Hej kompisar! Idag är det dags att ta upp nästa väldigt viktiga ämne som sommarbloggare för rädda barnen. Dagens inlägg handlar om skönhetsideal, självförtroende och att vända på kakan. Ni kan läsa det på svenska HÄR, nedan följer en översättning för mina utländska läsare.
Hi guys! It’s time to write about another important subject as a guest blogger for the Swededish Save The Children. You can read the original post HERE, but since it’s on swedish I’ve traslated it for you here:
Today’s beauty ideals are something that provokes many of us and unconsciously influences even more.
We often hear complaints about the underweight models whose spreading low self-esteem from their flood-lighted podiums, also known as the catwalks. How hard it is for someone with curves to accept their body shape because of the beauty ideals. How we young girls are starving ourselves to reach the pin-thin perfection in the magazine?s fashion editorials.
I would like you to look at this problem from another point of view. It’s not always just about losing weight. You can hear complaints about skinny people everywhere, whether they are bad role models or weak persons who have fallen for the sick ideals. Believe it or not, but many of us thin persons really haven?t chosen it ourselves. We are also affected by the beauty ideals, but instead of trying to lose weight we are cursing our boyish body shapes and stooly legs, longing to get hips and butt. And it?s just as hard hearing that you are too thin as hearing you are too fat.
Sometimes people tell me I?m spreading these sick ideals when I show pictures of myself in short shorts or a cropped top. I am very conscious of how I look but I do not understand the point of trying to hide it. I’m definitely skinnier than the average, because of my scoliosis, I have various big hips and I’m at least an inch longer than most of my friends. But you know what, I like it!
We humans are all built differently and there?s nothing we can do about it. It’s not about hiding away all individuals with a certain body shape just to avoid that they will contribute to some sort of twisted ideals. It’s about being happy with how you look, and you should rather show yourself than to hiding. It?s important that everyone realizes that there are infinitely different body types. It’s just as okay to be pear-shaped or hourglass-shaped as to have as much curves as an asparagus. Of course it’s sick and wrong that one body type is clearly over-represented in magazines, commercials, fashion shows and so on. But it is important to distinguish between image and reality. Look around you, in reality all sorts of people exist! Only you can decide to not be influenced by the media pretend-world of perfectly thin, curvy, big -eyed, long-legged models.
Therefore, I refuse to hide my body shape or change it (other than by health reasons), and I think that everyone else should do too. We humans come in different variations and none of them are too ugly to be presented. It may sound very cliché, but a confident and healthy person is a very beautiful human being, regardless of what waist size she or he has.
så bra skrivet Ebba!! och gud vilken gullig bild.
This is very inspiring. Very well said, Ebba! I enjoyed reading this post. <3
Så fruktansvärt bra skrivet. Är själv lika kurvig som en lyktstolpe… Fick höra sedast för 2-3 dagar sen att man ser mina ben vid axelpartiet syns så mycket att man kan jämföra mig med de svältande barnen i Afrika. Det kändes…
Men jag kan inte hjälpa det och ser helt enkelt ut såhär..
I don’t think people are saying that you are spreading unhealthy ideals because you are naturally very lean and slender. I think they are comparing pictures of you back in 2010, and
comparing them to what you look today, and especially what you looked like back in last autumn/winter.
But I think you made some VERY GOOD POINTS in your text.
I like this post very much, I agree with you.
så bra!
bra skrivet!
“And it?s just as hard hearing that you are too thin as hearing you are too fat.” Oh, I couldn’t agree more! It’s so embarrasing when the first thing you hear from some people when you meet them is -“Oh you are so thin and tall. Are you on diet?” And this suspicious look…when I say I’m not.
Thanks Ebba for sharing this
Why would you or other people be changed? ? It´s stupid idea . It would be boring if everyone were the same .I had listen some girl´s in school in last year how she says that she is thick , but she had cca 50 Kg ? OMG I don´t understand this
It´s crap.
” I have various big hips and I?m at least an inch longer than most of my friends. But you know what, I like it!
It is great view . Why you should something changing , if you are beautiful !
Aw Ebba, i loved this!
such an inspiration
Couldn’t agree more
Great job Ebba! You are beautiful this way, there is no need to hide your body. You are an inspiration because as young as you are you alredy understood that one has to be proud with who he is!
Så himla kloka ord folk borde ta till sig. Tack för att du fick ord på mina tankar !
Ebba this is a good text, but, seriously, arent you suffering from ED? two years ago you looked not so (extremely) thin. but maybe its just vegetarian food?
wow. love the photo!
Jättebra skrivet, jag undrar bara om du blev behandlad för din skolios på något sätt? Jag hade bostonkorsett i fem år och sedan har jag haft nattkorsett sedan dess.
hei til deg fra Norge.Kjempe bra skrevet, først vil jeg at jeg elsker bloggen din,stilen din,håret ditt og personligheten din. Jeg helt enig om det du har skrevet, men jeg har noe å tilføye;har du noen gang hørt en tynn person kalt lubben/normal-feit?? Det har jeg blitt kalt,jeg tok det rett til hjertet som videre førte til spiseforstyrrelser,jeg har forsatt mye fokus på kropp. Altså etter to år etter at jeg ble bedre. Tilslutt fikk jeg vite at den personen som sa det var misunnelig pga jeg var mye tynnere enn henne. Nå sliter hun med vrang forstilling når det gjelder mat og kropp. Hun har ingen helse problemer, men har fått helt ødelagt hår. Jeg snakker aldri med henne mer, men snart er det skole og vi skal begynne på samme klasse, kan du tipse meg om hvordan jeg kan omgå henne??
Acctually it was hard for me to read this, because I’m recovering from anorexia, I’m still not well. I understand all these things, and I think this all is true, only not for me. When I saw picture of you, Ebba, I cried myself to sleep. Since then I admire you, because, as I see you are perfect. I’ve always had problems with ideals, because in my eyes everyone has that thing which makes them perfect, and I have nothing.
Sorry for the coming out, I have hadon my mind for a long time.
Thanks for the article, great translation.
Bra skrivet tycker jag! Har haft ett liknande problem då jag under min uppväxt blivit kallad allt från anorexioffer till pinne fast jag ätit mer än de flesta jag känner. Ibland var det första folk så till mig “men guu vad smal du är” innan de ens hade sträckt fram handen och hälsat. Nu när jag är lite äldre ser min kropp lite annorlunda ut då jag fått mycket rumpa och höfter, jag älskar min kropp nu men önskar att jag kunde ha gjort det då också.
I was just catching up on your blog when I read this, and I just wanted to let you know this post has made my day. I can’t decided whether to smile or cry or do both at the same time. You are such an inspiration. I personally always struggle with my weight – I’d like to be thinner, but people tell me I’m already thin. And then you see people in magazines and think, but I’m so fat compared to them. I think what we see and what other people see is different.
But this post just really just shows that we are all different – and some of us are beautiful and thin (like you) and others are beautiful and not thin, but that doesn’t make them not beautiful. You are my favourite blogger ever, I hope that one day I can be like you, maybe not in body shape, or maybe not even in fashion terms, but in the mind. You are just a truly wonderful person, you’re always smiling and just being happy, and I think that’s the best thing in the world, no matter what size you are
Pip x
it’s simple to say something when you have a perfect shape like you! i’m small and have wide legs and nobody has ever said that i’m beautyful.
mange tusinde tak for dette indlæg!!
-en masse kærlighed herfra
Similarly, Lykke Li, Ebba
she is very a good singer 
Really good blog. Thumbs up!
Fantastic article. Looking forward for more posts like this.
nice job. Must be bookmarked:)