Idag sitter jag med plugg upp till öronen och är mest arg på hela skolan. Jag har alltid haft väldigt lätt för mig i de flesta ämnen men just nu känns allting lite hopplöst, lärare har verkligen en tendens att lägga alla prov och inlämningar på en och samma vecka. Om bloggen blir lite lidande i veckan så vet ni alltså varför, även om jag ska försöka ha tid för båda. Önskar jag kunde dela upp mig i två ibland. Har ni några bra pluggtips?

Today I sitting by my desk with a never-ending pile of homework, angry about everything that has to do with school. I’ve always been a “good student” and thought most subjects is really easy, but right now everything feels a bit hopeless. Teachers really have a tendency to put all the tests and assignments in the same week. I’ll really try to have time for both school and my blog this week, but if the update is a little late you know why. Sometimes I wish I could split myself in two. Do you have any good studying-tips?

14 responses to “MONDAY

  1. JJ says:

    My “studying-tips” are: – don’t try to do everything at once & – take your time. Just split the amount of stuff you have in subjects and also the time you have, take some time for snacks/relaxing (even a bunch of minutes might be enough!). Hope you’ll manage, even though I’m here commenting I’m in the same position as you! 😀

  2. Hanna says:

    Jag har just själv börjat med att klocka 25min pluggpass och sedan måste man ta en kortare paus, kan vara 5-10 min och bara resa sig, kanske lyssna på en bra låt om man annars pluggar utan musik. Eller läsa ett blogginlägg 🙂 men framför allt röra sig lite. Jag gillar 25-minuterskonceptet, det blir effektivt och känns översiktligt och inte ouppnåerligt, lycka till!

  3. Flora says:

    I have to learn the next two weeks straigt. I hate it, too.

  4. Orsolya says:

    For me it helps a lot when i have no time to read the whole stuff again, just once, that after a few pages i say the most important things out loud, and then i realize if i didn’t got it and i can remember later a loot more. Aanyways keep on, i’m learning all the time too (and as being a medical student that will go on like thin in the next 5,5 years:)

  5. ebbazingmark says:

    Orsolya: Thank you for the tip! I’ll try it. Wow, 5 years! You are a fighter, haha 🙂

  6. ebbazingmark says:

    Hanna: Åh, tack! Det är ett asbra tips, jag har så svårt att koncentrera mig på samma sak i längre stunder!

  7. Lyudmyla says:

    Hm, your math looks pretty easy. Maybe you need help?

  8. ebbazingmark says:

    JJ: Thank you for your tip! And good luck with your studying! 🙂

  9. Michelle Lee says:

    totally understand how you feel 🙂
    just eventually you’ll feel it better when you try to find confidence in every decision you make and basically how you’re living your life right now
    for me endless coffee, reading magazines and these blogs, music are great supporters to help me get through endless duties and exams
    good luck with everything!

  10. Flickan som gick barfota says:

    Loove le pic jao!

  11. Rox says:

    What actually helps me is setting up goals, such as: in 1 hour, I will read one chapter and then, in 30 minutes I’ll try to review the most important aspects of that chapter. Then, after I have fulfilled my goal with respect to the workload and within that time frame, I am rewarding myself with – reading the new posts from a blog, 15 minutes walk, talk to the phone with a friend, check facebook/pinterest/lookbook, eat an apple. This helps me keep my motivation up (when the subject itself doesn’t do the job) and somehow makes me be totally focused on my studying for 1h30) :). Good luck! 🙂

  12. Mireia M. says:

    Love the photo!!
    Have you taken it??

    I don’t have tips… Only concentration and time… I totally understand you about teachers! i’m now in college, but last year ir school I wrote an essay about that for spanish! hahahahha (they put me 9 out of 10, but they continued doing that….) 😉

  13. Ida says:

    Jag brukar göra små anteckningar, tankekartor och stryka under det som är viktigt med pennor olika färger. Prioritera det som är viktigast eller går snabbast att göra. Sedan lite bra musik som man taggar till av och en kopp te så brukar det mesta lösa sig.

  14. Bilde says:

    Hola! I’ve been reading your site for some time now and finally got the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from Lubbock Tx! Just wanted to tell you keep up the great job!

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