Dessa veckor pÄ resande fot Àr nÄgot jag kommer bÀra med mig inombords en lÄng lÄng tid. Jag lÀmnade verkligen allt grubbel kring jobb, relationer, ekonomi och hemmet i Berlin, i samma stund som vi klev av planet i Moskva klev vi ocksÄ in i ett parallellt universum dÀr de enda tvÄ saker som betydde nÄgot var 1: HÀr, och 2: Nu.
För en gÄngs skull kÀnde jag att varje ny upplevelse kunde fÄ min odelade uppmÀrksamhet, lÀsa varje rysk skylt för att till slut kunna memorera nÀstan hela alfabetet, upptÀcka de mongoliska stÀpperna till hÀst, springa av tÄget och tillbaka under de korta stoppen för att hinna köpa mÀrkliga piroger av babuchkorna, bonda över vÄr Haruki Murakami-bok med Japanen som delade vÄr kupé, gÄ vilse bland hutongerna i Peking, vaggas till sömns av de upprepande dunsarna frÄn rÀlsen och vakna upp pÄ en helt ny plats.

De kommande veckorna tÀnkte jag ta er med pÄ vÄr resa frÄn Moskva, till Irkutsk, Bajkalsjön, Ulan Bator och Peking med den Transmongoliska jÀrnvÀgen i en serie inlÀgg. Om det Àr nÄgot speciellt ni skulle vilja att jag skrev om eller nÄgra frÄgor ni vill att jag svarar pÄ Àr det bara att hojta, sÄ fixar jag det. KRAM!

I will carry these last few weeks within me for a long long time. I really left all the thoughts about my job, relationships, economy and household work in Berlin, the moment we left the plane in Moscow we also entered a parallel universe where the only two things that mattered was 1: Here and 2: Now.
For once, I felt that every new experience could get my undivided attention, to read every Russian sign to finally memorize almost the entire alphabet, discover the Mongolian steppes by horse, run from the train and back during the short stops to buy strange pirogis of the babuschkas, getting lost in the hutongs in Beijing, falling asleep by the repeated bounces from the rails and waking up in a whole new place.

In the coming weeks, I’m planning on taking you guys with me on our journey from Moscow to Irkutsk, Lake Baikal, Ulan Bator and Beijing with the Transmongolian Railroad in a series of posts. If there’s something special you would like me to write about or any questions you want me to answer, just let me know. HUGS!


  1. sara nena says:

    oh my god, but only with these few pics i can understand how emotional trip it was… and that experence inside the tent?!

    1. ebba says:

      Thank you, that’s totally right! Yes, that experience in the tent was really nice, we visited a nomad family who made us Mongolian tea and homemade cheese 🙂

  2. Lucie says:

    Those pictures are absolutely breathtaking, they make me want to travel so so bad!
    Lucie, xx

    1. ebba says:

      That makes me so happy, thx!! 😀

  3. krickan says:

    alltsĂ„ ebba, sĂ„ fint ❀❀ vill höra ALLT irl sen, kram!!!!!

    1. ebba says:

      Klart du ska!!!! <3<3

  4. Nena says:

    These pictures are so pretty! I can almost feel the emotions!

    Love, Turn it inside out

    1. ebba says:

      Thank you so much!

  5. Lux says:

    Dear Ebba,
    I can’t wait to find out more about your amazing journey! I would love it if also you wrote a bit about the items you packed for such a long trip, how much it approximately costs, what to save on and what to splurge on, whether you planned everything in advance or just made decisions on the spot, how does the trip looks like with regard to food, personal hygiene, privacy, safety, etc. or anything else you found interesting 🙂

    1. ebba says:

      Aw, thank you so much! I’ll answer all of this in my coming posts! <3

  6. Drea says:

    Nydelige bilder!

    1. ebba says:

      Danke!! 😀

  7. E says:

    How was the language barrier? What was the hardest part of the trip? How much planning did you do beforehand?

    1. ebba says:

      Will make sure to answer these <3

  8. Itzel N. says:

    This looks so surreal! I can’t wait to see the upcoming posts and hear about all your experiences!

  9. Konechno! Pishi. Budu rad chitat’ o tvoyom videnii Rossii i osebenno Sibiri.

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