SQUARES AND APPLES (on my way to the zoo)







Shoes- Sarenza, Coat- Monki, scarf- Urban Outfitters

Såhär såg jag ut på väg till zoo:et förra veckan. Chill!
Idag kommer jag hem från alperna, har säkert masssor av bilder att visa er imorgon. Ha det superfint tills dess!

Here’s how I looked on the way to the zoo last week. Chill!
Today I’m back from the Alps and I have a buuunch of pictures to show you tomorrow. Have a lovely saturday!

5 responses to “SQUARES AND APPLES (on my way to the zoo)

  1. ISA says:

    vilken mysig halsduk! och nyfiken person som står och stirrar i bakgrunden 😉

  2. Maria says:

    Hvor er skjerfet/ halsduken kjøpt? 🙂

  3. Rae says:

    Lovely outfit as always. You do oversized minimalistic fashion so well.

    Rae | Love from Berlin

  4. Diane says:

    From where those gorgeouse shoes are they coming from?! Where can I buy them? *_*

  5. Hi Ebba! I just want to ask you which camera did you use in this photoshoot and which lens are on it? 🙂
    I follow you from ages ago and I really really love you style in every its shades!

    Greetings from Italy 😉

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