Här kommer en tjuvkik på morgondagens bilder, min andra look för Le Bunny Bleu. Förresten, nu är det hög tid att publicera vinnaren i Iconemesis-tävlingen, eller hur? Ledsen att det tagit så lång tid, jag hade helt glömt bort det. Okej, vinnaren är…. Nike! Grattis. Ni som inte vann kan hålla ögonen på bloggen, snart publicerar jag ännu en liten tävling jag tror ni kommer gilla. Ha en bra dag kompisar!

Here’s a sneakpeek of tomorrows pictures, my second look for Le Bunny Bleu. By the way, it’s about time to publish the winner in Iconemesis contest, don’t you think? Okay, the winner is …. Nike! Congrats. Those of you who did not win can keep your eyes on the blog, I’ll publish another a little competition I think you’ll like. Have a great day friends!

7 responses to “MOVE ON

  1. Eva says:

    Looks great, already in love the trousers! xx

  2. Myrthe says:

    The shoes are so cool, i am craving for the blue/brown pair from your first look for lebunnyblue !

  3. sara says:

    uaaa, love the first pic!!!! And amazing checkered trousers!!!!!!!!

  4. Paula says:

    beautiful blog 🙂

  5. Karolina says:

    oh dear, I’m so jelous about your beauty! Anyways, I’ve got a question: how do you do that special effect on your pics? I mean, that kind of ‘many times the same picture’ like it was moving or something..

  6. ebbazingmark says:

    Karolina: THANKS 😀 I use the layers in photoshop 🙂

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