
Här kommer några bilder från i tisdags eftermiddag, då vi plåtade i en av mina favorit-delar av NY, nämligen Chinatown. Det är lätt tro att chinatown är värsta turistfällan men varje gång jag varit där har jag blivit förvånad över hur genuint allt är- från folket till butikerna och streetfooden. Det är som att ha teleporterats till asien bara sådär. Besöket i chinatown gjorde mig SÅ sugen på att åka tillbaka till Seoul och Peking, trivdes så bra där. Nästa asien-resa blir nog Tokyo dock, måste bara hitta någon som är sugen på att resa med mig! Haha.

Here are some pictures from Tuesday afternoon, when we took pictures in one of my favorite parts of NY, Chinatown. Many thinks that chinatown is a big tourist trap but every time I’ve been here I’ve been amazed by how genuine it is- everything from the people to the stores and streetfood. It’s like being teleported to Asia just like that. The visit in chinatown made me so excited to go back to Seoul and Beijing, I really enjoyed my visits there. My next Asia trip will probably be Tokyo though, I just have to find someone who is eager to travel with me! Haha.

11 responses to “WELCOME TO CHINATOWN

  1. Nice photoshoot to see the making off too 🙂

    1. ebba says:

      Thanks! Can’t wait to show you the result!

  2. Noëlla says:

    Ah, Tokio is my dream destination, too! I’ve never been to Asia, but I will go soon. Such different cultures compared to Europe. Also, I think it’s so cool that you’re living in Berlin now. I live in the Netherlands and I’ve been to Berlin once on a schooltrip. Such a nice city to visit, I’d really like to go back there someday and explore a bit more!

  3. Isabelle says:

    Jag är sugen! Haha. Vilka toppenbilder, måste ha varit grymt att fota där!

  4. Paulina says:

    Hey Ebba!
    I’ve been to Tokyo for an exchange (2 weeks) with our partner school and I have to say that Japanese culture is so different and fascinating.. so many awesome things to see! I came back with so much inspiration. For fashion lovers I can definitely suggest Shibuya and especially Harajuku! Japanese people have a really awesome taste in fashion and just wear whatever they want, which is so cool. You should also go to the hot springs, something you cannot miss when you visit Japan.. it’s like heaven. Shinto shrines are pretty cool too , haha. And the best thing of all is the food, it’s so healthy and delicious. Beside the city you should try to see the nature (ocean, mountains) of Japan.. it’s magical! Japanese beauty products are also worth trying out, if you go shopping there. I can honestly say I would always go there again.. so I hope you’ll have lots of fun there and I can’t wait to read about your adventures there. 🙂

    Paulina ♥
    P.S. Haha I hope I didn’t go overboard with my suggestions, but I can assure you and your travel partner it will be an amazing experience! 😉

    1. ebba says:

      Thank you for all the tips! I’ll make sure to write them down for my trip! 😀

  5. Maë says:

    Cool pics, you both look stunning!

    Mae from

  6. Evamaria says:

    Great photos! I’ve noticed it takes quite a long time to load your posts now when you moved your blog. Maybe you should try resizing the photos you upload on your blog to smaller size? The size that they appear now is really good, but the files seem to be so much bigger.

    1. ebba says:

      Thanks! That’s true! My wi-fi is really good so I didn’t notice that myself. I’ll start doing that!

  7. Myhrans says:

    Åh chinatown ser så himla mysigt ut!

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