
Några snapshots på en after work-trött Ebba häromdagen iförd DrDenim. Idag ska jag varva jobb med så mycket vila det bara går, varje centimeter av min kropp skriker efter sängen. Känns ändå helt värt det med tanke på hur himla himla kul det var att plåta med Lacoste, och hur fett resultatet kommer bli!

Some snapshots of an after-work tired Ebba the other day wearing DrDenim. Today I’ll work at home and get as much rest as possible, every centimeter of my body screams for the bed. But it was totally worth it considering how amazingly much fun it was to shoot with Lacoste, and how great the result will be!

2 responses to “SAND/SHADE

  1. ISA says:

    Olik dig tycker jag! är det brynen måntro? dock lite snygg as always! 😉

  2. Eugenia says:

    Hi, Ebba! It is the first time I’m commenting in one of your posts, just because I felt so so bad about my english, but after seeing this photos, I just have to say something.
    I discovered you a month ago, and everyday I check your web. I love the grown-up and fun style you have. Most of the time, when I find this kind of blogs, I see the same things over and over: It is not like this in here. I truly love your web. It is one of my favorites because of the warmness – is that the correct word? – you transmit.
    So, that is all. I really hope you can answer me! Or, at least, see the comment! Stay wonderful! Kisses from Argentina <3

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