Okej, nu ska jag berätta om jobbet jag pratat om. Håll i er. På torsdag hoppar jag på planet till New York! Jag ska bo på Manhattan i fyra dagar och plåtas för Le Bunny Bleu’s spring/summer kollektion. Den sista dagen är jag ledig, då kommer kameran gå varm och mitt huvud på högvarv för att ta in alla intryck kan jag lova (har ni några tips på saker jag inte får missa?). Jag kommer att göra mitt bästa för att uppdatera så mycket jag bara kan där borta. Att resa är det bästa jag vet, och ända sedan jag fick åka till Peking för att spela in Walk the Walk-filmen för levi’s har jag känt att New York är näst på tur i listan över städer jag verkligen skulle vilja uppleva. Jag är SJUKT peppad på det här!

Okay, now I’ll tell you about the job I’ve been talking about. On Thursday I’ll get on the plane to New York! I’ll stay in Manhattan for four days to model in Le Bunny Bleu’s spring/summer collection. The last day I’m free, then my both my camera  and my head will work at full speed to take in all the impressions, haha (do you have any tips on things I shouldn’t miss?). I’ll do my best to update as much as I can over there. I love travelling, and ever since I got to go to China to record the Walk the Walk-video for levi’s I’ve felt that the U.S. is next in line on the list of countries I just have to visit. I am SO EXCITED about this!

28 responses to “THE BIG APPLE

  1. Anonymous says:

    i will kill you

  2. Anhthu says:

    Congrats for your job in NYC.
    You should go to the Tokio 7 Vintage Shop. 🙂

  3. alex says:

    Sooo cool! ♥

  4. Filippa says:

    2 måsten – high line park i meetpacking district och vive a la crêpe i SOHO. Trevlig resa!

  5. frida says:

    you’re so lucky!!

  6. marie says:

    oh my gosh! new york is absolutely lovely and i’m so so so happy for you to get to this amazing city! and also, congratulates for your job!
    are you travelling alone, or will anyone join you? 🙂
    have a nice time over there!

  7. paulina says:

    shit vad kul!!! waaa sicken upplevelse du får! kan verkligen tänka mig att det är en sjuk upplevelse!

    älskar förresten bilderna! 😀

  8. Martyna says:

    Oooh, you’re so lucky! 😀 well you should take comfortable shoes cause New York is all about walking and running ;P

  9. ebbazingmark says:

    marie: I’m travelling alone this time! A bit scary, but mostly exciting! 😀

  10. sara says:

    Break your leg EBBAAAAAA.
    1.Gotta eat Auntie Annie’s Pretzel, they are the best and they are everywhere.
    2. Have a walk through the High lane, it’s an old train track over the streets, and now it’s a green walk (Area: CHELSEA)
    3.Have a walk in the central park, it’s full of talented artists, and the lake is awesome.
    4. The twin towers memorial, go there few hours before cause you’ll get your own turn, it’s for free, it is maybe one of the best things in NYC.
    5. While waiting for the twin towers memorial you can go to Staten Islan with the Staten Island ferry boat, it’s for free, and you can see Lady liberty from there, I think it’s one hour trip.
    6. Next time (It’s not for one day trip) GO TO THE BROX ZOO, it worth it, I LOVED IT.

    Have a nice trip.

  11. Nathalie says:

    Wow congrats! Enjoy your time in NY 🙂 And btw nice photos 🙂

  12. gemma o says:

    congratulations! That sounds super brilliant! Have an amazing time 🙂

  13. Advice says:

    Comment screening off is being taken advantage of to cause evil trouble. It isn’t who you may suspect. Look at comment IPs and report them. I’d put screening back on as well.

  14. Naina says:

    You may have a lot of things to do and see, but don’t forget to grab a coffee and sit in Bryant Park (6th avenue and 42nd street) – so many people to watch, ‘rush hour’ around 4 or 5 is the best time to see people going home from work/ walking their dogs/ gossiping about boys. So much fun to sit and watch the world pass by.

  15. Angelica Lainis says:

    Wow! That is so exciting Ebba! So happy for you – this is so exciting. Cannot wait to see your pictures x

  16. Nutri says:

    soo happy for you 😀 (and a bit jealous)
    best journey ever!

  17. Mireia M. says:

    Wow!! Who would not be excited to go to NY? :O
    This is so cool!!

  18. nesti says:

    Heey))can you tell me what kind of paint do you dye your hair, please?

  19. Anonymous says:

    Ät lunch på the boat house i central park (prinsessan madeleine är känd för att bruka luncha där) fruktansvärt god mat! Besök självklart Macy’s och åk i världens äldsta trärulltrappa i världens största affär. Och Century 21 är en märkesoutlet som ligger vid ground zero som är värd att besöka.

    Annars är det bara att strosa omkring, gå på time square och broadway. Egentligen är ett besök vid Magnolia Bakery ett måste, deras bakverk är fantastiska.

  20. - - M a j a s B i l d e r - - says:

    Walk the Walk-filmen? Den har jag missat totalt, skulle du kunna ge mig en länk till någon video?

  21. ebbazingmark says:

    Nesti: when these pics where taken I had used Loreal preference feria 7.46 pure paprika:)

  22. ebbazingmark says:

    Maja: Här är en länk till filmen

    Det var verkligen otroligt kul att spela in den och att få uppleva Peking 🙂

  23. nesti says:

    Thank you very much!)) and here, please) this colour is really awesome!

  24. wirag says:

    Congratulations Ebba!
    You deserve it!
    Just be as amazing as you are always and you ‘ll have NewYork in your pocket!
    Take care anyways!

  25. Celia Petersen says:

    You have to go to Chelsea Market (75 9th Avenue New York, NY 10011) and walk on The High Line (an old elevated subway line that they have converted into a walking park with beautiful views). If you want the best vegan cupcake, go to Sprinkles Cupcakes (780 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10065) and ask for the vegan Red Velvet cupcake that they keep specially behind the counter. So delicious!

  26. Sallishah says:

    Ah I live in the City!!!!!! I would loved to have met you!!! If anything got to the MET and the Guggenheim!!!! They are wonderful structures!!

  27. american cereal says:

    Howdy! Do you use Twitter? I’d like to follow you if that would be ok. I’m absolutely enjoying your blog and look
    forward to new posts.

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