Lite mixade insta-bilder från de senaste veckorna. Har ni någon favoritbild? Själv älskar jag den på Charlie som springer omkring på Örstens strand näst längst ner till höger. Och just det- vinnaren av Xlash är… Naemi! Grattis! (du kommer att kontaktas via mail inom kort)

A little mix of insta-pics from the past few weeks. Do you have any favourite? My own favourite is the picture of Charlie running around on the beach at Örsten (bottom right). Oh, right! I almost forgot- the winner of Xlash is … Naemi! Congratulations! (you will be contacted via email shortly)

4 responses to “HEY NOVEMBER

  1. sara says:

    Yeah, charlie’s is my favourite too.


  2. ebbazingmark says:

    sara: He’s kind of irresistible, huh? 😉

  3. Andrea says:

    My favourite is the picture middle, in black and white, of your friend and the snow.
    The one with Charlie running is also beautiful ♥

  4. katy vess says:

    truly amazing pics, honey!


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