ShoesTBA, pants forever21, knit- romwe. 

Körde lite grunge-inspirerat här. Det är en stil jag alltid känner mig bekväm i om jag är osäker på vad jag ska ta på mig. Lite konstigt egentligen eftersom min personlighet inte är speciellt mycket “grunge” överhuvudtaget, haha. Vad tycks?

I went for a little grunge-inspired look here. That’s a style I always feel comfortable in if I’m not sure what to put on. A little strange because my personality isn’t very  “grunge”, haha. Do you like this look?


18 responses to “GRUNGE IS BACK

  1. Lara says:

    Love the look Ebba!
    And e have something in common too, because I also like the “grunge look” but my personality isn’t like that at all!
    Have a good day 🙂

  2. ina says:

    Hey Ebba,

    I really like your style. I was just wondering how come you are still wearing leather shoes while being vegan? I don’t eat meat as well, mostly because i don’t really like plus it is more ecological. I also wear leather shoes, they last you for longer plus they look prettier than fake leather.

  3. jenny says:

    uh! i love this look!
    looks great with the red hair and lipstick!

  4. sandra says:

    Coolness! Grunge style looks perfect on you ♥

  5. lanciacoriandoli says:

    nice pics!

  6. Jacky says:

    perfect! <3

  7. wirag says:

    Iguess mostly anything looks good on you, and this very stylish look isn’t an exeption.

  8. Sophie says:

    How do you get your skin so clean? I have some trouble with my skin at the moment, so I hope you could help med out 🙂 xx

  9. elenaeris says:

    I love your style!

  10. Michello says:

    Snyggaste tröjan! Diggar din grunge-stil alltså.

  11. Kristine says:

    Hey Ebba 🙂
    You look stunning as always! I really likes you with this grunge look, but you are beautiful no matter what you wear

    I have to ask you about your helix (upper hole in the ear). Did it hurt? Was it bad afterwards? I reeeeally want one, but I’m too afraid. Could you maybe make a short post about it? That would be so great!!
    I really hope you will answer me…

    Best Regards Kristine, who has followed you for over a year now!

  12. Eva says:

    Awesome outfit and love your boots! xx

  13. Jessica Fotar says:

    Jättefina bilder! 🙂

  14. Rox says:

    Hey 🙂

    Those BOOTS – awesome indeed!

    You look pretty 🙂

  15. Drea says:

    Gud, som jeg elsker håret ditt!

  16. Lea says:

    U R a real refreshment on this sea of blogs! Keep up the good work! 🙂

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