Hade redan plåtat en look med tishan innan jag hunnit köpa någon tygpenna, så nu fick jag ett tillfälle att glänsa med mina färdigheter i photoshop istället, haha! Resten av looken får ni imorgon, nu ska jag pallra mig hem till syrran för att bli bjuden på gomiddag och sedan ut och fira att påsklovet har börjat med mina vänner. Ha en fin kväll hörrni!

Haha, I had already shot a look with the tee before I had bought a fabric pencil, so now I got the chance to show off my skills in photoshop instead, haha! I’ll show yoy the rest of this look tomorrow, now I’m off to my sister who has invited me for dinner and later out to celebrate that the Easter break has started with my friends. Have a nice evening guys!

6 responses to “PEACE

  1. Lisa says:

    Men guuuud vad fint!

  2. Rona says:

    You are extremely beautiful! Love that look on your face and the outfit 🙂

    Dress To Cook Blog

  3. Elly says:

    haha, I think this t-shirt is very special now. you look so beautiful but I like your red hair better! So please, don’t cut your hair. 🙂

  4. virginia says:

    well i think that what you did on that shirt is a waste of time because that peace simbol is satanic :[

  5. stella says:

    a nice look, but in my opinion the jeans are very unflattering!

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