Ni har väl inte missat min senaste artikel för fashioncorner? Den här gången handlar den om en trend som ligger mig väldigt vrmt om hjärtat- grungen! Klicka HÄR.


You haven’t missed my latest article for fashioncorner, huh? This time it’s about a trend I’ve always loved- grunge. Check it out HERE!

12 responses to “GOING GRUNGE

  1. emma says:


  2. aantooniaa says:

    gud så fin blogg! kolla gärna in min om du vill : antoiakesar.devote.se

  3. Cornelia says:

    Bra artikel, och underbara kläder

  4. Maria Inês Ribeiro says:

    love the liptstick 😀

    My blog – http://guesswhatfashion.blogspot.pt/

  5. Mae says:

    You like grunge? What bands?

  6. sara says:

    I am absolutely speechless, that’s your style.It’s perfect for u. J’adore



  7. Hayley says:

    gorgeousss! You suit grunge sooo much :O

    Hayley xx

  8. sanna says:


  9. ミラー says:

    Hello, end-Eva of the norse tribe!
    I suppose your image is selling quite well,too bad i don’t like pictures and despise make-up.
    What i like is your scarlet hair,but i’m starting to doubt that’s its genetic color.
    Where are your freckles anyway ?
    About your affinity to grunge i write to you that if you like something other than british grunge you’re far from your mark.Germanic tribes have always been skillful at designing music.
    I recommend Garbage to you and some other post-grunge british bands.

  10. jacqui says:

    i love the lipstick! who makes it and what’s the colour called?

  11. victoria says:

    den svarta rocken!!! vart är den ifrån?

  12. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till victoria:
    Den kommer från monki för typ två år sedan 🙂

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