Jeans- Getwear, sweater-Romwe, hat-Miamasvin, shoes- Marc Mcnairy/Glass Boutique.

Lite vardagssoft sådär. Fick hem mina figursydda brallor från Getwear häromdagen, så nu har jag ingen ursäkt att inte bära blåa jeans. Jag har inget emot det, men av någon anledning har jag bara aldrig på mig vanliga blåjeans. Well, nu blir det ändring på det. Dessa sitter som ett smäck. Ha en bra dag folks!

Comfy and casual. I recieved my costum made jeans from Getwear other day, so now I have no excuse not to wear blue jeans. I have nothing against it, but for some reason I just almost never wear it. Well, now it’s time to change that. These ones fits perfectly. Have a good day folks!

18 responses to “UPRISING

  1. Cristi says:

    I like the outfit! Is simple and casual. And the hat!! Love it! 🙂

  2. Jeline says:

    the sweater!!

  3. cajsa says:

    åh så snyggt!!

  4. Tram says:

    This look is normal but still nice 🙂

  5. emma says:

    ditt hår ser rödare ut på bilder än i verkligheten har jag märkt. såg dig på skolan höhö. men skulle vara skoj om du la ut några bilder på ditt hår så man verkligen ser skillnaden. för ni ser man ingen:P

  6. Michelloooo says:

    Men så snyggt! Diggar tröjan!

  7. ebbazingmark says:

    Emma: Det är klart jag kan! Haha, nä, mitt hår är lite schizofrent, i dagsljus ser det mer “mellanblont” ut, och i det varma kvällsljuset ser det nästan rött ut 🙂

  8. Eva says:

    Beautiful photos and love the look! Lovely hat too 😀


  9. paulina says:

    enkelt funkar alltid, så detta är ju helt enkelt underbart! älskar hur du piffa upp det med hatten! mer av sådana här!

  10. INGRIDWENELL.SE - Fashion Styl says:

    riktigt fint!

  11. Anonymous says:

    You´re so thin..

  12. G+V says:

    You have no excuse and it would really be a shame ;^)

  13. Juliette Gold says:

    I think I know what you mean about blue jeans … there is something about them that doesn’t feel right in an outfit. Perhaps it’s an issue of color preferences.
    I own black, grey, silver, and dark grey jeans – but no blue.

    What’s your favorite color of jeans?

  14. melissa says:

    Love the sweater, your blog is fantastic great outfits & photos

  15. Theo says:

    Åh, älskar ljuset!

  16. saga says:

    vad du är genomfin! perfekt på ditt sätt! så snygg och hälsosam kropp, fin hy och drag och så kreativt stil-sinnne

  17. Alice says:

    This is definitely my kind of outfit!
    I wear jeans pretty much 90% of the time so it’s always nice seeing how other people wear their jeans. You managed to create a comfortable outfit that definitely doesn’t sacrifice style, Ebba!

    That Romwe sweater is so perfectly drapey and holey. It pairs really nicely with the super skinny casual jeans for that cozy “fall Sunday” type of vibe.
    Your hat adds a nice cold weather touch to everything and those boots are just too simple and amazing.

    I really can’t get over that sweater though.
    It looks so comfy and layer-worthy. I definitely want something just like it! 🙂


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