Until the tops of the world made me blind






Maxi dress- Ebba Z for Sin, Shirt-5preview, tee- Breaking Rocks, shoes- Sarenza.


En lite soft skolstartslook. Jag älskar att klä ner mina Ebba Z for Sin-klänningar såhär, de kan verkligen gå från eleganta till softa på en sekund om man byter ut toppen och kombinerar med sneakers. Vad tycks?

Idag är det full rulle! Jag har massor att förbereda inför fashionweek och jobbet i Belgien nästa vecka. Ha en bra dag kompisar! 


A relaxed school-starting look. I love to dress down my Ebba Z for Sin dresses like this, they can really go from elegant to relaxed in a second if you replace the top with a tee and combine it with sneakers. What do you think?
Today it is full of things to do! I have much to do to prepare for fashion week and for my work in Belgium next week. Have a great day friends!

10 responses to “Until the tops of the world made me blind

  1. myhrans says:


  2. Mayflower says:

    The dress- and sneaker combination is amazing!

  3. chi says:

    beautiful colour combination 🙂 i’m just wondering if your dogs eat vegan dog food?

  4. Jeline says:

    You are stunning!! x


  5. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till chi:
    Thanks! No, I don’t think that would be fair to them. But they eat eco meat 🙂

  6. Fanny Darling says:

    Älskar hårets kontrast mot bakgrunden! Och blått och vinrött klär dig verkligen.

  7. Hanna says:

    Got damn va snyggt!!!

  8. Dominika says:

    Fina du!!

  9. Laura says:

    Absolutely love it!! ♥


  10. Tra Mi says:

    Those lovely eyes…

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