Klänning (instoppad) och kjol- Romwe, Kameraväska- Grafea, brillor-H&M och skor- 2hand.

Idag skiner solen, 99% av terminens skoluppgifter är slutförda och om en vecka går jag ut ettan. Så himla härligt. När får ni sommarlov där ute?

Dress (tucked in) and skirt-Romwe, Camera bag-Grafea, glasses- H&M and shoes-2hand.

Today the sun is shining, 99% of the semester’s school assignments are complete and in a week school ends. Sooo nice. When do you get summer vacation guys?

29 responses to “MÅNDAGSSOL.

  1. emma says:

    how tall are you? it would be nice if answer 🙂

  2. brae says:

    Love this look! The photos look so magical


  3. frida says:

    beautiful photos!!

  4. Kasia says:

    Amazing look! I love this animal printed dress and oversized lennon glasses <3

  5. Ebba Zingmark says:

    Emma: I’m 180 cm tall 🙂

  6. Hanne says:

    Vi får sommarlov i juli och augusti, men först har vi tentor för fyra veckar 🙁 Men solen skiner inte, alltså då är det lite lättare att stanna inne.

  7. Stephanie says:

    This dress looks so good with this yellow skirt! I absolutely love the print!
    You’re lucky to be out of school next week! In Canada, we’re not finished school until the end of June.

  8. Marie says:

    This dress is amazing, I love animal print too ^^
    I finish school on Friday ! I’m soo happy but in the same time it’s hard to leave your classmate, I have had such a great class this year, I’m going to miss them so much. Hope to see them the next year 🙂


  9. Mira says:

    Sweet like candy. Love it 😀

  10. emilia says:

    woooaah, ebba 180 cm! i wish i would be that tall! and i also wish i’d get vacation next week like you do. mine starts not until the middle of july, poor me!

  11. Iris says:

    So adorable, super lovely colors and beautiful pattern! I have a holiday right now too, but I am working…Anyways, happy holiday dear:)♥!

  12. isabel says:

    wow, I’ve been reading your blog for quite a while now but this is definitely my favorite look of you in months!! good one <3

  13. Kate says:

    You look perfect, in general you always look perfect 🙂

  14. Nora says:

    Helgrym outfit Ebba! Och måste säga att jag älskar dina rosa slingor. När fixade du dem? Och hur gjorde du dem? Är nämligen sjukt sugen på att fixa slingor själv, fast i ljusblått!

  15. Virag says:

    Our semester ends on the 15th of June, which is exactly one day before my birthday. If this is not the greatest present, i don’t know what is it (:

  16. Gaby Fuentes says:

    so beautiful! love the colors!


  17. sahra says:

    great look!
    lovee that top 😀

    XO Sahra

  18. Jeline says:

    Stunning. Love your top xx


  19. StarryGroove says:

    Love your animal tee so much~!! <3

  20. Valentina says:

    Amazing style dear!
    Follow back?

  21. paulina says:

    ooooooooooh ännu en snygg outfit!!

  22. Katarina says:

    Hyyy! Love this outfit!
    I was just wondering, do you wear this kinda outfits during the day, to school or something? Because I feel pretty uncomfortable wearing this kinda skirts during the usual day 🙂 Please answer! Greetings*

  23. Emma says:

    Grymt snyggt!

  24. Ebba Zingmark says:

    Katarina: If I feel like it I wear it in school, but often I’m so tired when I get up early in the morning that I just put on something comfy, haha. But when I go out after school/in the evenings I wear more interesting clothes, like this!

  25. Majo says:

    På tisdag. Dock har jag typ inga skoluppgifter kvar, eftersom betygen är satta… Längtar!

  26. Saint Allison says:

    Loving that pop of yellow against your print skirt!


  27. Ingrid says:

    Did my last exam (out of seven!) on monday, so my vacation’s already started:) Oh, and you look adorable! I wish I looked as good in Lennon-style sunglasses as you do!

  28. Britney says:

    I love that yellow skirt!
    I finish up this semesters exams at university in two weeks and then I can relax for a lil’ bit!! yay. Until second semester
    -Britney of Lemonwood and Honey

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