






Här är resten av BTS-bilderna från WAHP-plåtningen i Bristol för några dagar sedan. Jag och en bunt ashärliga tjejer fotades i megafina handmålade plagg i ett sjukt fint naturreservat. Det var så härligt att få en dos natur efter att ha spenderat de senaste veckorna i stan!
Nu är LFW slut och jag och Fanny hoppar på flyget till Stockholm för att detlta i en färje-resa till Estland där bland annat ett besök hos en jeans designer står på schemat. Jag ligger lite efter i bildpubliceringen nu (visar bilder från London och Estland så snart jag kan!), men som ni vet kan ni alltid få live-updates på min instagram @ebbazingmark. Tusen pussar!

Here are the rest of the BTS photos from the WAHP-shoot in Bristol a few days ago. Me and a some super lovely girls modeled in mega nice hand-painted garments in a huge deer park. It was soo nice to get a dose of nature after having spent the recent weeks in the city!

LFW is over and Fanny and I are just about to get on a plane to Stockholm to participate in a ferry-trip to Estonia where, among other things, a visit to a jeans designer is on our schedule. I’m a little behind time in the publishing of photos on the blog now (I’m showing you pictures from London and Estonia as soon as I can!), but as you already know you can always get live updates on my instagram accound @ebbazingmark. Thousands of kisses!

6 responses to “WE ARE HAIRY

  1. Rory says:

    The photos look really pretty 🙂
    And that girl in the third photo in the orange outfit has beautiful hair! :O

    1. ebba says:

      Thanks, and yes she really has beautiful hair! 😀

  2. Nato says:

    you are torturing us Ebba! Can’t wait to see the whole look from London, commerecial of enjoy the little things and a now again – I want pictures of this photoshoot! These photos are so warm that my heart is melting 😀 Seriously, you are so close! Will you ever come to Georgia? I know that you know that there are so many fans that would die to see you like me! Kisses!

    1. ebba says:

      Oh thanks! <3
      I hope I'll visit Georgia one day! 😀

  3. Kali P. says:

    Thought these girls were your younger sisters *lol*
    Kali from Miss Bellis Perennis

  4. はじめまして


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