Yesterday, the night before tomorrow.

Earring-Backstage, dress and shoes- iClothing.

Det här är andra delen av mitt styling-uppdrag för iClothing. Här bär jag en superfin peplum-klänning som kontrast till de tuffare kängorna. Vad tycks? I övrigt är jag på himla bra fredagshumör, trots den långa skoldagen. Ikväll åker jag ut till Örsten för första gången på länge och jag är så himla peppad! Ha fortsatt fin dag nu kompisar.

 This is the second part of my styling assignment for iClothing. In this look I wear a super nice peplum dress in contrast to the tougher boots. What do you think? However. Today I’m in an amazingly good Friday mood despite my long school-day. Tonight I’m off to Örsten for the first time in a long time and I’m so excited! Have good day buddies!

27 responses to “Yesterday, the night before tomorrow.

  1. Lovisa - foto says:

    åh, örhängena!

  2. T O V E K J A E R R A N says:

    Underbart, så himla snyggt! Älskar ditt hår, du passade verkligen i denna frisyren 🙂

  3. Cristine Arroyo says:

    you look fantastic!

  4. Frida says:

    Väldigt snyggt!! Men vem har du slagits med? Full med blåmärken på benen 😉

  5. Trâm says:

    Mwah I only like the top.. Don’t like the photographs rarely..

  6. lil says:

    love the combination, it suits your bodyshape so well!

  7. TraN says:

    WOW. you look stunning, Ebba! Gorgeous dress! It’s weird seeing vertical photos on your blog, but I kinda like it!


  8. Josefine says:

    Jösses männska, du är alldeles för tjusig! En Veela kanske… O:

  9. Emmelie - FOTOGRAF says:

    Vart är de underbara örhängena ifrån?

  10. Iris Anna Sofia says:

    So perfect♥!

  11. Eva says:

    You look amazing! Beautiful dress and what a cool hairdo! Love the combination with the boots!

  12. Evangelina says:

    Snygg kontrast mellan de tuffa kängorna & överdelen! 🙂

  13. Jocelyne says:

    Love the dress, you look lovely Ebba! And how did you create that fantastic hairdo? xx

  14. katy vess says:

    love your hair and earrings so much, ebba!

  15. Stina says:

    Klänningen <3 :’)

  16. ebbazingmark says:

    Emelie-FOTOGRAF: Örhängena kommer från, länk underbilden också 🙂

  17. nathalie says:

    du är så sjukt snygg!!!

  18. Gaby Fuentes says:

    Últimamente he amado tus fotos!

  19. Jeline says:

    amazing xx

  20. wirag says:

    impossibly gorgeous!

  21. Pip says:

    You look so beautiful! This really suits you, I love how you’ve styled it!

    Pip x

  22. Daniela says:

    Wow, it looks great! (It took a while to get used to this new non-flame-hair Ebba, but now I love your new look 🙂 Especially the Pegas earring is super cute and original detail – Bravo!

  23. Spojf says:


  24. Pouline says:


  25. Hayley says:

    I love this outfit! the dress is beautiful it looks great on you, you look beautiful as always! With the tough boots i think its a really great contrast. Thats what i like to do on nights out wear something really girls but something flat and edgy on my feet so i can dance the night away! lol

    Hayley xx

  26. Alice says:

    You look so lovely Ebba!
    Even though it’s still a little strange seeing you without your fiery red hair, I think your new hair color is quite lovely! It’s a cool change and definitely something that you can carry off 🙂

    This outfit you have on is something that I wish I could wear.
    The blue dress is so feminine and gorgeous with that peplum and the metallic threads throughout. Paired with those black combat boots, the dress is part of a really nicely contrasted outfit. Rocky, edgy, and tough but also sweet and elegant!

    Gorgeous as always darling! <3


  27. Yuka says:

    LOVE those earrings! and of course you look stunning

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