
Jag har intervjuats för den australiensiska kill-tidningen ACCLAIM magazine’s hemsida. För en gångs skull handlar det inte om hur vi tjejer klär oss, nu är det dags att lägga lite press på killarna också. Jag vet att ni grabbar som läser min blogg är få, så titta extra noga nu. Detta är för er!

I have been interviewed for the Australian male magazine ACCLAIM’s website. For once it’s not about how we girls dress, now it’s time to put some pressure on the boys too. I know you boys who follows my blog are few, so read extra carefully now. This is for you!

5 responses to “Killprat.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hi Ebba I want to say that there were a lot of interesting facts ( about you that I think will be intresting to every guy whoo follows your blog.

  2. Gurra says:

    Yes, äntligen!!

  3. Marishka says:

    Haha ! That’s funny to see your point of view about guys 😉 And well, after reading that i was just wondering… do you have any defects? Because you seem not to! you are funny and smart. My god Ebba, you are FANTASTIC !! ^^

  4. Trâm says:

    great interview 🙂

  5. Evangelina says:

    Det här blir spännande att läsa!!

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