HÀr Àr de snapshots jag han knÀppa under London-resan. Det regnade sÄklart i princip hela tiden (typiskt London, va!) sÄ det blev kanske inte sÄ mÄnga bilder som jag tÀnkt, men hellre det Àn en vattenskadad kamera, huh? Here we go:
Here are the snapshots I had the time to snap during the London trip. It rained all the time (typical London, right?) so I couldn’t take as many pics as I had planned, but few pics are better than a water damaged camera, huh? Haha. Here we go:

Jag kikade in i Motel Rocks pressrum för att kÀnna pÄ kommande nyheter. Mums sÀger jag bara. Min kÀrleksrelation till Motel gÄr ju way back, minns ni denna och denna look till exempel? Haha!
I visited the Motel Rocks showroom to see the upcoming news and I found soo many nice pieces! My love relationship with Motel Rocks goes way back, who remembers this and this look, for example? Haha!

Vi hann turista i Cinatown ocksÄ. Inte riktigt lika ball som den i New York, men det Àr nÄgot med den asiatiska atmosfÀren som jag verkligen dras till.
We had time to walk around in Cinatown too. Not quite as cool as the one in New York, but there’s still something with the Asian atmosphere that I really really like.

En visning hölls i en matt-butik. Gillar fjÀderkragen hÀr!
One of the fashion shows took place in a carpet store. I really like the feather collar here!

Vi tog Àven skydd ifrÄn regnet i Shopstyles apartment dÀr vi lyxade oss med gofika, manikyr och mingel.
We took cover from the rain in ShopStyle’s apartment where we had good coffee and sweets, manicures and mingle.

Varje dag gick vi genom St James Park för att ta oss till och frÄn Soho, dÀr modeveckan höll till. Det Àr en lite mindre park bredvid Hyde park och alltsÄ mahgaad vad fint det var dÀr nÀr vi promenerade hem i solnedgÄngen. Plus att det var fullt av söta svanar, Ànder och ekorrar. Mys.
Nu Àr vi tillbaka i Stockholm och ska precis hoppa pÄ planet till Milano, som Àr vÄrt sista stopp pÄ denna lilla europaturné innan vi Àntligen ÄtervÀnder till fina Berra!
We walked through St James Park every day to get to and from Soho, where the fashion week took place. It’s a smaller park next to Hyde park and it was so beautiful there when we walked back to the hotel at sunset. Plus it was full of sweet swans, ducks and squirrels. Cozy.
Now we’re back in Stockholm and soon we’ll jump on the plane to Milan, which is our last stop on this little Europe tour before we finally return to Berlin again!