Graduation clothes!

shorts and top- 2hand, shoes- sarenza


Jag tycker alltid att det där med skolavslutningskläder är himla svårt. Man vill inte vara den enda som kommer med balklänning och blommor i håret men man vill inte heller vara den som kommer med jeans och en gammal t-shirt. Förra året tyckte jag att jag kom fram till en ganska bra kompromiss i min lilla blommiga blus, frågan är bara vad det landar på i år! Har ni några tips?


I always find it hard to choose graduation clothes. You don’t want to be the only one that comes with prom dress and flowers in the hair but you don’t want to be the one that comes with jeans and an old t-shirt either. I thought I came up with a pretty good compromise in my little flowery blouse last year, the only question is what I’ll wear this year! Do you have any tips?

9 responses to “Graduation clothes!

  1. myhrans says:

    Supersött! Själv kör jag på klänning varje år och det brukar de flesta i min skola göra (tjejerna då haha). I år blir det en vit och så rosa klackar till det. 🙂

  2. Iris says:

    Your photos are so super cute Ebba♥! Maybe you can wear the Ebba Z for Sin Dress? It looks so good on you and it is so your style;)!

  3. María Espinosa says:

    Wow! That’s I tough one. Since I have no idea how Swedish graduations are like. It Mexico it’s really fancy, for high school graduations we wear long dress( sometimes it’s a designer dress other times we design it and go to a seamstress), we go and get our hair and make up done.

    I would recomend a tea length or shorter nice dress, you can never go wrong with that :).

  4. pornthip says:

    Riktig fin blogg du har! Älskar dina bilder och grymma snygga outfit. Å du är jätte söt.

  5. Mae says:

    Wear the shirt you wore with that Joy Division swimsuit!

  6. L.E.N says:

    Hey dear I really like your blog!
    What about following each other??
    …just let me know :3 ♥

  7. Niki says:

    Cute outfit! Hmm…I would probably suggest a cute dress?

  8. Mishka says:

    Hey ! I really loved that dress and that look.
    You will look good in it at your graduation 🙂

  9. Tra Mi says:

    you look so fairy in the white outfit

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