När vi anlände till Prags tågstation var det sen kväll, men tack och lov låg vårt hostel väldigt nära tågstationen. Det första vi möttes av när vi klev in på gården var en starkt lysande skylt med med en aningens obehagligt stirrig tomte på. När vi fortsatte in till receptionen märkte vi att detta var ett genomgående tema på hela stället, små tomtar var utplacerade överallt. Men så hette det ju också Hostel Elf, haha. Bortsett från tomtarna var det ett väldigt bra vandrarhem, det var väldigt billigt, centralt, hyfsat fräscht och en (ganska torftig) frukost ingick i priset. Efter en natts sömn gav vi oss ut för att upptäcka staden. Vi vandrade runt bland de pastellfärgade husen, besökte Carlsbron (sista bilden) som var fin men helt full av turister och Lennon wall (fjärde bilden), en mur som fyllts med grafitti och Beatles-texter för att hylla John Lennon. Allt är otroligt billigt i Prag, så under det dygn vi spenderade där levde vi nog en bra bit under vår budget, vilket var skönt då vi anlände till nästa (lite dyrare) stad- Venedig.

We arrived at the Prague train station late at the evening, but thankfully our hostel was very close to the train station. The first thing we saw when we walked into the courtyard was a brightly lit sign with a staring elf on it. When we stepped into the reception room we noticed that elves were a theme throughout the entire hostel, little they were placed everywhere. No wonder it’s called Hostel Elf, haha. Apart from the (a bit scary) elves, it was a very good hostel, it was very cheap, central, pretty fresh and a small breakfast buffet was included in the price. After a night’s sleep, we went out to discover the city. We wandered around among the beautiful pastel-colored houses, visited the Charles Bridge (last picture) which was nice but completely full of tourists and Lennon wall (fourth photo), a wall filled with graffiti and Beatles lyrics as a tribute to John Lennon. Everything is incredibly cheap in Prague, so during the days we spent there, we probably lived far below our budget, which was nice when we arrived the next (slightly more expensive) city-Venice.

8 responses to “TÅGLUFFEN DEL 3- PRAG

  1. adela says:

    OMG,im from czech republic!!! its cool your here!!

  2. senni says:

    do you still have interrail trip? i though that you have school now.

  3. ebbazingmark says:

    senni: No, I’m back! I’m just making posts about the trip 🙂

  4. Romi says:

    I’ve been there too and your photo’s just describe how beautiful it is!

  5. katy vess says:

    i was also at the john lennon´s wall, freaking stunning!


  6. orin kadoori says:

    so pretty !
    amazing view 🙂

  7. Eline says:

    Wow, it looks beautiful there! Me and some friends are also planning to do a interrail trip in Europe next summer. I was wondering, how many places did you visit in total in how many days?

  8. Petra says:

    I am from Czech republic too. Prague is very beautiful city!

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