God kväll! Mitt i julstöket hann dagens avsnitt av VeganTV inte riktigt bli klart, så det blir en repris av det gamla goda frukost-avsnittet! Imorgon blir det dock vegansk tomtegröt till frukost istället, såklart. Hoppas ni har det fint där hemma och att ni inte julstressar för mycket. Kram på er!

Good evening! In the middle of the christmas preparations I suddenly ran out of time to finish off today’s video so here’s an old episode of VeganTV (subs available!). You can’t get enough of breakfasts huh? Tomorrow I’ll have rice porridge for breakfast though, that’s a christmas tradition in Sweden. I hope you’re done with all your xmas preparations right now and just having a cozy time at home by now. Hugs!

One response to “A GOOD OLD FAVORITE

  1. Midori says:

    Dear Ebba, I’m not vegan neither vegetarian, but I love so much these series of videos about vegan food! is very inspiring and I’m trying the things you recommend. I really admire you for being vegan and I’m trying to introduce step by step this small examples on my daily life. THANK YOU!!!

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