Do you smoke/drink/do drugs? Do any of your friends? I?ve never smoked (and never will) and I don?t do drugs. Sometimes I drink alcohol (no large amounts!), but I don?t want to inspire you to do the same! I really think you should be careful with drinking alcohol.
What is your favorite vegan meal and how do you keep in shape? I?m vegan too and I love vegan sweets! Hmm, I like many things! Grilled vegetables with soy mayonnaise and hummus is awesome, and vegan pizza too!
Ebba! i was wondering, what did you give to your sister for her birthday? I gave her the shoes I showed you and some Victoria?s Secret-stuff from my trip to NYC.
Jag har förstĂ„tt (eller inbillat mig) att du Ă€r vegan eller lakto-ovo-vegetarian. Hur blev du det? Jag blev lakto-ovo vegetarian nĂ€r jag var fjorton och det för första gĂ„ngen pĂ„ riktigt slog mig att kött var döda djur som dessutom (i de allra flesta fall) haft ovĂ€rdiga och plĂ„gsamma liv. Ăven om jag gillade smaken av kött kunde jag inte förmĂ„ mig att Ă€ta det lĂ€ngre, speciellt inte nĂ€r det Ă€r sĂ„ himla lĂ€tt att vara vegetarian. Jag blev vegan i somras efter att ha lĂ€st pĂ„ massor om Ă€gg- och mjölkindustrin och bestĂ€mde mig för att jag inte kunde stödja det med gott samvete heller.
hey ebba I saw you in youtube the other day here:ÂÂ I love the video and your dress..what is the background/story to the video? My friend Leo (the guy in the video) who?s interested in filming asked me if I wanted to act in that music video. I had never listened to the band before but now I must say I really like them!
Delaktig i demos? (demonstrationer) Jag deltog I nÄgra demostrationer under min högstadietid, dÄ mest för mÀnniskorÀtts- och hbtq-syften. Det var ett par Är sedan nu dock!
Where do you and your friends get the money to go on these interrail trips? Do you have a part-time job apart from blogging? Or does blogging and modeling give you enough allowance? We worked and saved money from birthdays and Christmas gifts etc. No, blogging and modelling are my only part time jobs, I get the money I need and I wouldn?t have time for anything else, haha.
 What do you think are the most important dos and donts, when it comes to blogging, what would you suggest for upcoming bloggers in cases of being internationally known? Keep your own style! Dare to stand out and be different, and take some time to interact with your readers in different ways!