Pics from our trip to Berlin this spring.


Goood morgon fina vänner! Nu drar jag iväg till bästa Berlin igen för att leva loppan i tio dagar med nio av mina bästa vänner. Har sett fram emot detta hela sommaren- det kommer bli SÅ kul! Om det fysiskt möjligt att vara kär i en stad så är jag nog kär i Berlin. Ska försöka uppdatera er som vanligt, men ha överseende om jag blir för upptagen med att leva i och uppleva staden. Har ni någonsin besökt Berlin? Har ni några tips på roliga saker att göra?


Goood morning friends! Now I’m off to lovely Berlin again to have a blast for ten days with nine of my best friends. I’ve been looking forward to this all summer, it’ll be SO fun! If it’s physically possible to be in love with a city, I’m probably in love with Berlin. I’ll try to update you as usual, but be lenient if I get too busy to live in and experience the city. Have you ever visited Berlin? Do you have any tips of fun things to do?

10 responses to “GOD MORGON/BERLINTIPS

  1. josefineborg says:

    Fina bilder! 😉

  2. myhrans says:

    Så fina bilder, ha en underbar resa!

  3. Jess says:

    I looovveee Berlin! I’d recommend biking cuz i find you can get the feel of a city better that way! 🙂

  4. Meike McCartney says:

    Berlin’s really the most amazing city! They’ve got a lot of wonderful shops too. Best shopping-time you can get 🙂

  5. CAROLA says:

    yeah berlin rocks! such a vibrant city – enjoy!

    Heartbeats VIENNA WEDEKIND

  6. bigcitygirl says:

    Åh Berlin verkar vara en fantastisk stad!:)

  7. Alexandra says:

    Well, I’m going to Berlin in this month and I’m planning to visit The Barbie museum. Don’t know if that would be interesting for you, just saying 🙂

  8. Pauline says:

    I know how you feel about Berlin, I live there since the end of June, and I’m totally in love with the city! I don’t know when you will arrived but tomorrow evening, thursday evening, there is an event at the Volkswagen Leasing GmbH at the cross of Unter den Linden and Friedrich Strasse. I think it would be interesting for you, it’s about Berlin young designers (graphic design, product design and fashion design), it seems that it will to be awesome! If you want any tips don’t hesitate to ask me! Have a good time here!

  9. naatali says:

    Nice!! 🙂

  10. Emmy says:

    Som vegan i Berlin borde du besöka Yoyos Foodworld. Så underbar vegansk skräpmat! Gyros och hamburgare bl.a. Sen kan jag rekommendera tv-spelsmuseet 🙂

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