Hej guys! Måste bara passa på att tipsa er om att Modette dragit igång en ny omgång av Next in fashion! Det hela går ut på att Modette söker en ny modeprofil som kan åka på fashionweeks i London, Paris och Milano för deras räkning samt få ett exklusivt bloggkontrakt. Låter det lockande? Läs mer om tävlingen HÄR. Jag vet ju att jag har många kreativa och smarta läsare så jag håller tummarna för att någon av er vinner och får göra mig sällskap här på modette. Lycka till!

Hey guys! I just have to take the opportunity to tell you that Modette has started a new round of Next in fashion! Basically Modette is looking for a new fashion profile that can represent them at fashionweeks in London, Paris and Milan and get an exclusive blog contract. Sounds tempting? Read more about the contest HERE. I know that I have many creative and smart readers, so I keep my fingers crossed that one of you will win and get to join me here on Modette. I don’t know if it’s open for international participants, but you can always try. Good Luck!

5 responses to “NEXT IN FASHION

  1. Anonymous says:

    what do we preciesly have to do? we cant read in swedish, can you please explain? thanks

  2. lina says:

    fan vad fett! jag måste ta chansen!!

  3. Alejandra says:

    Hi my dear ebba, i’m not swedish and i would like to participate so, could you explain it on a post cause i don’t understand it
    My email is please write me back

  4. Anonymous says:

    pls do not email it, explain it to all of your non-swedish readers

  5. Marie says:

    Hello Ebba !
    Could you make a post for your non swedish readers ? Because I’d like to participate to the contest, I created a blog but I don’t understand a word ! I tried to send an email to nextinfashion but I do not have any response ….
    Thank you very much !
    Here is my email :

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