Låt oss dyka in i vad som rört sig i mitt huvud den senaste veckan:

Let’s dive into what has been spinning in my head lately:

I fredags snurrade det på väldigt bra i lillhuvvet mitt. Kunde. Inte. Välja outfit inför SLEEKxHonor-eventet i Berlin, i såna situationer brukar det sluta med att jag fotar av mina alternativ (detta är alltså 3 av en tussing olika) och låter en väl vald jury välja. I detta fall bestod den av Mamma, Fanny och Sean. Hehe.

Last Friday there was a lot spinning in my head and I just Could. Not. Choose. which outfit to wear to the SLEEKxHonor event in Berlin. In these situations I usually end up taking photos of my options (this is just 3 of maaany different) and let a carefully picked jury choose. In this case my jury consisted of Mom, Fanny and Sean. Hehe.

Jag har spenderat varje ledig stund att pinteresta “compact living” och “smart storage” för att finna bra lösningar att få in alla mina saker i min lilla etta utan att behöva bygga om den till något slags förråd kombinerat med walk in closet. Har varit väldigt inne på sängar med förvaring. Till exempel finns ett flertal varianter på Trademax, sängarna kan hittas här (annons!).

I spent every spare moment searching for “compact living” and “smart storage” on pinterest to find good solutions to get all my stuff in to my little one room apartment without having to turn it into some kind of storage room combined with walk in closet. I’ve been thinking about getting a bed with storage. For example, there are several options at Trademax, the beds can be found here (ad!).

Något som jag försökt stänga ute ur huvudet i veckan har varit den dystopiska känsla som alla rapporter om allas vår Trump’s bisarra påhitt under sina första dagar på makten framkallar. Någonstans trodde jag nog att det skulle finnas något slags skyddsnät som hindrade de mest sjuka åtgärder han argumenterat för från att gå igenom, men icket. Jag orkar inte ta in allt just nu. Har lindrat känslan med women’s march-pepp och att maniskt print-screena fina bilder.

Something I’ve tried to keep out of my head lately is the dystopian feeling that all reports of Trump’s bizarre actions during his first days in power. Somehow I thought that there had to be some kind of safety net that prevented the most stupid actions he had been taking about from becoming reality, but apparently no. I just can’t take it all in right now. So I’ve distracted the bad feeling with encouraging reports from the women’s march and manic print screening nice photos.


  1. Rosa says:

    Hey Ebba! I just wanted to say I really like how you’ve started writing more about personal things, your thoughts and everyday life. It’s really interesting to read and I feel like it adds a level of integrity. In this post I also really liked the transparency about the link being an ad.

    So anyway, thank you for creating great content! (Also I do understand that writing long posts about personal thoughts and opinions isn’t something you can do all the time and I don’t mind more generic posts either – it’s very understandable especially considering the frequency at which you post and the fact that you’re also studying! I don’t know how you do it!)

  2. Acton says:

    Wow, I’m just really happy that I fint your blog. Your style is perfect. Don’t stop posting ,
    because I’m coming back.

  3. Acton says:

    Rocking!I really love the look, especially how you played with alphabets !Loved your style 🙂 🙂

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