Glad lucia på er (säger man ens så?)! Min morgon har börjat i sann jul-anda med världens finaste luciatåg på skolan. Resten av dagen kommer jag dessvärre behöva vika åt plugg, jag har ett ENORMT no-prov imorgon. Uh…  Här ovan ser ni i alla fall resten av bilderna jag visade er igår. Missmatchade totalt med gamla secondhand addidas-dojjor, en ball klänning av den duktiga MUUSE-designern David Vallance och så kronan då. Tycker det är roligt att experimentera på det viset, och visst blev resultatet ganska ballt?

Good day guys! My morning started in true Christmas spirit with a Saint Lucy’s Day performance at school (a Swedish christmas tradition, do you celebrate it in other countries too?). The rest of the day, I-ll unfortunately have to fold to studies, I’ve got a HUGE nature science-test tomorrow. Uh … Here above you see the rest of the pictures I showed you yesterday. I miss-matched totally with old second hand addidas-shoes, a cool dress by the talented Muuse-designer David Vallance and so the crown from Regalrose. Think it’s fun to experiment with unexpected combinations in this way. The result was pretty cool, huh?

11 responses to “ROYALE

  1. sara says:

    Ahahahahah, can’t believe u mixed the crown and the dress with snekers…you know what, it suits you perfectly, love it.
    p.s. We have… Santa Lucia too in Italy we say: Santa Lucia, il giorno più corto che ci sia. (Saint Lucy’s day, the shorter day), but we don’t celebrate it, at least in my region (according to wiki we do it)…What do you do????

  2. ebbazingmark says:

    sara: Thank you! Haha, okay! We eat saffron buns and have “lucia trains” (try image google “luciatåg”), it’s really cozy!

  3. Trâm says:

    I love your hair!

  4. Sara says:

    Hi Ebba I’m from Poland and I think sankta lucia is a typically a Swedish hollyday. Although we do celebrate it in our school thanks to our swedish teacher 😉 I think it’s amazingly nice tradition and I wish it was more popular.;)

  5. Mireia M. says:

    In Spain we don’t celebrate it neither. although it’s a famous day.
    But in Barcelona there is a christmas market called “Fira de Santa Llúcia” (Saint Lucy’s Fair) 🙂

  6. Anja says:

    Really nice combination, the lace crown is so lovely elegant.
    Just heard in the news show that Saint Lucy day is also celebrated in the north-east of my country (Slovenia) – never heard this before. But i think that the whole ceremony is slightly different than in Sweden. 🙂

  7. Pip says:

    Such a cool combination, you look as beautiful as ever 🙂 we don’t have Saint Lucy’s Day in England, I’d never even heard of it before! It sounds lovely though, I hope you had a nice day! Good luck on your test!

    Pip x

  8. Anonym says:

    Vill bara säga att Lucia inte är en “christmas tradition” utan en helt fristående grej! 🙂 Många blandar dock ihop det för att det ligger så nära jul, men egentligen har Lucia inget att göra med julen alls…*besserwisser*
    Aja, kram på dig!

  9. mosolacewigs says:

    I love your dress ! amazing

  10. JJ says:

    We do have Santa Lucia in some parts of Italy! For example here in my city we celebrate it (kids receive presents which are sad to be brought by Saint Lucy during the night), but in Milan (which is where my mother comes from, and it’s only like 1h away) they don’t!

    Loved the way you combined the crown with the dress and the sneakers! It is sooo cool!

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