Okej. Nu är jag sjukt sugen på förändring! Imorgon går jag till frisörsalongen för att rådgöra och boka tid för färgning/blekning. Här ovan skådar ni min moodboard! Jag vet att det kan vara lite lurigt att gå från min varma hårfärg till de kalla nyanserna ovan, men drömmen är en kallt rågblond ton som går mot ljusare silver/grå/blond i längderna. Och så får vi se om jag spexar till det med någon rolig färg på det. Vad tycker ni, ska jag satsa på detta eller fortsätta livet som redhead?

All right. Now I really want a change! Tomorrow I’ll go to the hair salon to consult and make an appointment for coloring/bleaching. Above you can see my moodboard! I know it can be a bit tricky to go from my warm hair color to the cold shades above, but the dream is a cold dark blond tone that goes against a lighter silver/gray/blonde shade in lengths. And then we’ll see if I put a twist to it with some fun color or not. What do you think, should I go for it or stay as a redhead?

34 responses to “TIME FOR CHANGE!

  1. Hanne says:

    I think you look perfect with your red hair, but if you feel like you need a change, than why not just try it? 🙂

  2. Anna says:

    I think it will look great ! do it 🙂

  3. anni says:

    stay red but bleach your hair tips or something.don’t ever fully dye your hair!

  4. G+V says:

    haha before taking such a decision, think over the disastrous effect of Pippi Longstocking changing her hair color. 😉

  5. sam says:

    go for it, girl!

  6. Alicia says:

    i think red hair fits you best but if you want to change try it! i’m really curious how it will look:)

  7. Anon says:

    Aaaah no! Your red hair is beautiful 🙂

  8. Trâm says:

    I think red hair looks gorgeous on you but I think you should go for it and we’ll see.

  9. Connie says:

    Go for it definitely! I dyed the tips of my hair purple and i absolutely love it!

  10. edyta says:

    I think that if YOU want some changes you should just do it and not ask anyone. I really like this dark pink colour, it rocks!

  11. Jana says:

    i adore the girl’s hair in the fourth picture, that’s really really awesome, don’t want to try this?:D <3

  12. Din Xsambo says:

    Som sagt, jag är med dig till 120% kör i vind! Allt klär en läckerbit;)

  13. Anonymous says:

    Cold shades are beautiful and cool. Too bad I’m naturally dark brunette hair is impossible to go light. Looking forward to see your new hairstyle/color.


  14. L says:

    Kör hårt Umeå, jag färgar nya nyanser stup i kvarten. Försökte mig också på en silvernyans i våras vilket blev snyggt i topparna, men inte fäste i botten. Tilläggas bör att färgning skedde i mitt badrum med färg från H&M. Nu är jag snyggblond i alla fall (tre färgningar senare?) Förresten, var på biblioteket idag och lånade Cirkeln som du tipsade om, verkar toppen, tack för tipset! Uppsala.

  15. Eva says:

    Very curious about how your hair is going to turn out! Love this inspiration!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Ebba it would be great to see ny color but will you change it soon beacause you are so sweat when you aren as a redhead but still it would be great to see you in new style

  17. malika says:

    do it like her!: https://www.facebook.com/anna.steiner.731 she first had a light light blonde, and now she has a light purple/grey. looks really nice in reality.

  18. maja says:

    Gör vad som känns bäst för dig, men jag tycker i alla fall att det skulle vara råcoolt om du färgade ditt hår 4:e bilden, med “silverblond” med bara en aning rosa/lila 🙂

  19. ZOUi says:

    perfect, these cold shades are perfect. <3 <3

  20. gemma o. says:

    you are lovely as a redhead, but white could look amazing.

  21. Ida says:

    Det är alltid roligt med förändring! Har själv precis färgat mitt hår från mörkt brunt till blont och blev jätte nöjd! Så jag säger bara “satsa”!

  22. Saskia says:

    go for it! If you don’t like the result you can still go back to your red color 😉

  23. Nancy C. says:

    I think that cool blue gray shade can be great for fall and winter, I can imagine you can have a calm and mysterious look, and it can create a striking contrast with those warm shades of clothing or just go with full cool palette for a very cool look, yea so go for it, and even though you don’t like it you can back to that red hair that everyone loves.

  24. Amanda says:

    Woohoo! Do it! A change is as good as a holiday and these colour options are awesome! Plus you’ll look great with any colour hair!! Good luck xx


  25. wirag says:

    You look beautiful anyways!
    Good luck!

  26. Carmen says:

    If your hair is already bleached, then yeah, go for whatever colour you want….except maybe not permanent.
    In my opinion, I think your red hair is stunning on you, and I don’t really thing the grey hair is really going to be as good. Maybe you could try some sort of pastel purple or pink? 🙂

  27. Anonymous says:

    stay readhead! please, it looks so great on you, just naturally! i love it this way!

  28. adele says:

    oooohhh! cool post/hair though i still love rumi neely’s ombre hair. 🙂


  29. sar says:

    i think you should definitely stay redhead! it looks so great on you and i would like to have such a nice haircolor too.

  30. Cécilou says:

    I absolutely love your red hair and it suits you perfectly, however i must admit i am very curious to see what you look like with blond hair, could be very pretty as well…. But please, no grey or weird colors like purple or green or whatever!! But yeah, why not try a light blond… I’m excited to see that!!

  31. Jack says:

    I absolutely agree with Cécilou! No weird colors please!
    You are really lovely as a ginger headed, but maybe blond could do it.

  32. Anonymous says:

    It’s cool to see you in new style buty i have a question will you become redhead again beacause you are very sweet likie a redhead

  33. Gisella says:

    Change is always fun! And of course you can go back if you don’t like the results 😉

  34. Linnea says:

    Kör i vind, man måste ju testa något nytt ibland. Tycker grått är skitballt och hade gärna haft det själv om jag inte var så himla feg av mig!

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