Morning in Milan!

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God morgon! Jag sitter just nu och käkar jordgubbar och biscottis till frukost i en stor vit lägenhet i centrala Milano, det är plusgrader och soligt ute och allt känns lite för bra för att vara sant. Paolo och Ashleigh från Lovelysally hämtade upp mig på flygplatsen vid 8-tiden igår, därefter åkte vi till en superfin vegansk restaurang och käkade. Jag bor i en otroligt snygg lägenhet här men den ville inte riktigt fastna på bild när jag försökte fota den, så jag gjorde en liten video istället (råkade lägga på något konstigt filter dock, men ni ser ju i alla fall på ett ungefär hur det ser ut). Nu måste jag göra mig redo för dagens plåtning, ha en fin lördag allesammans!

Good morning! At the moment I’m sitting and eating strawberries and biscottis for breakfast in a big white apartment in the center of Milan, it is sunny and pretty warm (at least not that cold) outside, and everything feels a bit too good to be true. Paolo and Ashleigh from Lovely Sally picked me up at the airport at 8 o’clock last night, then we went to a super nice vegan restaurant for dinner. I live in an incredibly stylish apartment here but it didn’t really come out so well on photo when I tried to shoot it, so I made a little video instead (but I accidentally put on some strange filter, however, but you get a sense of what it looks). Now I have to make myself ready for the day’s shoot, have a great Saturday everyone!

7 responses to “Morning in Milan!

  1. Lara says:

    Hey Ebba! I’ve been following your blog for a couple of months now and it’s crazy you’re in Milan now, because I’m from Milan 🙂
    Let me give you some tips of what you should absolutely see!
    First of all, one thing you can’t miss is the Dome, but I’m sure you already though about it!
    An area I love to hang out in is “Brera”, full of beautiful little cafés and stunning when the sun is shining. I love the atmosphere there, especially on satuday afternoons and nights. It’s 10 minutes from the city centre so you should absolutely check it out.
    Also “Parco Sempione”, is a very nice and big park. I love go cycling there.
    I hope you’ll have a great time in Milan!

  2. Liza says:

    Cool vlog entry, really. By the way, for some reasons in Milan you are hardly ever able to find temples. Rather churces. However you have so lovely voice Ebba haha. It was the such the perfectly appropriate time to talk in English during one of your vids. xxx

  3. Anonymous says:

    Ebba, you are cute:)

  4. CarolinaBK says:

    I am from Turin, 2 hours from Milan.. and I can say that you are in an amazing city! Enjoy it!!
    Great pic!

  5. Tanja says:

    Brings a little bit of sun to my grey weekend full of studying 🙂 Enjoy yourself, Ebba! 🙂

  6. Tra Mi says:

    the apartment is very fresh looking and inspiring

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