Passade på att snabbknäppa några bilder i studion innan jag drog iväg till eventet i torsdags. Så här såg jag ut! Visar er hela looken imorgon. Idag har jag spenderat 30% av dagen i skogen, 30% i köket och nu ska jag packa ihop minipirogerna jag knåpat ihop för att spendera de sista 30% med knytkalas hos Karin. Himla trevligt! Ha en mysig kväll allesammans!

I took the opportunity to snap a few quick pictures in the studio before I headed to the event last Thursday. This is what I looked like! I’ll show you the entire look tomorrow. Today I’ve spent 30% of the day walking in the forest, 30% in the kitchen and now I’ll pack the mini pierogis (I think it’s called pierogis in english, but I’m not sure) I’ve made to spend the last 30% of the day with buffet dinner at Karin’s apartment. Amazingly nice! Have a nice evening everyone.

8 responses to “SATURDAY EVENING

  1. Linda says:

    Du ser fantastisk ut! 🙂

  2. k. says:

    what kind of pierogi did you make?

  3. Lyudmyla says:

    Did you hurt your leg, dear?

  4. Tram says:

    Nice photographs

  5. katy vess says:

    amazing photos, ebba! love the shoes!

  6. Marte Kristine - Photography says:


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