KÀnns som att en ocean av tid flutit förbi sedan sist jag gjorde en veckouppdatering. Jag har ÀndÄ saknat detta format i bloggen, att fÄ en tydlig start pÄ veckan och sammanfattning av förra.

Feels like an ocean of time has passed by since I last made a weekly update. I’ve actually missed doing these kinds of posts, it just gives me a nice moment to plan the week ahead and think about the one that passed.

Veckans start: Vaknade tidigt och satte mig pÄ kontoret. Kopplade in alla sladdar, rensade upp bland kvittona och tog ner de gamla anteckningarna frÄn anslagstavlan för att ge plats Ät nya. PÄ sÀtt och vis kÀnns det lite som en skolstart, saknas bara ett pennfack med nyinköpta pennor och doftsuddgummin. Har sÄÄÄ mycket att ta tag i pÄ jobbfronten efter semestern, men det kÀnns kul att vara tillbaka.

The start of the week: I woke up early and sat down by my desk in the office. Plugged in all the wires, cleaned up among the receipts and removed the old notes from the notice board to make room for new ones. In a sense, it feels a bit like a school start, except that I don’t have a backpack with new pens, scented rubbers and note books with disney characters on the covers. I’ve got so much to do work-wise now after the holiday, but it still feels fun to be back.

Veckans bÀsta: Att Björk, Siri och Waldemar vÀntade innanför ytterdörren nÀr vi kom hem. De Àr pÄ besök i Berlin nu i augusti och vi har redan hunnit spendera hela lördagskvÀllen ihop, gÄ pÄ söndagsloppis och avsluta det hela med italienskt kÀk, pale ale och gelato. KÀnner mig blessed.

Best of the week: Björk, Siri and Waldemar were waiting inside the front door when we got home a couple of days ago. They are visiting Berlin now in August and we have already spent the whole Saturday night together, gone on a sundayflea market and spent an afternoon with italian food, pale ale and gelato. I feel so blessed.

Förra veckan: Var ju i Milano och plÄtade! TÀnkte faktiskt göra ett separat inlÀgg om den resan sÄ tills dess bjussar jag bara pÄ dessa bilder pÄ en hungrig Ebba efter en heldags plÄtning. Ett av mina bÀsta partytrick Àr förresten att jag kan göra min mun jÀtteliten, som pÄ bilden ovan. Imponerande va? Inte?

Last week: I spent my last day in UmeĂ„ with my sister and her boyfriend, and then wet to Milan to do a shoot. I planning to make a separate post about that trip so until then all you get are these pictures of a hungry Ebba after a full day’s shooting. One of my best party tricks is by the way that I can make my mouth very very tiny, like in the picture above. Impressive? No?

Veckans kĂ€nsla: 100% hem ljuva hem, there’s no place like home, borta bra men hemma bĂ€st, und so weiter. Jag Ă€r nĂ€stan redo att brodera en stor vĂ€ggbonad med orden “home sweet home” att sĂ€tta upp i vardagsrummet. Har lĂ€ngtat sĂ„ mycket efter att fĂ„ pyssla i lĂ€genheten och fortsĂ€tta vĂ„rt lilla inredningsprojekt!

The feeling of the week: 100% home sweet home, there’s no place like home, home is where your heart is, und so weiter. I’m almost ready to put up a cheesy painting with the words “home sweet home” in the living room, haha. I’ve longed so much after continuing our little interior project!

Veckans moodboard: KÀnner för att höstrensa bland mina Àgodelar, skaffa ett par nya höst-dojjor och kika pÄ fina soffbord.

This week’s moodboard: I feel like getting rid of some of my clothes and things to make room for new stuff, get a nice pair of autumn shoes and look for a nice coffee table.

Veckans inlÀgg: Vet inte, har inte riktigt kommit in i blogg-tÀnket Àn. Att producera content varje dag kÀnns fortfarande rÀtt avlÀgset, haha. Jag har vÀl lite lösa planer pÄ att visa bts-bilder frÄn Milano, skriva nÄgot lite mer personligt och kanske reflektera och berÀtta lite kring mina sommarÀventyr. Vi fÄr se vad jag hinner med!

The week’s post: Do not know, to be honest I haven’t really entered the blogging-mode yet. Producing content every day still feels pretty far away, haha. I’ve got some resolute plans to show you bts photos from Milan, write something a bit more personal and maybe reflect and tell you a little about my summer adventures. We’ll see!

5 responses to “WEEKLY UPDATE- I’M BACK!!

  1. sÄ glad att jag har hittat din blogg för den Àr everything!

  2. Alexandra says:

    So pretty! By the way that shoes looks so cool.

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  3. Nile Mauer says:

    Hi Ebba, I really like your pictures!!! And I just wanted to tell you, that I can’t see your pics from 2014 and before anymore 🙁 And I really liked those outfits (and your orange hair 😉 :*)
    Lots of Love Ella

  4. Nile says:

    Hi Ebba, I just wanted to tell you, that I can’t see your pics from 2014 and before. I really love your clothes and pics!! I follow you now already for a really long time and you are really enspiring me! And this is why I’m sad, that I can’t see your “old” pics anymore. And I already tried it with other maschines, but it is not working 🙁 It would be really nice if you could solve this problem 🙂
    Lots of Love Nile

    1. ebba says:

      Oh, I’m sorry but my archive is gone since my old blog was deleted. You can still see a bunch of old pictures in the archive on my lookbook profile: http://lookbook.nu/ebbaz 😀 Thank you for reading my blog! <3

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