Det är podd-dags! I veckans avsnitt pratar jag och syrran om ett ämne jag kan sitta på flashback (och Fanny med en Illustrerad vetenskap i handen) och läsa om i evigheter, nämligen framtiden! Vi snackar om allt ifrån klimathotet till framtidens teknik och universums undergång. Två nördar som gottar ner sig i ett riktigt smaskigt ämne helt enkelt. Enjoy! (och glöm inte att maila oss på ebbaochfanny@gmail.com om ni har förslag, frågor eller funderingar!)



It’s time for a new podcast episode! This week we are talking about the future!


  1. Aaron says:

    I read today about a computer or robot that passed something called the “Turing test”, and that this was a significant achievement in the development of AI, artificial intelligence, and the concerning possibility that they could someday become like the “self-aware” machines of James Cameron’s Terminator series or Isaac Asimov’s “I, Robot”. Climate change is real and is the most serious issue facing humankind. I would imagine in northern Europe the effects have not been dramatic hitherto, but the melting of Greenland and other ice globally could shut down the gulf stream by altering the salinity balance necessary for it’s flow and the mild temperatures it carries north, which would be the worst case scenario for Scandinavia, as it would make it actually colder, much colder as a matter of fact. There is going to be an El Niño this fall which will make very extreme changes to US weather, and it could be one of the strongest ones yet.

  2. Aaron says:

    haha, I knew that would look all messed up, the Spanish tilde of the lower case n, for El Nino, was correct when I typed it, but now it’s jumbled up, the alt-code is supposed to be universally acceptable, but seems like when it’s translated, it won’t appear as typed.

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