I lördags anlÀnde vi i Mannheim klockan tvÄ efter en lÄng tÄgresa.
On Saturday we arrived in Mannheim at two o’clock after a long train journey.

Vi promenerade tvÄ smÄ kvarter frÄn stationen och kom in i denna fantastiska lobby pÄ Syte hotel.
We walked two blocks from the station straight into this stunning lobby at Syte hotel.

Och sedan fick vi komma in i detta suuuperfina hotellrum. The first Fashion Hotel Room, nÀrmare bestÀmt.
And then we get into this super nice hotel room. The first Fashion Hotel Room, more precisely.

Efter att ha slÀngt sig pÄ hotellsÀngen (obligatoriskt) sÄ provade vi igenom garderoben som var fylld av lyxiga Laurel-klÀder.
After throwing ourselves on the hotel bed (obligatory) we went cray in the walk in closet that was filled with luxurious Laurel clothing, and tried eeeverything.

…. och tog en prommis pĂ„ “stan” (knĂ€ppt vad alla stĂ€der plötsligt kĂ€nns sĂ„ smĂ„ i jĂ€mförelse med Berlin, Ă€ven fast jag bott i lilla UmeĂ„ större delen av mitt liv) i lyxiga nya outfits vi lĂ„nat frĂ„n rummet.
…. then we took a walk in “town” (it’s strange how all cities suddenly feels so small in comparison to Berlin, even though I’ve lived in super small UmeĂ„ the biggest part of my life) in the luxurious new outfits we borrowed from the room.

Middagen i hotellrestaurangen var god, men jag hade ÀndÄ uppskattat fler vego-alternativ pÄ menyn!
The dinner in the hotel restaurant was good, but I had appreciated more vego options on the menu!

MĂ€tta och glada halloween-dansade vi ut i natten!
Then we went out to halloween dance the night away!

Dagen dÀrpÄ tog vi lÄÄng sovmorgon eftersom frukostbuffén var öppen Ànda till tre (genialiskt). Riktigt bra var den dessutom!
The next day we took loooong sleep-in since the breakfast buffet was open until three (genious!). Plus it was suuper good!

DÀrefter packade vi ihop och hoppade pÄ tÄget igen. Det var en superkort men superkul resa! Hela fashion hotel-konceptet var en sÄ himla bra idé, det adderade verkligen nÄgonting till resan att fÄ bÄde miljö- och garderobsbyte. Man fick liksom gÄ in i en roll vilket kÀndes bÄde kul och avslappnande! Tack Syte och Laurel för att ni bjöd in oss!
Then we packed and got on the train again. It was a super short but super fun trip! The Fashion Hotel concept was such a good idea, it really added something to the trip to get both an environmental and a wardrobe change. Felt like you got to be someone else for a while, which felt both fun and relaxing! Thank you Syte and Laurel for having us!