Hoodie- HERE, boots- HERE, dress- HERE, socks- HERE , all links are adlinks!

Hej bejbs! Har haft en liten inspirationsdipp de senaste månaderna och därmed inte riktigt orkat klä mig så uppstyrd, utan för det mesta bara dykt in i första bästa hoodie eller sweatshirt om mornarna. Den här hoodien har jag gosat runt i orimligt mycket, till exempel, haha. Idag sitter jag (iförd hoodie vad annars?) i skolan och pluggar och tar igen missat skolarbete, känns bra att vara på banan igen! KRAM

Hi babes! I’ve had a little lack of inspiration the recent months, and therefore missed motivation to dress up. Most days I’ve just been diving straight from the bed into first best hoodie or sweatshirt in the mornings. This is one of the ones I’ve been using the most. Today I’m sitting in school (wearing a hoodie what else?) doing all my missed school work. It feels good to be back on track again! HUGS

7 responses to “THE SWEET BATTLE

  1. Eva says:

    Totally in love with this look

    xxx, Eva

  2. On Trend says:

    This season I’m so obsessed with pink. I always love your outfits. I’ve followed you for 5 years. You’re actually my inspiration to make my own blog.

  3. Nicole says:

    Så snyggt! Var är nät tightsen ifrån? Har sökt såna perfekta länge!

  4. Lucie says:

    I really love that look tho, it’s not just a hoodie thrown on like that! I love how you paired it with those thighs!
    Lucie, xx

  5. Nena says:

    You always look so great! Love how unique your styling is!

    Love, Turn it inside out

  6. Emily Shane says:

    Wow! What a great hoodie is this i like it because my Favorite color is pink.

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