Kappa- 5preview, scarf-Romwe, shoes- Le Bunny Bleu.

Så här så jag ut när jag och Karen besökte Times Square i söndags. Det var nästan lika kallt i NY som i Sverige så jag kunde i princip ha samma ytterkläder som här hemma. Sjalen är förresten ny och sjukt mjuk och fin, jag känner att jag börjar dras mot randiga plagg så ni kommer nog få se mer av det i vår. Vad tycks?

How so I when me and Karen visited Times Square on Sunday. It was almost as cold in NY as in Sweden so I could basically have the same clothing there as here at home. The scarf is new and soo nice, I feel like I’m starting to love striped garments more and more so you’ll probably see more of that this spring. So, what do you think?

18 responses to “TIMES SQUARE

  1. Flora says:

    You look stunning!

  2. Mira says:

    Super lovely comfy look 🙂

  3. orin says:

    stunning. love the photos 🙂
    Your hair is so pretty Ebba !


  4. adele says:

    beautiful shots. beautiful new york. beautiful you!
    NYC, def one of my must-visit places.


  5. adele says:

    beautiful shots. beautiful new york. beautiful you!
    NYC, def one of my must-visit places!


  6. Carmen Carrasco says:

    Beautiful pictures! Kisses.

  7. Cristi says:

    The photographs look amazing! I always love to see nyc photos, makes me want to be there at the moment. And your outfit looks so comfy. I like the shoes, especially for the color. 🙂

  8. Aleksandra says:

    cool! ♥

  9. melle says:

    You’ll show us pictures from your photoshoots in ny, won’t you? I’m somewhat excited to see them 😉

  10. Eva says:

    Love that first photo! Wish I was in New York! xx


  11. ebbazingmark says:

    melle: oh yes, I will! As son as I recieve them 🙂

  12. Kimberley says:

    Jealous! I wanna go too NY so bad! You look stunning!

  13. Aeris says:

    Amazing *0*


  14. Mireia says:

    Times Square can’t shine as bright as you! 😛
    hahahaha it’s from “Hey there Delilah” 🙂

  15. Dasha says:


  16. karla says:

    your smile is soo cute, please smile more often on pictures!

  17. Michèle says:

    Ebba, I’m so jealous that you’re in NY! Oh, and your shoes are amazing! <3

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