Intervju med Yuri Lee- kvinnan som skapade Lookbook!

Förresten- nĂ„gra av er kanske lade mĂ€rke till artikeln som dök upp pĂ„ modettes framsida för ett par dagar sedan. Jag har intervjuat den grymt inspirerande och nytĂ€nkande tjejen Yuri Lee- grundaren av LĂ€s den HÄR! Nedan kan du lĂ€sa originalversionen utan översĂ€ttning.

Translate: By the way, some of you may noticed the article that appeared on modettes frontpage for a few days ago. My interview with inspiring and innovative Yuri Lee- the founder of I thought I’d publish the un-translated version here too, so those of you who don’t understand swedish can read all of her interesting answers!

Hi Yuri! How did you come up with the idea of and how did you get where you are today?

My boyfriend and I started in April 2008 out of our
apartment in San Francisco. My boyfriend did all the programming for
the site and I was responsible for just about everything else. At the time I was hooked on street style
blogs like The Sartorialist and WAYWT (what are you wearing today)
sites. We realized that fashion was just starting to become popular on
the internet and we soon came up with the idea for – a
collective fashion consciousness where people from all over the world
can share their style. is a grass roots movement that has
grown through word of mouth and from the support of our amazing

Did you ever believe that it would grow this big?

We knew within a few months was something special, but
we’re still amazed today by the support we’ve received from the
fashion community. We now have over 800,000 registered users with
around 2,000 new looks posted to the site everyday!

What are you hoping to achieve within the next 5 years?

We would like to continue growing, inspiring and creating more
opportunities for our community. In the short term we have a few major
projects in progress that will launch this year!

What’s important in your life right now?

My life revolves around, so naturally fashion is important
to me. I’ve been traveling all last month to meet fashion brands and
lookbookers. After developing an email relationship with these brands
and lookbookers, it’s wonderful to finally have met them in person!

Finally- Name three persons who inspires you!

Steve Jobs – he was definitely a prickly character, but he got the job done.
Anna Wintour – a woman fiercely dedicated to fashion.
The LB community – not a person, but the whole community inspires everyday!


Bilder frÄn gÄrdagens plÄtning! SÄ himla kul att fÄ prova pÄ lite mer extrem styling för en gÄng skull. Bilderna kommer att dyka upp i make up-tidningen GLOW inom en mÄnad. SpÀnnande!

Translate: Pictures from yesterday’s photoshoot! It’s fun to try out a little more extreme styling for once. The images will be published in the make-up magazine GLOW within a month. Exciting!


SÄ hÀr ser jag ut idag, nÀr jag inte stÄr framför kamera det vill sÀga.  Jacka-2hand, brallor-IWearSin, kepa-Tshirtstore och docs. PlÄtningen kommer ta hela dagen sÄ vi fÄr se om jag hinner uppdatera nÀr jag kommer hem ikvÀll, men jag lovar att visa er backstage-bilder sedan! Annars sÄ önskar jag er en soft söndag kompisar. Puss pÄ er.

Translate: This is how I look today, when I’m not standing in front of the camera. Jacket-2hand, pants-IWearSin, Cap-Tshirtstore and docs. The photoshoot will take all day so we’ll see if I’ll be able to update when I get home tonight, but I promise to show your backstage photos then! Otherwise I wish you a soft Sunday friends. Hugs!


Snygga My, Marie och Frida pĂ„ frukosten imorse. AlltsĂ„. Det finns inget som klĂ„r en fet jĂ€kla hotellfrukost efter tvĂ„ lĂ„nga och intensiva dagar. Ägg, pannkakor, nybakt bröd, latte, ostar… jag kan verkligen sitta hur lĂ€nge som helst och bara njuta, lyssna pĂ„ sorlet frĂ„n de andra gĂ€sternas bord och ladda inför dagen. Nu har jag Ă€ntligen landat i UmeĂ„ och ska packa upp, ladda om och gĂ„ till sĂ€ngs tidigt för att orka upp vid fem imorgon bitti för en dags plĂ„tning i PiteĂ„! Hörs sen guapas.

Translate: My, Marie and Frida at the breakfast this morning. There’s nothing like an enourmos hotel breakfast after two long and intense days. Eggs, pancakes,freshly baked breads, coffee, cheese … I can sit there forever and just enjoy it, listen to conversations at different languages and prepare for the day. Anyways. Now I’ve finally landed in UmeÄ to unpack my bags, reload and go to bed early in order to cope up at five am tomorrow morning for a photoshoot in PiteĂ„! Have a nice evening guys.