Såhär har mina senaste två veckor sett ut genom instagram. En grym Londonhelg, klänningsplåtningar, sushi och pizza i solen. Kort och gott har jag haft två riktigt bra veckor! Jag är ju en sucker för sushi så jag måste nog säga att jag gillar den bilden mest. Har ni någon favvobild?
Here’s how my last two weeks have looked like through my instagram. An awesome weekend in London, dress shootings, sushi and pizza in the sun. In short, I’ve had two really good weeks! I’m a sucker for sushi so I have to say that I like the sushi-pic the most this time. Do you have any fave picture?
You’ll love Turkey. I’ve only been to Istanbul but not even two weeks there were enough to soak in the entire city. It’s a wonderful culture and beautiful place.
I’ve been thinking about dying my hair, what hair color product do you recommend?
Svar till MarÃa Espinosa:
Oh, I’m so excited now!!
I usually use Loreal preferience and that works fine!
Mmmm blev så sugen på latte nu!!!
Svar till ebbazingmark:
Thanks! I’ll try it on my hair, maybe as a new summer look.
LOREAL???? I thought youre a vegan….
Svar till whispyr:
What do you mean by that? Animal testing (and selling animal tested products) is illegal in Sweden
Svar till ebbazingmark:
yes, maybe, but consider that loreal is HUGE international company, they have headquaters not only in France but also in New York and they sell their products in China where testing on animals is required. So they still test on animals outside European Union. And your money goes to the company who supports and continues animal testing…