
Ibland består ens vardagskvällar av att lyssna på “I need a house” och leta lägenheter på tyska. Vill så himla gärna hitta en lägenhet att bo i på lång-term, få köpa inredning och liksom göra sig ett hem. Om någon av er där ute råkar ha kontakter i Berlin, eller rent av söka efter någon att hyra rum/lägenhet åt, kan ni väl maila mig?

Sometimes you spend your weekday evenings listening to “I Need a House” and searching for apartments in German. I really really really want to find an apartment to live in on long-term, buy furniture and just make myself a home. If any of you out there happen to have contacts in Berlin, or if you’re even looking for someone to rent a room/apartment to, promise to drop me an email?

5 responses to “THE SEARCH

  1. Netti says:

    Vilka fina och inspirerande bilder och det är verkligen roligt med inredning 😀

  2. GiaG says:

    All of these Pictures are so beautiful!!

  3. Daria says:

    I don’t know much about it but I hope you find what you’re looking for. Good luck! x

  4. Boxie says:

    Hello Ebba

    Maybe you already know this website, but just to be sure :-):
    You can choose between the languages german and english. I already found a flatshare room (“Wohngemeinschaft” or “WG”) two times via these website.
    I hope you find a nice home to live in Berlin (for a long time). Good luck!
    ps: keep blogging. You – are – awesome!

    1. ebba says:

      Hey there!
      Yep- I know about WG Gesucht! Thank you for the tip anyway 😀

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