    Hey Ebba, next time you should try to visit Brazil! Have a good trip and have fun!

    1. ebba says:

      That would be really nice! Maybe I will!

  9. finja says:

    aw, that sounds like a wonderful plan! i’m quite jealous that you get to exchange cold and wet weather for summer sun!
    if i was you, i would make sure that at least one of your group brings a really good camera. actually it’s not so hard to watch it that it doesn’t get stolen or breaks and you will be happy about the great pictures!
    i spent three months in indochina and i was too lazy to carry my big camera with me. by now, i’m really angry with myself about that because the pictures would habe turned out so much better if i hadn’t been that lazy.
    so that’s my advice on that!
    ebba, have fun, take a break, enjoy the quality time with your friends!

    1. ebba says:

      Hm, you are probably right! I’ll think about it. A good thing is that almost all of us has iPhone 6’s so the image quality is quite good anyway!

  10. Sica says:

    Have a great adventure Ebba … Just enjoy your travel. Unwind and feel free

    1. ebba says:

      Thank you! I will!

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