Just checking.

Har suttit och bråkat med bloggen ett bra tag nu. Modette håller på att få en ansiktslyftning (visst blir det fint?) men det innebär också en hel del trubbel. Har hört att vissa personer inte ser mina inlägg, vissa personer ser dubbla inlägg och vissa ser min gamla header, jag håller tummarna för att det ska vara löst tills imorgon så att jag kan köra på som vanligt. Men jag måste bara kolla med er- hur ser bloggen ut på era datorer? Kan ni se alla inlägg, är några dubbelpostade?

I’ve been struggeling with my blog for a while now. Modette are getting a facelift (it already looks really good, don’t you think?), but it also means a lot of trouble. I’ve heard that some people do not see my posts, some people see double posts and some see my old header, I keep my fingers crossed for that it will be solved until tomorrow. I just have to ask you-how does my blog look at your computers? Can you see all the posts?

19 responses to “Just checking.

  1. Liena says:

    Seems absolutely fine for me! The photos even seem to be in higher quality. Also, the new Modette design looks kinda cool. Have a good night! 🙂

  2. Beatrice says:

    Funkar finfint för mig på min mac! Ibland måste man uppdatera lite, men inget annars 🙂

  3. svea says:

    Hi ebba, well, I doesn’t see the post below this one. it’s “gone”. theres only white. but besides that everythings fine 🙂

  4. Deniel says:

    All with modette working good. This face says – What the hell wrong with Modette web ? Great photo , Nice ! 😀
    Good Night

  5. Lydia says:

    Ser din gamla header, annars fungerar allt prima

  6. Adele says:

    It looks great on my mac! I can see all the posts to 🙂
    Good night! 🙂

  7. gemma o. says:

    i think i have been seeing all your posts, and i see your header that says your name with the picture of you in the snow, pink shirt, glasses, hair down.

  8. Yasmina says:

    I suddenly had all of your posts from the past two weeks in my dashboard today.
    I didn’t see any of them before :/
    Hope it’ll work out now 🙂

  9. Jeline says:

    Everything looks fine in my computer. Love the new design of Modette!


  10. Eva says:

    I’m following you on Bloglovin and untill now I didn,t had any problems. When it comes to your header, it didn’t changed since last year (ik like but tou said you have another one?) and I couldn’t open your latest look with the sailor dress. That were the only problems for me…


  11. Eva says:

    P.s. Bloglovin also has some problems, i get posts from 3 days ago and some are marked as 3 days ago but are from today…strange…

  12. Hayley says:

    It looks perfect to me for my computer!

  13. Deanne says:

    I can see everything perfectly. thank goodness, I check your blog every day ! 🙂

  14. G+V says:

    it’s ok^^

  15. Hanne says:

    It looks fine to me! Your header still looks the same, though (I don’t know if it should look different). I always read your posts in my rss-reader, so it’s not a problem anyway 🙂

  16. Evangelina says:

    Nope, inga dubbelposter och jag tror alla inlägg syns. Härligt med en ny, fräsch design! :))


  17. Snowy says:

    Hi Ebba 🙂 I can see your old header. But sometimes the new one shows up.

  18. Alice says:

    Hello Ebba!

    From what I can tell, everything seems to be absolutely fine for me! 🙂
    I can see all your posts, I don’t see any repeats, and I’m pretty sure I see your new header.
    Something that I have noticed is that the photos seem to be better quality, everything is less cluttered, and the comments set up is much better!

    Even with a confused look on your face, you look so adorable <3 <3

    The Ace of Hearts

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