Strolling in Stockholm






Pants- Motel Rocks, Shoes- Sarenza, jacket- 5preview, backpack- grafea.


Så här såg jag faktiskt ut både i fredags och i lördags. Eftersom det varit så sinnessjukt varmt i Umeå den senaste tiden så tänkte jag att det skulle vara ännu varmare i Stockholm, men eftersom det var mulet och ganska kallt kunde jag inte ha kjolen och tishan som jag planerat, haha. Idag ska jag mest softa hemma och ta igen mig efter en intensiv och sjukt rolig helg. Hörs sen!


This is what I looked like both Friday and Saturday, haha. I thought it would be really hot in Stockholm since it has been so insanely hot here in Umeå recently, but it was cloudy and quite cold when I got there so I couldn’t have the skirt and tee I planned to wear, haha. Today I’ll take it easy at home and catch up on me after an intense and fun weekend. Later guys!

11 responses to “Strolling in Stockholm

  1. Jeline says:

    You look so amazing. Love your pants! I have the skirt version of that hehe.

  2. Carola says:

    this backpack is A-MAZING!

  3. Mayflower says:

    Love this outfit, I have to get those pants!

  4. Veronica says:

    Men åh, jag bara älskar väskan! Så fin!

  5. Eva says:

    Those trousers are awesome! xx


  6. Elizabeth says:

    I love this feature darling, your hair is beautiful and love those pants!
    Elizabeth x

  7. Niki says:

    So cool! I love the blue and the pattern of the pants!

  8. Angelica says:

    Love all the blue! So beautiful x

  9. clara says:

    så fint 😀

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