


Bilder från ett nyöppnat supermysigt litet café i Neukölln. Fan alltså, vad detta får mig att sakna Berra! Det har gått två hela månader sedan jag var där. Människorna, u-bahn, musiken och club maten. Imorgon är jag tillbaka!

Pictures from a newly opened super cozy little cafe in Neukölln. Damn, I miss Berlin sooo much now! It’s been two whole months since I left my favorite city and even if I’ve made lots of fun things in the meanwhile, I miss the people, the u-bahn, the music and club mate like crazy. Can’t believe I’ll be back tomorrow!

7 responses to “I GET AROUND

  1. ellen says:

    herrrigiiiiid! du är så schnögg!

  2. sara says:

    OMG I didn’t realized that you were away for two months


    1. ebba says:

      Haha, I left beginning of dec so it’s almost 3 months now actually! 😉

  3. Beata says:

    ebba du är så vacker.
    Alltså blir så sugen på att flytta när ja läser din blogg.

    1. ebba says:

      Tusen tack! <3

  4. Isabell says:

    hahaha! funny to hear that you miss club mate! I left Berlin about one and a half years ago, to see the world. And HOW I MISS CLUB MATE! I would have never thought that one can miss a drink so badly. 😀
    I’m coming back in April and I am so freaking excited!!!!! I can not put it into words.

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