Tänkte att det var dags att visa er resultatet från plåtningen jag gjorde med Femmanhuset i GBG! Jag har ju redan berättat om hur det gick till behind the scenes HÄR. Bilderna har suttit uppe i centrala Göteborg och i Nordstan nu i Oktober, men precis som Stutterheim-kampanjen som satt uppe i Berlin precis när vi var på resa, hann jag aldrig se dessa posters innan de togs ner. Tack och lov har jag vänner med snapchat:

I thought it was time to show you the results from the shoot I did with Femmanhuset in Gothenburg! I’ve already told you how it was behind the scenes here. The pictures have been up in central Gothenburg and Nordstan now in October, but just like the Stutterheim campaign that was up in Berlin just when we were traveling, I never saw these posters before they were taken down. Luckily I have friends with snapchat:

Haha. Oh well! I övrigt vill jag bara önska er en riktigt trevlig lördag. Jag ska ägna mig åt helhjärtat syster-häng idag. PUSS!

Haha. Oh well! Now I just want to wish you a really nice Saturday. I’ll devote 100% of my time to hang out with Fanny today. xx

2 responses to “THE FEMMAN CAMPAIGN

  1. Lucie says:

    You look absolutely amazing, but then again, you always do. Those pictures are pretty amazing!
    Lucie, xx

  2. Paulina says:

    Amazing I’m so proud of you!

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