Pants-, earring- 21diamonds, jacket and shirt-2hand, shoes- Sarenza.

Trivs himla bra i den här androgyna looken, det är så bekvämt och avslappnat på något vis. Det blir extra kul att väga upp med de glammiga örhängena också. Vad tycker ni?

I’m soo comfortable in the androgynous look, it’s so comfortable and relaxed in some way. It’s fun to compensate it with elegant earrings too. What do you think?

18 responses to “SIDEWALK SUNSET

  1. Mireia says:

    That look suits you so much!
    You look extremely beautiful!!



  2. Kakan!!! says:

    Om det känns bekvämt och avslappnar borde du ha på dig det varje dag!;) puss<3

  3. Lama says:

    Really like this androgynous look on you, seriously in love with the ashy tone hair colour also beaut!

  4. pelle says:

    hej ebba! fin outfit, som vanligt. ser att du har rätt så mkt plagg från choies så tänkte höra med dig om du brukar få betala tullavgift på dina beställningar?

  5. Juliet says:

    This blog is so cool ! love it

  6. lil says:

    I really love this haircolor. especially in picture 6. the nuances are so beautiful.

  7. Eva says:

    Great outfit, seriously in love with those pants! xx

  8. Lise Kapris says:

    Hello!! It is very stylish look, casual one) and I like your earrings so much! Very actual and modern! Large jewelry is popular nowadays. I am crazy of necklaces like these Do u like it?

    Wish u all the best and good luck in your career!!

    Lise Kapris

  9. Marte Kristine - Photography says:


  10. Lise Kapris says:

    Like your earrings so much! Large jewelry is extremely popular now) have a look at necklaces, I like these!
    What about u?
    Wish u all the best!


  11. Hayley says:

    you look amazing in the androgynus look! It suits you so so so so much!

    Hayley xx

  12. sara says:

    Uaaaaa, the third pic is absolutely perfect. I think that is PERFECT the mix androgynous plus elegant earrings. You have always super ideas.

  13. Isa says:

    Love this! So relaxed… so European! And you have such great hair!

  14. Jason says:

    i like ur earings, and you are getting sophistcated compared to last year. r u really a student? Or a professional model?

  15. Pouline says:

    galet vacker är du! x

  16. Jeline says:

    you are amazing!! i love this look and i love how you can pull off just about anything! <3

  17. ulrika says:

    förstår att du trivs för du passar verkligen apbra i denna sorterns looker!!

  18. Alicia says:

    Yes it really really fit you!!:)

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