




Ni vet dom helgerna då man kanske haft liite för kul och spenderat lite för lite tid på saker som jobb och städning? Den här helgen har varit precis en sådan helg. Därför bjuder jag här på en gammal favvolook i brist på nytt bildmaterial. Hoppas ni haft en fin söndag kompisar!

You know those weekends when they might have had a little too fun and spent a bit too little time on things like work and cleaning? This weekend has been exactly that kind of weekend. Therefore I give you some good old favorite looks in this post in absence of new material. Hope you’ve had a nice Sunday buddies!

6 responses to “JUST DO

  1. Jolijn says:

    Wow! Extremely amazing pictures! I really love your laid-back but stylish outfits <3
    And your skin is gorgeous too 🙂

  2. Andrea says:

    Such a lovely blog, Ebba!
    I’d love to ask you a little question: I have always wanted to study photography and lately I’ve been thinking to study in Sweden -and as you are swedish I hope you can help me, do you know where can I study photography, preferably in english? I’ve been searching for universities or other centers on the internet but it has not been very successful.
    I’d be very grateful if you could guide me a bit.

  3. Netti says:

    Det är verkligen härligt med sådana helger och vilka snygga outfits 🙂

  4. Så snygg! You look amazing, great looks! And black suits you very well. Love the combination of edgy and sporty style.

    Katarina x

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