GIVEAWAY- win a dress from Ebba Z for Sin!


Ja, jag antar att bilden sĂ€ger det mesta. Nu har ni alltsĂ„ chansen att vinna en av klĂ€nningarna jag designat! NĂ€sta tisdag drar jag tre vinnare som fĂ„r vĂ€lja en basklĂ€nning och en topp var. Allt ni behöver göra för att vara med Ă€r att kolla in min kollektion HÄR och sedan kommentera detta inlĂ€gg med lĂ€nken till vilka tvĂ„ delar du vill ha och en liten motivering till varför du valt just dem. OK? Lycka till vĂ€nner!


Yeah, I guess the picture says it all: Now you have the chance to win one of the dresses I designed! Next Tuesday I’ll publish three winners who’ll get to pick one dress and a top each. All you need to do to join is to check out my collection HERE and then comment on this post with the link to the two pieces you want and write a little explanation to why you chose them. OK? Good luck friends!

230 responses to “GIVEAWAY- win a dress from Ebba Z for Sin!

  1. Louise says:

    ÅH! Helt underbara allihopa. Valde dessa tvĂ„ dĂ„ outfiten blir i samma fĂ€rgskala men Ă€ndĂ„ att det hĂ€nder nĂ„nting i och med fĂ€rgskiftninigen. SĂ„ snyggt och somrigt!

  2. Amanda says:

    Åh, vĂ€ldigt svĂ„rt val för Ă€lskar fĂ€rgerna, men skulle nog vilja ha den lĂ„nga svarta och den silvriga toppen. KlĂ€nningen Ă€r vĂ€ldigt enkel och snygg och med toppen till blir det vĂ€ldigt festligt, velat ha en lĂ„ngklĂ€nning ett bra tag nu.

  3. Filipa says:

    I want this dress
    I choose it because I loooove maxi dresses, but still don’t own one. And it color is divine. It’d look great with my sneakers, and I just want it so bad 🙂
    Oh, and this top 🙂

  4. Judit says:

    I really really love Sweden! I’m actually writing my thesis on the topic of cultural differences between Sweden and Hungary (I’m from Hungary :D) but unfortunately I have never been to the country. (I know for lot of people dream destinations are like USA, Seychelles Islands, or something exotic like that. For me it’s Sweden.) And I not only love your country, but my favorite colors are blue and yellow just like the swedish flag 🙂 So I’d choose the navy blue dress ( and the yellow top ( I think these two garments would look amazing together 🙂

  5. Jonna Bengtsson says:
    Den hÀr skulle jag ha pÄ mig pÄ en av festerna denna sommaren kommer att bÀra med ett par höga denimshorts helst lite slitna.
    Denna skulle jag helst matcha med ett par kÀngor för att bryta av mot den söta av klÀnningen.
    Sen skulle tröjan vara jÀtte fin över klÀnningen!
    Och sen kan svart aldrig gÄ fel.

  6. Roberta says:
    Hi 🙂
    I love this two because I have awesome ankle boots that would go perfectly with this
    navy colour dress and with the top because they have small crystal studs on them. Also,I really really love the dress and I was thinking about buying it for a long time and this is a chance to win it so I’m very happy about this giveaway. Keep up the good work and keep designing 🙂

  7. Shani says:

    Hi Ebba !

    Here are the two items that I picked

    I chose them because I think plum is a beautiful color and the shape of the dress is really cute 🙂 I’m also looking for a dress like this for a while so when I saw your post I was like “Why not ?”

    I look forward to see lots of posts on your blog and hope you’re enjoying your holidays 😀


  8. Cathi langton says:

    Hey Ebba!
    I would choose the playful pleats in Black, and the sparkling Wine Black top together:) This would be amazing for my end of year ball and would look so nice! It always takes me weeks to find the perfect dress but I think ive found it!

    love Cathi, xoxox
    (follower since your first post!)

  9. Lara says:

    Hi Ebba,
    thank you so much for doing giveaway so often lately! I follow your blog since I discovered you and lookbook and it\’s nice to see how you show your followers appreciation.
    I really like your collection, how it\’s simple and fun at the same time.
    I\’d really love to win the navy blue maxi dress and the navy blue top I have my best friend\’s 18th birthday coming up and I think the two pieces would look great together. Because the theme of the party is flowers I would wear also a flower crown with it. Navy blue is my favourite colour by the way 🙂

  10. Lara says:

    Hi Ebba,
    thank you so much for doing giveaway so often lately! I follow your blog since I discovered you and lookbook and it\’s nice to see how you show your followers appreciation.
    I really like your collection, how it\’s simple and fun at the same time.
    I\’d really love to win the navy blue maxi dress and the navy blue top I have my best friend\’s 18th birthday coming up and I think the two pieces would look great together. Because the theme of the party is flowers I would wear also a flower crown with it. Navy blue is my favourite colour by the way 🙂

  11. Sara Ollas says:

    “Den första fjĂ€rilen du ser. FĂ€rgen pĂ„ den. Det ska bli din vackraste sommarklĂ€nning!” sa alltid mormor, vĂ„r efter vĂ„r. Och sedan barnsben har det varit citronfjĂ€rilen som visat sig först. Men aldrig, aldrig, aldrig har jag hittat en vacker citron/sol-gul klĂ€nning som kĂ€nns vardagligt vacker. Men den hĂ€r kĂ€nns som den rĂ€tta kĂ€rleken!

    SÄ nu kan jag bara hoppas pÄ att fÄ dela sommarÀngarna med citronfjÀrilarna och mormor i denna!

    För övrigt, tack för en superfin blogg Ebba, med superfin inspiration!

  12. Vidusja says:

    I like every top and dress! I cant choose one, because they all are so, so pretty and beautiful. So if I win, I would like you to choose, for me 🙂

    I would like to win because I have followed all most all the time you have blogged. I also follow you one lookbook. I really like your style and you, because you er so unik.
    Hugs from Denmark!

  13. Paulina says:
    Right now I’m in the middle of my final exams so I have to study a lot and I really miss the sun! I think that the yellow color of the dress would be a perfect way to bring a little bit of sunshine and optimism into my wardrobe and life 🙂

  14. Itzel says:

    I would choose the orange short dress and the silver top. I loved the dress because it’s a fun and bright color and perfect for the hot summer here in Mexico. I’d pair it with my favorite sandals and maybe a denim jacket if it’s not that hot.
    The silver top is perfect for a night out. It’d be perfect with a black mini skirt and my silver flats or even black heels to dress it up a little bit more.
    Thank you for the giveaway and congrats for the collection, it’s amazing!

  15. Wiebke says:

    I would like to win the dress and the top in the color plum, because they are simply amazing! I was looking for the perfect dress that could be dressed up and down for a long time, and now I found them! So, I would be so so happy, if I win.

    Have a nice day, Ebba!

  16. Niki says:

    Hey, thanks for the giveaway! I think it’s so cool that you have your own line!
    I would really love this dress: because it’s so bright and colourful! So perfect for summer, I love it! I need a nice simple dress like this in my wardrobe because it has endless styling possibilities. I also LOVE this top: It is so sparkly and pretty! I don’t have any crop tops in my closet, and I think that this would go with many of my skirts and even the yellow dress! Again this piece is very versatile and I would have a lot of fun styling it.
    Thanks again!

  17. Anhthu says:

    Hey Ebba,
    I would like to get the maxi dress in yellow and the top in the same color.
    I like the design like everybody else 😛 and I want always to buy a maxi dress, but didn’t have time or find a perfect maxi dress, that is simple but with a extra.
    My combination with the dress would be like wearing sandals or sneakers and a pullover with my backpack, because the weather in the morning is a little bit freezy. But I think to wear the dress with black boots would also look good, because the dress and the color is feminim and the boos are the contrast to the dress.
    I can wear the top with the maxi dress or with a highwaist jeans and under the top a statement shirt, because the top is a little bit clear. So the pattern can show through the yellow top.
    And I would wear both pieces at a special event like konfirmation from my cousin, at the beach, in summer, in winter with thick tights or soon in Barcelona. 😀

  18. HĂ©loise H. says:


    Hey Ebba, I choose the two red ones because I’ve been looking so long for a matching red dress – and I think your dress is perfect! Most of all I really LOVE the low-cut back!!
    If I win your two clothes I will absolute wear them in Paris and Marseille this summer, where I’m going to spend my vacation. And you will get a photo: me and YOUR red dress in front of the Eiffel Tower 🙂
    Greetings from HĂ©loise (Germany)

  19. Ebba says:

    Jag skulle vilja vinna den lĂ„nga gula klĂ€nningen med den gula transparenta toppen över 🙂
    Jag skulle gÀrna vilja vinna denna hÀrliga sommarklÀnning sÄ att jag kan ta med mig den pÄ min Spanienresa om en mÄnad. Det Àr inte vilken resa som helst utan en rehabiliteringsresa för min barnreumatism. Vilken uppmuntring det skulle bli om jag vann!

  20. Zina says:

    Hi Ebba =)
    I’m in love with your collection! I follow you since your beginning!
    I’d really love win these two long dresses, there are amazing ans I’m looking for these kind of dress since a long time now! I think there are perfects..
    So thank you for this giveaway and have a good holiday ♥

  21. Therese says:

    Jag verkligen ÄLSKAR den mörkröda klĂ€nningen och toppen och skulle bli jĂ€tteglad om jag vann! Förta gĂ„ngen du lade ut bilderna pĂ„ klĂ€nningarna sĂ„ har jag velat ha en! Det Ă€r en klĂ€nning som man kan ha Ă„ret runt om man kombinerar den med rĂ€tt plagg. FĂ€rgen Ă€r ocksĂ„ en fĂ€rg som passar bĂ„de pĂ„ hösten och sommaren vĂ€ldigt bra! Plus att klĂ€nningen Ă€r unik vilket gör den Ă€nnu mer speciell! 🙂

  22. karolajn says:

    Hi Ebba,
    I really like this top: and this dress: i want to wear it on my eighteenth birthday party, because i love combination like you have created on this picture ; )

  23. Emilia says:

    I really like the long dress in black. It would be perfect for my prom to celebrate the end of school in June.

  24. Annika says:

    Är egentligen ingen kjol eller klĂ€nningsmĂ€nniska men har bestĂ€mt mig för att Ă€ndra pĂ„ det i sommar och vad passar bĂ€ttre Ă€n att börja med denna superfina maxiklĂ€nning tillsammans med toppen över pĂ„ kvĂ€llen 🙂

  25. Jet Verheij says:

    Playful Pleats- Orange
    A Teasing Top- Black

    Jag vill ha dessa klÀder för att jag vill glida runt i dem ljumma sommarkvÀllar, stekheta midsommardagar och iskalla vinternÀtter. DÄ laddade med tjocka tights, lÄtsas att sommaren Àr nÀra och att man inte fryser. Jag vill ha dem för att den markerade midjan gör under för min pÀronformade kropp, att fÀrgen kommer passa med min bleka hud och för att jag kommer mÄla naglarna med omatchande fÀrger tillsammans med mina zebrarandiga Converse

  26. Caroline says:

    Jag absolut Àlskar fÀrgerna pÄ dina klÀnningar sÄ jag har svÄrt att bestÀmma mig! Jag har iallafall sökt efter en maxiklÀnning i snart tvÄ Är nu, men aldrig hittat nÄn jag gillat (har faktiskt redan köpt din klÀnning i svart, men dÄ tog jag den korta)! Jag vÀljer iallafall denna: tillsammans med den hÀr: och hoppas hoppas hoppas!

    Keep up the good work, Ebba! 😀

  27. Cristi says:

    It’s so difficult to choose! All the colours look so beautiful! But I think I would go with the Playful Pleats in navy blue with the teasing top. I don’t have many navy blue clothes but it looks pretty especially now for summer and this kind of dress will be perfect for a fun day out with the family or friends.

  28. Vendela says:

    Åh jag skulle sĂ„ gĂ€rna ha den plommonfĂ€rgade (eller rött kanske det mer Ă€r) lĂ„nga klĂ€nningen och den matchande toppen! Tror det skulle passa jĂ€ttebra till mitt bruna hĂ„r, solbruna armar och frĂ€kniga kinder. Skulle nog i sĂ„ fall ha den dagen efter studenten, eftersom jag bara kommer vara vit den dagen, nĂ€r hela min fina klass ska trĂ€ffas i en park, Ă€ta pizza och prata om vĂ„ra framtidsdrömmar. Kommer kanske bli min nya peppklĂ€nning som pĂ„minner mig om att hela vĂ€rlden ligger i mina hĂ€nder!

  29. Amanda says:
    Jag valde den lÄnga röda eftersom jag Àlskar vinrött! Sedan den svarta toppen eftersom svart passar till allt!
    Alla klÀnningar och toppar var jÀttefina! xx

  30. Eline says:

    Oh boy, lovely give away! I would love to win the navy blue top and maxi skirt. This would be the perfect outfit for my 19th birthday, which is the 1st of June:) The navy color is so deep and breathtaking, it’s beautiful.

  31. Iris says:

    Oh, this is super amazing giveaway♥!

    I would love to win this really beautiful long silhouette dress: Love this colour so much, it is my favourite! Hmm… What else? This top would be perfect with the dress: and it would make the dress look stunning in the evening too.

    You hava done a great job dear Ebba♥!

  32. Emilie says:

    As a fellow Scandinavian, I know what it’s like to sit inside for more than half the year, looking outside into the dark and cold, and wishing that it was soon spring. It’s taken months and months, but now spring is finally here! Copenhagen is in full bloom. The trees are green, the sun is shining, the grass smells fresh, and the people are coming out from their winter shells. And that is why I would love to be able to jump into this dress and this top and stay outside all day with friends. Nothing says spring quite like billowing skirts, bare legs and this wonderful yellow color. (this one is out of stock, but I don’t know if that makes a difference. The orange one is beautiful as well!)

  33. Marie says:

    JĂ€ttefint! Jag typ elskar “Navy Blue” det Ă€r sĂ„ sommrit!
    Beklager min dĂ„rlige Svensk, jeg er fra Norge, men ga det et forsĂžk 🙂
    Jeg elsker bloggen din!

    Jeg bor ved havet, og Navy blue hadde passet perfekt!

  34. Lena says:

    For jag jobbar som au pair i Holland, vilket jag alskar, men den lilla lonen jag tjanar gar till tagbiljetter fram och tillbaka till min pojkvan som bor i Amsterdam (jag bor i en liten by som heter Hemskeerk)… resten av pengarna gar mest till ol och dumheter om ja ska vara arlig, haha. Kan inte komma ihag senast jag hade rad att unna mig nagot riktigt fint plagg! Tycker dem dar tva plaggen ar himla fina tillsammans, och skulle bli galet glad om jag fick dem! 🙂

  35. Daduska says:

    my dear lovely Ebba 🙂
    greetings from Slovakia again!!!

    I have always hoped this can come true… and it is true 🙂 To be honest, I am a big big big fan of this amazing collection. Thank you a lot for such a giveaway! However, I have NEVER won anything. But as I say, itÂŽs always worth trying. ThatÂŽs what I am doing right now!

    It was pretty hard to choose one top and one dress from the list, every piece of this collection is really lovely… But I think I would like to stay at the classic: it means the Navy Blue top as well as the Navy Blue playful pleats (the short version of dress) – size XS S.

    Oh God, I cannot say how amazed I am because of this giveaway… I hope hope hope I win, it would be for the first time in my life!! (if not, than congratulation to the winner 🙂 haha)

  36. maria says:

    I love this two because of the color and i think they are really original, you don’t see those beautiful dresses in Venezuela all days.. I’m really excited about this giveaway! so thanks for the oportunity Ebba! .. good luck everyone! 🙂

  37. Mara M. says:
    I basically love every piece of dark blue clothing, so although your collection is full of lovely colours, I knew I had to pick something blue… As for the length, I decided to go for a Midi length dress because I am very small and the Maxi dress probably would not fit me well 🙂
    If I look in my closet, I can find only one piece of orange clothing that I wear from time to time, a summer skirt, so I thought I had some improvement to do by choosing something orange.
    Lots of love, I hope you enjoy Turkey,

  38. Helena says:

    Jag skulle vilja ha maxiklĂ€nningen A long silhouette – Plum eftersom jag Ă€lskar maxiklĂ€nningar och fĂ€rgen Ă€r sĂ„ otroligt snygg. FĂ€rgen kĂ€nns lite annorlunda, som nĂ„got inte alla har. Sedan skulle jag vilja ha A teasing top – silver, den Ă€r sĂ„ otroligt cool och snygg och gör allt man matchar till till party!

  39. Sia says:

    Dear Ebba,

    I really enjoy following your blog… after a long day of working in the hospital in the long run of becoming a doctor, it’s great to be inspired by your colourful and lovely posts full of fashion creativity, healthy food ideas and to be “in a different world”. I was very impressed by your bright-sunny-coloured-new-collection… the bright colour + the playful design really brings the summer back and makes me smile. I could love to wear that dress and make more people smile and make the summer more enjoyable!

  40. liiinn3a says:

    Har precis börjat med en nystart i mitt liv och kÀnner att Àven sommargarderoben kan behöva nÄgot nytt. Det var svÄrt att vÀlja fÀrg dock. Men det fick bli en gammal favorit: vinröd. Med kort kjol till sommaren. Din blogg har insperat mig lÀnge och pga dig har jag upptÀckt secondhand. SÄ TACK!

  41. Veronica says:

    Åh, jag bara Ă€lskar stilen och fĂ€rgerna pĂ„ dem allihop! Jag gillar den blĂ„ fĂ€rgen sĂ„ himlans mycket och dĂ€rför skulle jag vilja ha det kittet. Det skulle vara perfekt till Peace & Love, midsommar eller vilken sommardag som helst!

  42. Jennifer says:

    Chansen till en ny sommarklÀnning,
    kan det bli mer underbart?
    Och jag som ska till Grekland snart.
    PĂ„ stranden och vid poolen,
    i skuggan och i solen.

    PĂ„ alla foton skulle den falla perfekt.
    Och ibland med den matchande toppen över,
    det Àr precis den klÀnningen jag behöver.
    Dessutom med djup rygg som Àr det finaste jag vet.
    Ebba, det hÀr Àr en klÀnning jag skulle bÀra med stolthet!

    Keep up the good work girl! Alla klĂ€nningar och toppar Ă€r jĂ€ttefina, och jag har valt toppen och den korta klĂ€nningen i petroleum. (Men sĂ„g att toppen var “out of stock”, vet inte om detta pĂ„verkar, i sĂ„dana fall vore den svarta toppen hĂ€rlig!)

  43. Lovisa says:

    Jag valde dessa tvÄ för att jag Àlskar fÀrgen orange och för att jag nu tar studenten. HÀr pÄ vÀstkusten (uddevalla) som jag bor brukar alltid studenterna Äka ut till Smögen fredagen efter studenten och parta tillsammans en sista gÄng och njuta av att vara arbetslös. DÀr hade jag vela anvÀnda dessa och förgylla kvÀllen Àven om det inte alltid Àr sol hÀr pÄ vÀstkusten! Puss

  44. Celine says:

    Hello Ebba,
    I am a girl from Germany. I check your Blog every day:)
    I would like to win this dress:
    And this top:
    I choosed this ones, because I like the colour and I love the dress, how it is designed. It would be perfect for summer vacation this year:)

  45. Celine says:

    Hello Ebba,
    I am a girl from Germany. I check your Blog every day:)
    I would like to win this dress:
    And this top:
    I choosed this ones, because I like the colour and I love the dress, how it is designed. It would be perfect for summer vacation this year:)

  46. Annemettelk says:

    Hi Ebba!

    I love your blog and I’m crazy about your collection at I Wear Sin!
    I would love to own this dress: with the matching blue top:

    I really like that your dresses are so colorful and playful, but the intense blue color really spoke to me. It’s suits my pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes. And I think it’s a color that can be worn all year around! In sunshine and in the snow. The dress is perfect for every occasion: an everyday outfit with sneakers, sandals or boots (in the winter), or for a party with high heels or a pair of cute ballerinas.

    Like I said: I’m crazy about your collection, so I really hope I win!!

    And thanks for a wonderful blog! I come here everyday to get some inspiration.

  47. Clara says:

    Hej Ebba! Alla klÀnningar Àr superfina, sÄ det Àr svÄrt att vÀlja! Jag skulle vÀldigt gÀrna vilja ha den lÄnga svarta klÀnningen med den blÄ toppen. Den svarta klÀnningen Àr jÀttesnygg i sin enkelhet, och jag tror att det skulle bli jÀttefint med den blÄ toppen till, blÄ Àr min favoritfÀrg.

  48. Frida Wallin says:

    Först och frÀmst sÄ Àr dina plagg sÄ otrolig fina! Och dÄ menar jag det verkligen! De hÀr tvÄ tillsammans skulle bli perfekt i sommar dÄ jag ska till Marocko. Eftersom man inte ska visa för mycket hud dÀr vore dina plagg perfekta eftersom de ser luftiga ut men ÀndÄ heltÀckande! Och vem vill inte se lite mystisk ut som i Tusen och en natt nÀr man gÄr runt bland Marrakech smÄ gator?, det vill verkligen jag sÄ jag hoppashoppashoppas!

    Kram och tack för en modeblogg som alltid inspirerar sÄvÀl som i klÀdval och med dina smarta tankar och funderingar !

  49. Ida Andersen says:

    KlÀnningarna och topparna Àr sÄdÀr perfekt somriga och fÀrgerna pÄ de som jag valt Àr helt fantastiska! Hur assnyggt skulle det inte vara att matcha med höga vita wedges och fota vid en sjö ute pÄ landet mitt i dalarna? Exakt vad jag skulle göra! Kram och tack för en gött otroligt inspirerande blogg i alla dessa Är!

  50. Jonna says:

    Jag har letat efter den perfekta svarta lĂ„ngklĂ€nningen tvĂ„ somrar i rad nu utan att hitta nĂ„gon! Jag tycker att lĂ„ngklĂ€nningar Ă€r sĂ„ himla fint men jag vĂ„gar sjĂ€lv inte anvĂ€nda nĂ„gon. DĂ€rför vill jag börja med en svart som Ă€r lite mer diskret tills jag kĂ€nner mig bekvĂ€m i lĂ„ngklĂ€nning, för det verkar ju vara vĂ€rldens skönaste plagg! Nu Ă€r det Ă€ven studentvecka om en mĂ„nad och dĂ€rför Ă€r ekonomin vĂ€ldigt knaper.. Studenten kostar mer Ă€n vad man tror. Och tĂ€nk vilken dröm att fĂ„ den hĂ€r klĂ€nningen i studentpresent, och Ă€ven fĂ„ glida runt i den med sin studentmössa till! För övrigt sĂ„ Ă€lskar jag din stil och din blogg! 🙂

  51. Ida Andersen says:

    KlÀnningarna och topparna Àr sÄdÀr perfekt somriga och fÀrgerna pÄ de som jag valt Àr helt fantastiska! Hur assnyggt skulle det inte vara att matcha med höga vita wedges och fota vid en sjö ute pÄ landet mitt i dalarna? Exakt vad jag skulle göra! Kram och tack för en gött otroligt inspirerande blogg i alla dessa Är!

    Nu kom lÀnkarna med ocksÄ hehe

  52. alsu says:

    i always wanted sth long but usually all skirts and dresses were too heavy or too warm for hot summer. but this one i’m sure won’t )
    i think that the long plum dress will be perfect when you want to make your silhouette more elegant, the color is fine and not trite. but when you want to change your outlook for evening event you can add silver top and that’s all. you are a queen. so easy and beautiful.

    enjoy turkey! it’s a perfect place )

  53. Erline Van Kerkhoven says:

    Awesome giveaway! I’ve chosen the plum dress and matching top. I would love to were this to my college graduation. I’ve been looking for a simple but stunning dress for ages and I think yours is just perfect! I would combine it with a beautiful necklace or some big earrings and my hair up and a pair of great heels.

  54. lovisa says:

    nÀr jag lÀser detta stÄr tv:n pÄ med eurovision i full g(s)Äng
    jag sitter hÀr och blir sÄ inspererad (och avundsjuk) pÄ alla fina scenklÀder, sÀrskilt Petra Medes klÀnning!! och denhÀr toppen Àr lite samma kÀnsla.
    den silverliga toppen blev jag kÀr i första gÄngen jag sÄg den, strukturen/mönstret pÄ plagget gör att det hÀnder nÄgot vilket Àr vÀldigt snyggt. beundras att man kan göra sÄ med lite tyg!
    samma sak med den plicerade klĂ€nningen, sĂ„ snygg detalj som gör tyget “levande”
    i sommar kÀnner jag att röd blir en fin fÀrgklick dÄ min garderob mest bestÄr av svarta eller dova fÀrgade klÀder för tillfÀllet.
    tÀnk en solig sommardag vid vattnet, hur toppen kommer glittra i solljuset tillsammans med vÄgorna, och hur klÀnningen kommer fladdra i den sköna sommarvinden och den tillsammans med mitt röda hÄr reflektera ett rött ljus. precis som kvÀllssolen.

    kram och hej!

  55. Monika says:

    Just wanna have piece of you (:
    Hugs from Poland, ŁĂłdź again!

  56. Monika says:

    Just wanna have piece of you (:
    Hugs from Poland, ŁĂłdź again!

  57. Monika says:

    Just wanna have piece of you (:
    Hugs from Poland, ŁĂłdź again!

  58. Karin says:

    Jag skulle vilja vinna den lÄnga marinblÄ klÀnningen med en matchande marinblÄ topp. KlÀnningen skulle jag anvÀnda nÀr jag sjunger pÄ konsert, det skulle vara underbart att fÄ ha just den vackra klÀnningen pÄ mig medan jag gör min egen grej pÄ scen. Att vÄga visa sitt innersta nÀr man sjunger och att det vackra kommer inifrÄn och ut, och att klÀnningen matchar hur man Àr pÄ insidan.

  59. Ragnhild says:

    Jag ska pÄ pilgrimsresa till Rom med min konfirmationsgrupp i sommar och fick nyss reda pÄ att man mÄste ha klÀder som tÀcker bÄde axlar och knÀn för att fÄ komma in i alla kyrkor etc.
    Klickade mig in pĂ„ din blogg och fann denna giveawayen – alldeles perfekt vore det att fĂ„ gĂ„ klĂ€dd i den solgula klĂ€nningen med tillhörande topp; tĂ€ckande, men samtidigt luftig och somrig. Gult har alltid varit min favoritfĂ€rg, och jag skulle bli oerhört glad att fĂ„ spatsera runt i Roms grĂ€nder iklĂ€dd en sĂ„dan vacker skapelse!!

    Tack för en fantastisk och inspirerande blogg!!
    Kram 🙂

  60. Rus Tapia says:
    I don’t know why, but I’ve always been attracted by this colour combination. I feel like yellow is the best colour ever: it represents the sun and it’s full of life, also it’s perfect for summer and it looks good on dark-skinned people, as I am. Moreover I’ve been looking for a long dress like this one for so long, and I’m OBSESSED with transparencies. It’s like my dream dress, especially if it’s designed by Ebba Zingmark, one of my biggest idols. Could I ask more for a dress?
    And now that finally I’m leaving you a comment I wanted to say that you’re my inspiration every day, don’t ever change Ebba, a fan from Spain ♥

  61. Isabelle Wikström says:

    Jag klÀr mig vanligtvis inte sÄ fÀrgglatt, men det tycker jag inte man behöver göra för att se fin ut. Den hÀr svarta, korta klÀnningen tillsammans med den svarta, glittriga toppen ser vÀldigt festligt ut, Àven fast bÄda Àr i samma fÀrg. Det hÀnder nÄgonting i kombinationen p.g.a. av den helt underbara toppen. Skulle vara fantastiskt att kunna ta pÄ sig dessa tvÄ plagg nÀr man ska ut och dansa eller vara finklÀdd!

  62. Romina says:
    I really want this dress because I think maxi dresses can be very versatile, and just by including the top you can take it from formal-y to casual. I absolutely adore this color (I’ve loved this dress ever since it came out) and I think it would go well with my leather jacket and boots or with my vintage denim jacket to make it more casual.
    Amazing giveaway ebba :)xxx

  63. Hanne says:

    I literally said YES out loud when I read about this giveaway 🙂

    I would choose this top:
    and this dress:

    because it’s just gorgeous (well, all of them are just gorgeous) and I think I have too little red in my closet. I chose the short version, because I feel like it’s perfect for walking around and riding my bike (the long one would get stuck between the wheels), and that way my legs can catch a little colour as well! 🙂

  64. Melanie F says:
    Jag valde dem för att jag Ă€r sĂ„Ă„Ă„ sugen pĂ„ en lĂ„ng klĂ€nning och jag tycker oranget passar vĂ€ldigt fint till sommaren. Sen har jag nĂ„gra flĂ€ckar psoriasis och en lĂ„ng klĂ€nning som Ă€ndĂ„ Ă€r sval Ă€r ganska praktiskt nĂ€r man bor i Spanien 🙂

  65. Elly says:

    Hey! I love those two pieces. They remind me of water, of summer, of my best friend, because she loves the colour blue. And this makes me happy. And they remind me of a mermaid. I think when you wear these pieces, you feel like one. And maybe you want to be a mermaid sometimes. Just feel like jumping into the water, but instead you ‘jump’ into these clothes. I like my red hair with blue things and I like things that have something to do with you. Thats why I picked these two pieces.

  66. MarĂ­a Espinosa says:

    Hi Ebba! The two pieces I like the most are: “A long silhouette” in plum or petroleum and the “sparkling wine” top in ether black or plum. I think the dress could go with either colored top to make the dress more “formal”. I live in Guadalajara, Mexico so I wear a lot of dresses, normally it’s very warm and sunny here :). I really liked your designs and the way you created matching tops in order to make the clothing more flexible. I really enjoy your blog and style. Hugs!

  67. Pernilla Svanström says:

    Alla flickor vill ha “den lilla” svarta.
    I sommar vill jag ha “DIN lĂ„nga” svarta!
    HjÀlp denna byxtjej börja bÀra klÀnning.
    Under ett bra tag nu har jag tÀnkt pÄ denna och allt fint jag skulle kunna ha till, klackar o fest eller barfota pÄ stranden.
    Den kommer göra sig till allt!
    Älskar den.
    Din svarta top till kan ge mig Ànnu fler valmöjligheter.
    Tack för all inspiration.

  68. Jasmine says:
    I picked these two becuase they are so colorful and my wardrobe lack vibrant colors like them, not to mention they would both look great with my studded loafers. I’m also a sucker for pleated skirts and I need more for the summer since they’re so versitile!

  69. Anna says:

    Åh, jag Ă€lskar dina klĂ€nningar! SĂ„ himla svĂ„rt att vĂ€lja fĂ€rg, Ă€r mest inne pĂ„ Plum eller Petroleum. Men jag tror att jag skulle trivas bĂ€st i Plum, sĂ„ om jag vinner önskar jag en lĂ„ngklĂ€nning plus tröja i Plum. SĂ„g att tröjan Ă€r out of stock, sĂ„ i andra hand vĂ€ljer jag svart.

    Och varför? För att jag ska göra en magsÀcksoperation i höst och kommer behöva byta ut hela min garderob efter det. Dessa plagg skulle bli början, och jag skulle ha de hÀngande i garderoben som pepp de stunder dÄ jag tvivlar pÄ mig sjÀlv eller inte orkar mer.

  70. Ilvie says:
    Hey Ebba 🙂
    That was a tough decision since all of the colours look great! But I’d really love to have the yellow dress and top because they are so “summerish” – just perfect for my upcuming beach holiday – and lovely and furthermore match my dark hair colour perfectly.
    love, Ilive

  71. Mira Parkkali says:

    I chose these because yellow and orange are perfect colors for summer, and that dress is simply amazing! I would use the dress at my brother’s confirmation party. 🙂

  72. Issy says:

    Hello Ebba, greetings from England!!
    Can I just say that Ebba is the best name ever and I want to have a daughter just so I can call her that name, it’s so yay 🙂
    I love the colours in the collection I mean wow the yellow and orange are the best summer shades ever! I was so stuck between those colours and the navy blue, but I chose the navy as I don’t really own anything in that color and I thought it would help to bring out the blue in my eyes! I also think the shorter version of the dress with the top looks super summery and I know I would wear it all the time!!
    Thank you, keep blogging your outfits and vegan tips are the best!!

  73. Martina says:

    Jag Àr en utav 63 stycken som slÄss om att fÄ vinna nÄgon av de fina kreationerna.
    NĂ€r jag sĂ„g kombinationen av och sĂ„ tĂ€nkte jag: “det dĂ€r, mina converse, mina runda solglasögon och solkyssta lockiga hĂ„r och jag kommer kĂ€nna mig redo för en picknick i Slottskogen. DĂ€r ska jag sitta och kĂ€nna mig som en prinsessa och Ă€ta jordgubbar och grilla majskolvar”
    Du har chansen att fÄ mig att fÄ kÀnna sÄ, flera dagar under sommaren!

  74. Sam says:

    I’d choose the Long Silhouette in Black, since that’s the only colour I’m allowed to wear to work. On my days off I’d pair it with a Petroleum Teasing Top to add a little coulour 🙂

  75. Anna says:

    Svar till Anna:
    Åhnej, glömde sĂ„klart lĂ€nkarna, men hĂ€r Ă€r dem!

  76. Helen says:

    I think that this dress is wonderful but the thing that I like so much is the originality of the dress. It’s perfect on Ebba’s body and ,really , I hope that it will seems like her but on me. I’m imagining me with this dress and really, i think that it’s one of my favourite dresses. I would buy a dress like this and, well, i love these colors. I’m a young girl, a teenager and i think that this dress is very youth and beautiful and I choose it for the originality and the personality that is in this.

  77. Andrea says:

    Oooh this two would make an amazing combination for me:
    It would be the first staple dress I’d own, and with that awesome lenght and color I’d wear it a lot, even disguised as a skirt! And the black top, besides looking awesome with the dress, can be worn in many different outfits.
    Anyways… every dreess is just so beautiful. Great design, Ebba! ♥
    Thanks so much for doing this giveaway 🙂

  78. Rosa says:

    I am absolutely in love with yellow, so the yellow dress is a dream. I’d love to combine it with the petroleum top as it would create a nice contrast, and also sort of a summery combination of sea and sun. Something we don’t get here in the North of England that often. 😛 I also think the colours would compliment my ginger hair.

  79. Estelle says:

    I’ve never owned a maxi dress so it would be really cool to have this one! They seem so carefree and relaxed but cute at the same time. Also the plum colour is divine 🙂

    I would also love to have the top in the same colour and pair them together on days that are colder, as it usually is here in Canada! The monochromatic blend of the two pieces would be perfect.

    Thanks alot Ebba and congratulations on this line!

  80. Astrid says:

    Jag skulle vilja ha Long Sillhuette i Petrolium och teasing top i silver. Jag Àlskar hur klÀnningen i sig Àr alldeles underbar och hur fÀrgen pÄminner mig om Medelhavet, tillsammans med toppen fÄr allt lite mer edge och gÄr dÀrför att ha pÄ bÄde dagen som kvÀllen. Plus att jag redan har lite ringar och skor som skulle passa sÄ bra in med detta ^_^

  81. Valerija says:

    i am so happy for this giveaway, because this is like the one i was waiting for, to just try and see how lucky can i get, if i can. I just really enjoy this color, for summer, spring, i think it just lightens up your mood, with a bright color, even if it is a coldish day. hah. i think this two peaces of clothe will look nice with some sneakers, converse for example. but on the question why shall i win, there is no answer, everyone deserves to win.

  82. Kanerva says:

    Hi Ebba! Thank you for an amazing giveaway again!! I really need a pretty dress for our school graduation seremony and this would be perfect! There was so many cool colors (I almost picked the orange or turquoise dress), but I ended up with the red one. I’m sure I would also use this in casual outfits too, as you have designed! These dresses are just genious!

    HĂ€lsningar frĂ„n Finland! Hoppas att Lady Luck gynnar 🙂

  83. Sonia says:

    Hey Ebba,
    I would like to have these beautiful pieces:
    or an orange version of them:)
    Why them?
    Because my mom has today her birthday, what’s more, she loves yellow/orange clothes, so I think that it would be nice birthday gifts for her.
    hope you are well, xoxo

  84. Cecilia says:

    Hej Ebba,
    Jag har precis hittat din blogg och blev förÀlskad direkt, sÄ nu Àr det du och morgonkaffet som Àr standard varje morgon, haha.

    Jag hade velat ha lĂ„ngklĂ€nningen i mörktblĂ„tt och toppen i mörkblĂ„tt. Detta för att sĂ„ fort jag hade sett det pĂ„ din blogg sĂ„ “pinnade” jag det pĂ„ Pinterest pĂ„ mitt moodboard ( för min nĂ€sta fotoshoot. Jag skrev till min stylist sĂ„ hĂ€r; detta Ă€r classy, feminint, somrigt, bra material och har dom rĂ€tta linjerna.
    Jag ville bestÀllt det sjÀlv direkt, men studentbudgeten Àr tyvÀrr för tight, sÄ att fÄ detta att glida runt i detta i sommar hade varit fantastiskt!

    Take care:)
    – Cecilia

  85. Karolina says:

    Thanks for this lovely give away Ebba! I’d love to own these two pieces since I’m starting university in the US in the fall and I really need something to help me stand out :)) xx

  86. Chanette Andersson says:

    klart man e med. jag hade velat vinna—

    VARFÖR förtjĂ€nar just JAG denna?
    jo för jag de senaste 2 1/2 mÄnaden kÀmpast som et a** med att gÄ ner i vikt o sluta se ut som en knubbsÀl.. lyckats gÄ ner hela 12 kg o klart man vill ha nÄt nytt fint att ta pÄ sig dÄ, som denna klÀnningen

  87. Naama Aharoni says:

    my favorites are:
    I think the red color is just perfect for now and you can never go wrong with a block shirt.

  88. Cecilia says:

    Jag vill ha den svarta lÄngklÀnningen och den svarta toppen!!
    Jag ska till USA i sommar och ska pÄ dop för min Àlskade bÀsta kusin som jag bara trÀffar högst en gÄng om Äret, och ser framför mig att skrida i pÄ dopet i den klÀnningen för den Àr sÄ himla fin..! Skulle verkligen kÀnna mig fin i den!

  89. Hanna says:

    Åh! Jag har lĂ€nge önskat mig dessa!

    Jag skulle vilja ha den röda toppen och den röda korta klĂ€nningen. Den röda fĂ€rgen passar till allt! En vacker höstdag kan den kombineras med svarta strumpbyxor, gubbskor, hippieband runt den rufsiga hĂ„ret, min svarta Cambridge satchel inspirerade ryggsĂ€ck och ett par svarta runda glajjor! 🙂

    Vill Àven ha dem bÄda pÄ midsommar! Skulle vara en dröm!
    Krans med vita smÄ blommor och ett par vita smÄ skor! Midsommardröm helt enkelt!

    AlltsÄ den röda korta klÀnningen och den röda toppen! Kram!

  90. ulrika says:

    jag ska pÄ min gudmors bröllop i slutet av juni och detta set skulle vara magiskt att ha pÄ sig dÄ!

  91. Viktoria Engesö says:

    Hej Ebba!

    Man kan ju inte annat Àn Àlska alla dessa fantastiska skapelser, kÀnns som en hÀrligt godisbutik med alla fÀrger!

    Jag Àr bjuden pÄ bröllop den 6 juni, alltsÄ nationaldagen, och tycker att det skulle vara ruskigt snyggt att fÄ kombinera dessa tvÄ; den lÄnga gula klÀnningen,, tillsammans med den marinblÄ toppen,
    Som folkdrĂ€kt 2.0 pĂ„ nĂ„got vis! 😉


  92. Nora says:

    Jag vill vinna dessa:
    SÄ himla fina i sommar till mitt röda hÄr! Min familj och jag ska Àven till London och sedan bila pÄ den engelska landsbygden i sommar och att för tredje gÄngen fÄ strosa omkring i denna vackra stad och sedan pÄ engelska, gröna marker för första gÄngen i denna klÀnning, ja, det kÀnns som en dröm. Att gÄ genom Hyde Park i mörkblÄ klÀnning och brogues och en fin vÀska, pÄ landsbygden med min rosa och mörkblÄ KÄnken och converse. Det skulle verkligen vara sÄ fint! HÄller tummarna nu att jag kan göra detta.

  93. eleftheria says:

    Hello Ebba,
    i choose:
    1) i love how sparkling it is! i always wanted one blouse in a good price but i never could find the one. This one particular looks so beautiful and i think that i could combine it with many clothes. It s not my first time i am wathing the clothes you design, so evety time i do that, i imagine my self with your Sparkling Wine – Plum
    2) this dress is amazing, you can wear it from summer to winter (ok in winter i hope i can wear the dress with your blouse as well…) I think it ‘d flatter my body so i would probably wear it like a lot! For me it s a great choice to wear it, in a coffee with your friends, a walk with your boyfriend or a backyard (maybe pool) party
    thanks for the giveaway
    kisses from Greece
    p.s. I hope some day you can visit my country too 🙂

  94. Elin says:

    Jag har börjat snöa in pÄ lÄngklÀnningar och tycker att din navy blue ( Àr sÄ himla fin! Skulle var sÄ himla praktiskt till sommaren och kunna piffas upp till kvÀllens fester med den silvriga tröjan (

  95. Mary Lee says:
    i would love to win both these items! i’ve been a really big fan of your style from the very beginning and your style has continued to change (in a good way). seeing you in a very bright yellow dress, made me want to expand my horizons and experiment with different colours i wouldn’t normally go for. I chose the yellow and orange because I really love those colours and seeing them on you makes me want to try it out even more and i think it would make me more confident to wear these colours when i go out! i think this dress is absolutely perfect for the summer and i think i could style it with so many lovely pieces and as i don’t have any tops that are orange, i think it would be really nice to pair it with items in my wardrobe. I’ve never won a giveaway before so i hope this time is my lucky time! 😀

  96. Tsakhirmaa says:


  97. Josephine says:

    Summer is around the corner, and for me it means more than graduating from high school, starting new adventures and growing up. For me summer means starting a new me. I’ve got the feeling that everything is about to change, and maybe I need to add some more energy to turn the huge change into something good.
    Shopaholics can have a great day only by finding something exclusive to wear, overall if they were looking for it for ages. Shopaholic is what I am, and I think I found the perfect dress to wear to the start of this unforgettable summer: my birthday.
    I knew a while ago that I was going to celebrate it on the beach, so I didn’t really know what to pick. I really wanted a long dress to wear up and down, so I could wear it every day too, and that’s exactly the description of your collection, so I immediately fell in love. The shape is really adaptable and two pieces look much better than a simple dress. Why orange? It means summer, pure summer. It’d look amazing with my tan and it would totally make my day.

    Thank you for the chance!
    Josephine (a big fan of yours!)

  98. Ella says:
    Jag har bestÀmt mig för att detta ska bli den bÀsta sommaren, sÄ Àr det bara.
    Tio Ärs slit i grundskolan Àr snart Àntligen över och vann jag detta skulle jag, iklÀdd dessa tvÄ plagg, gÄ ut i sommaren pÄ avslutningsdagen och ha vÀrldens bÀsta sommar. Det lovar jag!

  99. Sara says:

    A long silhouette – yellow och A teasing top black. Jag har precis hittat de perfekta pumpsen, och vad matchar man inte dom med om inte den perfekta lĂ„ngklĂ€nningen?! Kan inte vĂ€nta tills allas blickar kommer vara pĂ„ mig och min fantastiska outfit!

  100. sunnarn says:

    jag har lĂ€nge sökt efter en fin maxiklĂ€nning att ha pĂ„ varma sommardagar. den silvriga toppen blir perfekt dĂ„ man skall piffa upp outfiten lite. skulle vara alldeles underbart att ha klĂ€nningen dĂ„ jag firar att jag gĂ„tt ut gymnasiet! 🙂

    //Josefin frÄn finland

  101. Saskia says:

    Hi Ebba!
    This is the perfect giveaway for me because I wanted to order one of your amazing dresses anyway. Next month, I have my certificate award ceremony in school and i still haven’t got a dress.
    Then I came across your designs and i was amazed by your talent! I love all of those dresses, especially the orange ones.
    I’d be the happiest person ever if I win this dress with this top
    I really enjoy reading and following your blog!
    Have a great residual time in Bodrum!

  102. Kajsa says:

    En killkompis sa en gĂ„ng till mig: “Kajsa, du ser ut som en kyckling i gult!”
    Vilket jag tÀnkt pÄ en del, och försökt komma pÄ en riktigt bra hÀmnd att kasta pÄ honom, sÄ att han verkligen skulle fÄ ta tillbaka det han sagt.. hehe!
    DĂ€rför tĂ€nkte jag att det hĂ€r skulle vara det optimala tillfĂ€llet! Just för att den gula klĂ€nningen Ă€r sĂ„ HIMLA fin, att den inte alls skulle se ful ut pĂ„ mig!(och jag skulle definitivt inte se ut som en kyckling!) 😉
    SÄ jag skulle bli jÀtteglad om jag skulle vinna den gula lÄngklÀnningen:
    Och sedan Àr det ju bara en SJUKT bra bonus att man fÄr en topp ocksÄ! DÄ skulle jag nog vÀlja efter min favoritfÀrg röd och ta denna:
    en fet KRAM frÄn mig!

  103. Dasha says:

    This is my choose )
    I want this dress because it’s really amazing,it’s my style and this dress like the one for me)
    Your my idol and I saw your blog since you post your second photo on lookbook.
    I want be a fashion designer and your collection is my inspiration,and the reason why I want it because it will be my favorite dress and I I will remember the wonderful person who created it.

  104. JJ says:

    I would choose the Playful Pleats in plum and the coordinated top, because I think that would be a very comfortable but at the same time very sofisticated, which is something i usually tend to look for in clothes. I think I would pair them up together with ankle boots or simply sandals (or barefoot since I love walking barefoot on the grass when I spend my time on the mountains or at the countryside), and I think the top would look awesome with a pair of high-waisted hotpants and a nice undertop because it gives off that see-through idea without in fact being too eye-catchy! 🙂
    So yeah, that’s basically my choice 🙂

    PS I just noticed the top is out of stock (sad), but any top I think would look great so:)

  105. Dasha says:

    And this one top
    (My first comment above)

  106. Apollonia says:

    I’d like to participate! & are my choices. Why? I love the maxi dress and I think the pleats give it a romantic look, that’s also why I chose the plum version of the dress, it makes the dress look so cute! Also, red looks very good on me, so this color would be a safe choice, haha. I want the black top with it because I think the top makes the dress somewhat more casual and I think matching it with another color would be fun! Thanks, I hope I win!

  107. Aneta says:
    I am in love with this collection, especially with the top and dress. The colour is amazing. It reminds me of hot summer. I like combining classy dresses with boyish elements, so I would wear oversized denim jacket over the dress and some leather chelsea shoes:)
    Aneta P.

  108. Elle says:

    Svar till Dasha:
    Thank you very much for this giveaway!!!!
    This is my choice!It’two amazing beauty dresses created by you)
    I am a big big big fan of this amazing collection
    I love the colours in the collection I mean wow the yellow and orange are the best summer shades ever!
    My mom’s birthday 20 of may and I want bring this dress to her)I don’t see her for a long time and want that this present will be the best(she love yellow)
    I very hope that I win)

  109. eemelieerika says:

    Svart kan ses som en trÄkig fÀrg kanske, men det tycker inte jag! Speciellt inte till fest, sÄ Àr det en riktig höjdare. Tycker ocksÄ att dessa plaggen Àr superfina var för sig. Kommer anvÀndas mycket om jag skulle vinna! Kramis

  110. Amalie H says: and

    These two items has such a wonderful color. The color would look very cool to my hair, and yes, I have red hair too 🙂 My choice felt on this dress and blouse because I’ve been looking for a maxi dress like that. And the color… ooh I can’t stop talk/think about it. The blouse and the dress would look so good to brown leather-sandals, and a big sunhat at the beach. When I see that outfit for me, I can’t stop think of summer. 🙂 I hope I win…

  111. Jolijn says:

    Wow! I truly love this give-away!
    I choose these pieces of your collection because I really like how the shape of the dress and the top go together! Besides of that, this colour is the one that suits me the best, because it goes well with my haircolour and it’s not entirely black but also a bit dark blue.
    I love this give-away, I can’t say it often enough 🙂

  112. Jolijn says:

    Wow! I truly love this give-away!
    I choose these pieces of your collection because I really like how the shape of the dress and the top go together! Besides of that, this colour is the one that suits me the best, because it goes well with my haircolour and it’s not entirely black but also a bit dark blue.
    I love this give-away, I can’t say it often enough 🙂
    ps: I don’t know how often I commented, but I couldn’t spell the word under the message thing right…

  113. malin says:

    Jag vÀljer den röda tröjan med den korta röda klÀnningen.

    De gÄr verkligen att kombinera pÄ miljontals olika sÀtt och Àr bÄde anvÀndbara och festliga!
    Jag skulle bĂ€ra dem med en liten blomkrans i hĂ„ret,espandrillos,tygryggsĂ€ck,runda stora solbrillor och böljande saltigt sommarhĂ„r en sommarkvĂ€ll! 🙂


  114. Lisa says:

    Jag har nog aldrig varit sĂ„ tjejig av mig i min klĂ€dstil, aldrig kĂ€nt mig bekvĂ€m i kjol eller klĂ€nning osv. Men nu de senaste mĂ„naderna Ă€r det det enda jag bĂ€r! Att kĂ€nna sig bekvĂ€m i att vara klĂ€dd i bĂ„de femenina och maskulina klĂ€der tycker jag Ă€r kul, att kunna bredda sin garderob Ă€nnu mer! Och att addera en av de klĂ€nningarna+en top som du designat till min lilla garderob skulle vara vĂ€ldigt roligt dĂ„ du har inspirerat mig sĂ„ mycket i att experimentera med klĂ€der och köpa mer secon-hand! 🙂
    Denna serien med klĂ€nningar och toppar Ă€r enormt snygg, funkar bĂ„de till vardags och pĂ„ fest! Kanon! 🙂

    Om jag Àr en av vinnarna sÄ skulle jag vilja ha den korta Navy Blue och den svarta toppen!

  115. Lisa says:

    Jag har nog aldrig varit sĂ„ tjejig av mig i min klĂ€dstil, aldrig kĂ€nt mig bekvĂ€m i kjol eller klĂ€nning osv. Men nu de senaste mĂ„naderna Ă€r det det enda jag bĂ€r! Att kĂ€nna sig bekvĂ€m i att vara klĂ€dd i bĂ„de femenina och maskulina klĂ€der tycker jag Ă€r kul, att kunna bredda sin garderob Ă€nnu mer! Och att addera en av de klĂ€nningarna+en top som du designat till min lilla garderob skulle vara vĂ€ldigt roligt dĂ„ du har inspirerat mig sĂ„ mycket i att experimentera med klĂ€der och köpa mer secon-hand! 🙂
    Denna serien med klĂ€nningar och toppar Ă€r enormt snygg, funkar bĂ„de till vardags och pĂ„ fest! Kanon! 🙂

    Om jag Àr en av vinnarna sÄ skulle jag vilja ha den korta Navy Blue och den svarta toppen!

  116. Hana says:

    I like these two.
    I didn®t like blue in past but now, I don®t know why, I change my mind and I love blue colour. And that jacket ? I just simply like it 😉

  117. myhrans says:

    Åh gud sĂ„ fina fĂ€rger det finns! Tycker om allihop supermycket! Men mina favoriter blir nog klĂ€nningen Playful Pleats- Yellow, och den matchande toppen A Teasing Top- Yellow.
    Underbart fina! Skulle passa perfekt, sĂ„ att jag kan lysa som solen i sommar. Jag skulle kĂ€nna mig finast i vĂ€rlden! ♥

  118. Jolijn says:

    I hope I can still change what I said. Because I figured out and the dark dress suits me better than the black one 🙂

  119. Ulrika says:

    Den bilden dÀr du har den orangea klÀnningen pÄ dig ser helt enkelt smashing ut! Jag vill ha den klÀnningen. Den fÀrgen.

  120. Ulrika says:

    Den bilden dÀr du har den orangea klÀnningen pÄ dig ser helt enkelt smashing ut! Jag vill ha den klÀnningen. Den fÀrgen.

  121. Sanna Friberg says:
    Jag valde den hÀr sjukligt snygga glÀdjespridande gula klÀnning. Jag Àr helt kÀr i fÀrgen och tÀnker direkt pÄ en sen sommarkvÀll med solnedgÄngen i skymten bakom rÀtt trista hus. Jag skulle ha pÄ mig ett bar vÀldigt slappa men endÄ stilrena bruna dojor och kombinera med lÀtta glud smycken pÄ bÄde hÀnderna och halsen. PÄ ryggen skulle en sliten brun ryggsÀck sitta och jag skulle glida runt genom gatorna och lysa upp de trista husen hos de trista mÀnniskorna rÀtt fint med min alldeles egna lilla gula klÀnning.

  122. sophie says:
    HallÄ, Jag hade velat ha en kort klÀnning i mörkröd, fÀrgen Àr fantastisk och jag Àr sÄ trött pÄ att köpa klÀder frÄn H&M (har inget emot dem, men det blir inte lika speciellt om alla andra ocksÄ har det). jag Àlskar modellen och blev helt kÀr direkt nÀr jag sÄg kombon, sÄ smart design pÄ det med en tröja till ocksÄ!

  123. Karolina says:

    Egentligen vill jag ha alla för att de Àr i sÄ himla fina fÀrger! Men den marinblÄ korta klÀnningen + den svarta toppen skulle vara sÄ himla fint tycker jag.

    Det kan verka lite mörkt men det pĂ„minner mig om regniga dagar (jag Ă€lskar regniga dagar), dĂ„ skulle jag kunna gĂ„ omkring i den hĂ€r kombinationen och kĂ€nna mig som en vattendroppe! Eller sĂ„ skulle jag kunna bara ha pĂ„ mig den blĂ„ klĂ€nningen till t.ex. min första dag pĂ„ gymnasiet wihoo! Även lĂ€tt att göra outfiten frĂ„n ett vardagsplagg till nĂ„gonting mer festligt med metallarmband eller en högt uppsatt bulle eller en fin sidenjacka. Jag vet inte, jag skulle vilja ha pĂ„ mig den precis överallt hela tiden.

  124. Maria irene says:

    Jag hade valt den kanariegula lÄngklÀnningen och den röda paljetttröjan bÀra till! Jag Àlskar mycket fÀrg, efter mÄnga Är i bara svart har jag en tendens att överdosera fÀrg! LÄngklÀnning Àr mitt favoritplagg för tillfÀllet, och paljetter Àr jag oerhört svag för! BÀsta av tre vÀrldar med andra ord! FÀrg, glitter och lÄngklÀnning!

  125. Emma says:

    Som vanligt sent ute med att svara pĂ„ dina give aways! Ska medge att jag redan har tvĂ„ av dina klĂ€nningar, men de Ă€r verkligen underbara! Om jag vinner sĂ„ skulle jag utvidga min lilla ‘samling’ med den marinblĂ„, det Ă€r verkligen en fĂ€rg jag tycker om (fattar inte varför jag inte har köpt den Ă€nnu!) sĂ„ lĂ€nkarna blir dĂ„ 1. och 2.

  126. Lauren Helen says:

    I really love the orange shorter dress with the orange top 🙂
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  127. Romi says:

    I chose them because If I have the black dress, I can wear it with tees in all colours 🙂 I love it!!

  128. Laura says:

    Hi Ebba, I would choose these items:

    Dark red has been my favorite color ever since, and I love the design – very easygoing but at the same time glamorous! Can’t wait for the summer and garden parties with friends – perfect outfit for that!

    xxx Laura

  129. Lizetka says:

    Hi Ebba! First I would like to say that I love your dress. They are very simple and still interesting, very cleverly designed. They look elegant and also really comfy which is just what a girl wants isn®t it? 😀
    If I could choose any – it would be Navy blue one in longer siluette with black sparkly top. I love that rich darker blue, it is amazing colour, and I think that they would look just perfect together. And I would wear them for my graduation party. 🙂 Dress like this can take you from morning ceremony till evening party no problem. 🙂
    Good luck with everything you are doing Ebba, and have a great day! xxxxxxx

  130. Jenni says:

    Hej Ebba och hĂ€lsningar frĂ„ Finland! Jag förĂ€lskade i dina klĂ€nningar det första gĂ„ngen och nu dessa nya sommarfĂ€rger Ă€r SÅ snygga! Jag valde den navy fĂ€rgad ensemblen eftersom jag Ă€r blond och navy Ă€r alltid min “ny svart” för sommaren 🙂 Kram!

  131. Jenny Z. says:

    looove these: and

    the playful pleats dress in yellow is so bright and sunny, i think wearing it would instantly brighten up my day!

    and the teasing top in silver looks so elegant and sleek, definitely a fashion statement. it’s unique, too!

  132. Chia says:

    I chose the short dress in Plum and the long dress in Navy Blue.

    I chose these two because I think these colors complement my skin tone best. Black is also an obvious choice, but since I already own so many black clothes, I thought that some fun colors would be much more interesting to play with 🙂

  133. di_o says:

    I choosed Playful Pleats- Black with Plum top. I like dark colors and I feel great in black. I like combinations of black and dark red(especially burgundy), so I think it would be awesome to have That dress with That top.

  134. Netti says:

    Dessa tvÄ vackra, orangea plagg skulle jag vilja ge till min dotter, de skulle passa perfekt till hennes lÄnga, ljusbruna hÄr. Det tror jag skulle göra henne hur glad som helst, och lugna henne i letandet efter balklÀnning.

  135. Josefine says:

    Hejsan Ebba!!

    MÄste först sÀga att designen pÄ klÀnningen som du ritat Àr grymt snygg! Helst av allt sÄ skulle jag nog kunna ha en av varje i garderoben dÄ klÀnningen bÄde kan vara enkel men samtidigt vara fest fin. Men av alla fÀrger sÄ mÄste jag nog sÀga att jag helst skulle vilja fÄ den korta citrongula klÀnningen med matchande topp dÄ den skulle bli den perfekta sommar klÀnningen, den skulle passa frÄn allt till strandhÀng till slÀkttrÀffen men lika till fest!! Nu Àr det bara att hÄlla tummarna!!

  136. Lisa says:

    Det var sjukt svÄrt att vÀlja dÄ allt ser fantastiskt fint ut!
    Jag och min kompis har planerat för den bÀsta sommaren och om jag skulle vinna sÄ vet jag att det blir den bÀsta sommaren! Har alltid velat ha en lÄng fin klÀnning och att den Àr i favvo-fÀrgen röd gör bara saken Ànnu bÀttre. Den Àr verkligen assnygg!

  137. Tilda says:

    om jag vinner sÄ har jag valt: och

    Jag har lÀnge letat efter den perfekta plisserade klÀnningen men inte lyckats hitta nÄgon fören nu. Det skulle va helt perfekt pÄ strandfester och festivaler. Jag Àlskar det faktum att om man har t-shirten över klÀnningen ser det ut som en helt nu klÀnning men man kan Àven ha bÄda delarna separat.
    Den orangea fÀrgen Àr ocksÄ en favorit, till solbrÀnda ben blir det sÄ snyggt!

    Tack för en awesome blogg som ger massor av inspiration!

  138. mayiree says:

    My fiery hair just needs the wonderful navy blue dress. I know only one colour which suits me better than this one (Irish green of course :)) and I think that my wardrobe is calling for another colour. 😀 Spring is coming but it’s still a little windy, isn’t it? So the same-coloured top would be perfect. 😉

    I love it! For me and my shoes it is big reason!

    xoxo, mayree

  139. Elli MaanpÀÀ says:

    Actually I already bought myself the long dress in yellow which is now waiting for the perfect summer night hang out in the city.
    But now for this giveaway I chose a shorter version of the dress in petroleum color which I would wear for road-tripping across the country from a lake to another to swim. This dress would be a perfect easygoing match with all the shades of water and summery sky.
    For the top I chose the plum glitter top. That one I would reserve until for the first dark and little chilly nights of Autumn when the glögi/mulled wine is heated up and enjoyed for the first time.

    Thank you Ebba for designing this collection!

  140. Nike says:

    Jag har valt dessa tvÄ plaggen eftersom de passar perfekt (jag sÀger det igen) perfekt, till min sommar! FÀrgen kommer vara super snygg till bruna ben, och jag Àlskar hur lÀtt man kan variera klÀnningen och toppen efter humör. Festivaler, resor eller grillning med vÀnner spelar ingen roll för jag vet att dessa skulle passa till allt! kram

  141. Almudena says:

    Hi Ebba!
    This is the dress I choose:
    I like it a lot, the open back, the brilliant colour… perfect for summer nights!! I would like to wear it with platforms, jewel-necklace and sunny skin!!
    Thanks and love your blog!

  142. Almudena says:

    Hi Ebba!
    This is the dress I choose:
    I like it a lot, the open back, the brilliant colour… perfect for summer nights!! I would like to wear it with platforms, jewel-necklace and sunny skin!!
    Thanks and love your blog!

  143. Alejandra says:

    Well i would like to have this dress and top: and because i love the colour and well i haven’ t got any dresses so i think its time to get one! I also would like to have it because i don’t really like to show my body (legs and arms) because i think they’re really bad-looking and well i’m pretty sure that having that dress and top i’ll try not to be embarrassed to show them because the dress is too beautyful hahahahaha.

  144. Farah says:

    Hello Ebba! I love your blog, and your interrail has inspired to go on my own this summer!
    In any case, if I were to win I’d like :
    or this
    i’d love to win these because these are gorgeous dresses i would be completely terrified to wear, and I think i’d like to stop being so scared of wearing what i want! The two colours are such a pop, that I’ll really stand out in the pastel and dark colours in the street. I think i wouldn’t mind taking the risk for these lovely dresses with their paired tops! Thanks! all my love x

  145. jlillym says:

    Eftersom jag inte har nÄgon svart klÀnning (!!!) sÄ skulle jag supedupergÀrna vilja vinna denna:
    Jag vet inte hur lÀnge jag letat efter den perfekta svarta klÀnningen och jag tror bestÀmt att jag nu funnit den!
    Jag Àr sÄ svag för glitterplagg, sÄ jag vill ocksÄ gÀrna vara med och tÀvla om denna:
    – underbart fin. Att den dessutom Ă€r plommonröd gör den bara Ă€nnu finare. Åh.

  146. jlillym says:

    Eftersom jag inte har nÄgon svart klÀnning (!!!) sÄ skulle jag supedupergÀrna vilja vinna denna:
    Jag vet inte hur lÀnge jag letat efter den perfekta svarta klÀnningen och jag tror bestÀmt att jag nu funnit den!
    Jag Àr sÄ svag för glitterplagg, sÄ jag vill ocksÄ gÀrna vara med och tÀvla om denna:
    – underbart fin. Att den dessutom Ă€r plommonröd gör den bara Ă€nnu finare. Åh.

  147. jlillym says:

    Eftersom jag inte har nÄgon svart klÀnning (!!!) sÄ skulle jag supedupergÀrna vilja vinna denna:
    Jag vet inte hur lÀnge jag letat efter den perfekta svarta klÀnningen och jag tror bestÀmt att jag nu funnit den!
    Jag Àr sÄ svag för glitterplagg, sÄ jag vill ocksÄ gÀrna vara med och tÀvla om denna:
    – underbart fin. Att den dessutom Ă€r plommonröd gör den bara Ă€nnu finare. Åh.

  148. jlillym says:

    Eftersom jag inte har nÄgon svart klÀnning (!!!) sÄ skulle jag supedupergÀrna vilja vinna denna:
    Jag vet inte hur lÀnge jag letat efter den perfekta svarta klÀnningen och jag tror bestÀmt att jag nu funnit den!
    Jag Àr sÄ svag för glitterplagg, sÄ jag vill ocksÄ gÀrna vara med och tÀvla om denna:
    – underbart fin. Att den dessutom Ă€r plommonröd gör den bara Ă€nnu finare. Åh.

  149. jlillym says:

    Eftersom jag inte har nÄgon svart klÀnning (!!!) sÄ skulle jag supedupergÀrna vilja vinna denna:
    Jag vet inte hur lÀnge jag letat efter den perfekta svarta klÀnningen och jag tror bestÀmt att jag nu funnit den!
    Jag Àr sÄ svag för glitterplagg, sÄ jag vill ocksÄ gÀrna vara med och tÀvla om denna:
    – underbart fin. Att den dessutom Ă€r plommonröd gör den bara Ă€nnu finare. Åh.

  150. jlillym says:

    Eftersom jag inte har nÄgon svart klÀnning (!!!) sÄ skulle jag supedupergÀrna vilja vinna denna:
    Jag vet inte hur lÀnge jag letat efter den perfekta svarta klÀnningen och jag tror bestÀmt att jag nu funnit den!
    Jag Àr sÄ svag för glitterplagg, sÄ jag vill ocksÄ gÀrna vara med och tÀvla om denna:
    – underbart fin. Att den dessutom Ă€r plommonröd gör den bara Ă€nnu finare. Åh.

  151. jlillym says:

    Eftersom jag inte har nÄgon svart klÀnning (!!!) sÄ skulle jag supedupergÀrna vilja vinna denna:
    Jag vet inte hur lÀnge jag letat efter den perfekta svarta klÀnningen och jag tror bestÀmt att jag nu funnit den!
    Jag Àr sÄ svag för glitterplagg, sÄ jag vill ocksÄ gÀrna vara med och tÀvla om denna:
    – underbart fin. Att den dessutom Ă€r plommonröd gör den bara Ă€nnu finare. Åh.

  152. jlillym says:

    Eftersom jag inte har nÄgon svart klÀnning (!!!) sÄ skulle jag supedupergÀrna vilja vinna denna:
    Jag vet inte hur lÀnge jag letat efter den perfekta svarta klÀnningen och jag tror bestÀmt att jag nu funnit den!
    Jag Àr sÄ svag för glitterplagg, sÄ jag vill ocksÄ gÀrna vara med och tÀvla om denna:
    – underbart fin. Att den dessutom Ă€r plommonröd gör den bara Ă€nnu finare. Åh.

  153. jlillym says:

    Eftersom jag inte har nÄgon svart klÀnning (!!!) sÄ skulle jag supedupergÀrna vilja vinna denna:
    Jag vet inte hur lÀnge jag letat efter den perfekta svarta klÀnningen och jag tror bestÀmt att jag nu funnit den!
    Jag Àr sÄ svag för glitterplagg, sÄ jag vill ocksÄ gÀrna vara med och tÀvla om denna:
    – underbart fin. Att den dessutom Ă€r plommonröd gör den bara Ă€nnu finare. Åh.

  154. Janine says: – The Long Silhouette in Yellow – The Teasing Top in Silver

    I love Maxi dresses because they can be casual or dressy. I chose the yellow because it is my favourite trend right now to wear head to toe bright yellow. It is simply gorgeous and the pleats add to it making it even more eye-catching. I chose the silver top also because metallics are so in right now and this look would make the dress go from day to night perfectly. Plus it just makes me want to dance. Love your collection with Sin!


  155. marina says:

    Dessa valde jag för att jag letat efter en enkel svart lĂ„ngklĂ€nning lĂ€nge (för jag Ă€ger ingen och det Ă€r svĂ„rt att hitta bra lĂ„ngklĂ€nningar nĂ€r man Ă€r kort) och den orangea toppen för att den har sĂ„ hĂ€rlig somrig fĂ€rg och passar precis lika bra till den svarta klĂ€nningen som till ett linne och jeans/shorts. 🙂

  156. Annely says:

    Hi Ebba!

    I’m from The Netherlands and I’m going to work in France this summer. I’ll work as animatrice on a camping. I’m hope I can wear this beautiful black dress with, not the same color but sure it match, red top in the France weather at my free- working day once a week.

    I think you’re doing a great job as designer and I can’t wait to your next collection.


  157. Laura says:

    Hi Ebba, I’d chose these items:

    Dark red is my favorite color and I love the design, very easygoing but glamorous at the same time – perfect for garden parties with friends, can’t wait for the summer! And to win would be a perfect starter 🙂
    Keep up the good work, greetings xx

  158. Emma Wall says:

    Åh, gud vad roligt!! Kikade pĂ„ dina klĂ€nningar och blev helt kĂ€r.

    Jag skulle vÀlja den A Long Silhouette i fÀrgen Navy Blue och en teasing top i Black, dÄ de Àr vÀldigt neutrala och gÄr att matcha lÀtt med skor, smycken etc! I alla fall om man ser pÄ min garderob haha!

    HÄller alla tummar och tÄr nu, och om turen ÀndÄ inte Àr pÄ min sida sÄ sÀger jag grattis till vinnarna redan nu!

  159. filippa says:

    Ska man köra gult pÄ gult och blÄtt pÄ blÄtt eller Àr det mixa man bör göra? Jo, det Àr det. Lika bra att ta det bÀsta frÄn tvÄ vÀrldar och skapa nÄgonting optimalt. Orange och marinblÄtt. Fantastiska motsatsfÀrger som just av den anledningen passar sÄ satans bra tillsammans. Sommar i form av solnedgÄng över mörka vatten, fantastiskt helt enkelt.

  160. Ruth Jimenez says:
    – I love this top because I’m a girl who loves the sparkles! This is so perfect for parties and glamorous occasions
    – now this dress is very fun. I’m in love with the mint color! So refreshing and so chic for the summer.
    Now with this two combined I can create a whole new look! Perfect for a very important event like prom or a wedding! I super love your collection, their chic and can stand-out on it own, but can make more impact when combined! It’s so easy to style so it can fit any occasion!!

  161. juliafalcon says:

    MĂ„ste först bara sĂ€ga att din kollektion Ă€r UNDERBAR! Älskar den verkligen! Jag Ă€lskar de olika fĂ€rgerna men föll Ă€ndĂ„ för den lĂ„nga turkosa/blĂ„a klĂ€nningen med matchande topp.
    Skulle bli överlycklig om jag vann denna tÀvling eftersom jag sÄ sÀllan vinner nÄgon.
    SnÀlla, vÀlj mej. Det Àr sÄ otroligt sÀllan jag har turen med med. Skulle betyda sÄ sjukt mycket!

  162. juliafalcon says:

    MĂ„ste först bara sĂ€ga att din kollektion Ă€r UNDERBAR! Älskar den verkligen! Jag Ă€lskar de olika fĂ€rgerna men föll Ă€ndĂ„ för den lĂ„nga turkosa/blĂ„a klĂ€nningen med matchande topp.
    Skulle bli överlycklig om jag vann denna tÀvling eftersom jag sÄ sÀllan vinner nÄgon.
    SnÀlla, vÀlj mej. Det Àr sÄ otroligt sÀllan jag har turen med med. Skulle betyda sÄ sjukt mycket!

  163. Jenny says:

    Jag har aldrig varit mycket för att ha klÀnning pÄ mig och inte heller brukar jag klÀ mig i annat Àn i svart. Anledningen till detta Àr för att det alltid Àr sÄ svÄrt att hitta rÀtt fÀrg pÄ klÀder och rÀtt passform pÄ klÀnningar, samt för att jag helt enkelt inte kÀnner mig sÄ bekvÀm i klÀnning. PÄ den senaste tiden har jag dock slÀppt sÄdana tankar lite grann och har tagit mig ett steg lÀngre rent klÀdmÀssigt sett och har börjat anvÀnda bÄde klÀnning och fÀrgglada klÀder. Just pÄ grund av denna anledning kÀnner jag att jag mer Àn gÀrna skulle vilja ha denna klÀnning ( och denna top (!

  164. Sointu says:
    These are the two items that I’d more than love to have as mine. Summer is just around the corner and I thought why not to try shine brighter than the sun! This dress and the top would definetely be my favourite things to wear for the summer.

  165. fridakarlssons says:

    Jag sĂ„g bilderna pĂ„ dessa klĂ€nningarna för ett tag sedan pĂ„ din blogg och blev direkt KÄR i den lĂ„nga blĂ„a. Jag har i tvĂ„ Ă„r haft lĂ„ngt knallrött hĂ„r och var dĂ„ lite rĂ€dd för fĂ€rgglada klĂ€der. Nu har jag precis gĂ„tt tillbaka till brunett igen och vill sĂ„Ă„Ă„Ă„ gĂ€rna ha denna vackra, underbara, urfina, fĂ€rgglada klĂ€nningen som start! 🙂
    Kram frÄn Frida

  166. MiLi* says:

    How should I start? I have got so many ideas for this comprehesive topic. OK, firstly I want to talk about the dress IÂŽve chosen. I found out the Playfull Pleats black ( the best one. And why? Because IÂŽm blond and black wields to my closet. My skin is as white as snow and it could be an imposant contrast between my derm and this dress. You know, my coat would fall in love with that dress. And my fianceÂŽs jacket loves that dress as well so itÂŽll be awesome when we would go to rauts so coordinated.
    Next reason is that nobody in my surroundings has no sence of style and elegance but it could be changed. If I had this dress, I would show the others how they could look like and whatÂŽs the feeling to look beautifully.

  167. MiLi* says:

    How should I start? I have got so many ideas for this comprehesive topic. OK, firstly I want to talk about the dress IÂŽve chosen. I found out the Playfull Pleats black ( the best one. And why? Because IÂŽm blond and black wields to my closet. My skin is as white as snow and it could be an imposant contrast between my derm and this dress. You know, my coat would fall in love with that dress. And my fianceÂŽs jacket loves that dress as well so itÂŽll be awesome when we would go to rauts so coordinated.
    Next reason is that nobody in my surroundings has no sence of style and elegance but it could be changed. If I had this dress, I would show the others how they could look like and whatÂŽs the feeling to look beautifully.

  168. MiLi* says:

    How should I start? I have got so many ideas for this comprehesive topic. OK, firstly I want to talk about the dress IÂŽve chosen. I found out the Playfull Pleats black ( the best one. And why? Because IÂŽm blond and black wields to my closet. My skin is as white as snow and it could be an imposant contrast between my derm and this dress. You know, my coat would fall in love with that dress. And my fianceÂŽs jacket loves that dress as well so itÂŽll be awesome when we would go to rauts so coordinated.
    Next reason is that nobody in my surroundings has no sence of style and elegance but it could be changed. If I had this dress, I would show the others how they could look like and whatÂŽs the feeling to look beautifully.

  169. Christine A says:

    Hi Ebba! I would like to have the yellow short dress because I think it’s perfect for the summer! I’ve also never had a yellow dress before so I think that would be something new for me. I also like the silver top because it’s sexy and it would be great for formal occasions, whether I wear it on top of a dress or alone. I hope I win 🙂

  170. Joanna says:
    Near my town is located horse farm. Recently, the stud owner died and his son inherited a stud. Unfortunately, he wants to give the horses to slaughter. My friend did not want to let a dozen horses were killed just because they are old and diseased. In the coming months she organized raising money to be able to save them. During the fundraiser will take place a fashion show where me and my friends we present the unique outfits that express our different styles. After fashion show, the auction will take place, and whoever ‘buy’ me or my friends will be our companion in the night exploring the castle in my city. I do not have anything special to wear for that day, and I think that your dress will make I will buy people\’s attention and someone will pay for a joint tour with me enough money to be able to save the horses! Even if i do not win – please keep your fingers crossed for us that we will earn the money we need! 🙂

  171. Asia says:

    next month I have a prom. Usually I feel ugly and unattractive, but on the last day of school I want to feel beautiful woman and I want to learn to love ymyself. So wonderful dress is perfect to begin a fight with my own complexes!

  172. Paula says:
    Hey Ebba! I chose the red/plum-coloured top and short dress because I think that they wolud be the perfect outfit for me for my graduation party in a month! I could imagine danicng and celebrating my graduation wearing them on a warm summer evening so well. I guess that would make the night and the event itself perfect becauae they would just fit the occasion, my type and my taste!
    You are wonderful – please don’t ever quit blogging! 🙂

  173. Rora says:
    The most I like this dress and blouse because they are the colors that highlight my blue eyes, long legs and dress mask the belly which I do not like! Is not this should be a dress? One that will make highlight all that is good and will mask the bad?

  174. Pączek says:

    Honestly? I would like to give this beautiful set of clothes for a charity auction at my school. We gather for an operation for a girl from my school!

  175. Kicia says:

    if this dress was a woman would be the most beautiful woman in the world. Prettier than emma watson. And if I had the dress and she was a woman it would be a perfect relationship. And if the dress is not a woman, and is just a dress that … it is still a perfect relationship;)

  176. Asia says:

    I always saw, I always said
    If I were grown and free,
    I’d have a gown of reddest red
    As fine as you could see,

    To wear out walking, sleek and slow,
    Upon a Summer day,
    And there’d be one to see me so
    And flip the world away.

    This poem espress more than the thousand words 😉

  177. Asia says:

    I always saw, I always said
    If I were grown and free,
    I’d have a gown of reddest red
    As fine as you could see,

    To wear out walking, sleek and slow,
    Upon a Summer day,
    And there’d be one to see me so
    And flip the world away.

    This poem espress more than the thousand words 😉

  178. Kicia says:

    if this dress was a woman would be the most beautiful woman in the world. Prettier than emma watson. And if I had the dress and she was a woman it would be a perfect relationship. And if the dress is not a woman, and is just a dress that … it is still a perfect relationship;)

  179. Linda says:

    Hej hej!

    Jag Àr lite kÀr i den gula fÀrgen pÄ klÀnningen och toppen. PÄminner mig om sommarens underbara dagar, hÀrliga citroner och den vÀrmande solen. Jag tror att den skulle vara perfekt nu i sommar. Perfekt sommaroutfit, kanske för en dag pÄ stranden?

  180. Jessica says:
    i chose these two pieces because they match, and would look super cute together or by themselves. Plus, it’s heading to winter where I live, and the yellow reminds me of summer 🙂 It’s such a happy colour.

  181. Daniela says:

    Hello Ebba, first of all I want to say I’m just in love with your collection ♥ Your dresses are simple but sophisticated at the same time. And very feminine but not girlish, love it! I own one similar maxi dress in blue and they’re one of my all time favorites 🙂 I’d choose this one with this top They would be perfect outfit to wear for my friend’s wedding this summer – that’s probably what is the best about them – you can wear them as both – caual and formal dress 🙂 Thank you Ebba for this great giveaway!

  182. Iiris says:


    These are the two items I would love to have!

    Summer is soon here and so is the holiday, which I’m so looking forward to. This dress would be perfect for wearing it on daily basis and it would totally make even the rainy summer days sunny!

  183. Saule says:

    Hej Ebba,
    My name is Saule, which means “sun” in english. I picked these two yellow items, because according to my name yellow is definitely my color and these two peaces would really express my personality. I love the combination of maxi dress and top, it looks super great. I am finishing university next month, so lately I feel so much stress about my finals and I guess that wearing these in yellow can make the days brighter.

    Take care! Hugs from Lithuania (:

  184. Annely says:

    Hi Ebba!

    I’m going to work in France this summer. I’ll work as animatrice on a camping. I’m hope I can wear this beautiful black dress with, not the same color but sure it match, red top in the France weather at my free- working day once a week.

    I think you’re doing a great job as designer. The different material you use in your designs is my loving-point in your collection. I can’t wait to your next collection.


  185. Rebecka says:

    Jag vill vinna eftersom jag Àr sÄ extremt trött pÄ alla svarta klÀder som jag bÀr hela himla tiden och som passar mit mood perfekt. Jag vill ha en början pÄ nÄnting nytt. Ljusa, fÀrgglada klÀder Àr en bra början.

  186. JĂșlia Ribeiro says:

    I would really like to win the stripped top and the navy blue short dress, no big reason, just found these itens really beautiful ^_^ Yeah, good luck everyone!

  187. Nutria says:

    I have never worn a maxi dress in my life. In fact I’m not much of a dress-wearing girl but since this ones are looking so comfortably and seem to be for every day use I’m going to give it a chance!(that would be a great surprise for my family and friends).
    I’d totaly go for this set:

  188. Linda says:

    I would choose these. I fell in love at first sight.
    Yellow is the color of summer. Clean the color of this dress makes me think of the sun. Children in kindergarten when draw with colored pencils sun, it is always yellow, even though we all know about that sunlight is white. But whether or not to believe our eyes, or sincerity impressions children?
    The length of this dress looks perfect on a high and long-legged girls. So for me :).
    Although the dress is ankle-length, it is not like the grandmother. Slightly translucent fabric gives it a modern and a little sexiness;). Nice little drop reveals just enough to show a delicious back + top. Mhmm …
    In July I got my first an art exhibition. It will be one of the most important events in my life. It is important for me to look good and feel confident. Dress will certainly look wonderful on a background of my tight colorful watercolors. My appearance would adjust to my art. As they say, “What an artist such the art”.
    Next ideal for a holiday in sunny Greece, because there is soon going. I’m going there the whole two weeks to contemplate the ancient art and look beautiful. I’m going to be competitor for Aphrodite;)
    I love your style and can not wait to your next collection.

  189. Linda says:

    I would choose these.
    I fell in love at first sight.
    Yellow is the color of summer. Clean the color of this dress makes me think of the sun. Children in kindergarten when draw with colored pencils sun, it is always yellow, even though we all know about that sunlight is white. But whether or not to believe our eyes, or sincerity impressions children?
    The length of this dress looks perfect on a high and long-legged girls. So for me :).
    Although the dress is ankle-length, it is not like the grandmother. Slightly translucent fabric gives it a modern and a little sexiness;). Nice little drop reveals just enough to show a delicious back + top. Mhmm …
    In July I got my first an art exhibition. It will be one of the most important events in my life. It is important for me to look good and feel confident. Dress will certainly look wonderful on a background of my tight colorful watercolors. My appearance would adjust to my art. As they say, “What an artist such the art”.
    Next ideal for a holiday in sunny Greece, because there is soon going. I’m going there the whole two weeks to contemplate the ancient art and look beautiful. I’m going to be competitor for Aphrodite;)
    I love your style and can not wait to your next collection.

  190. Anja says:

    Hey Ebba, this is awesome giveaway! 🙂
    I would love to have short black dress and matching black top, because i think these two pieces are clasical and could be worn great in so many comibantions and styles, and together as well. Have a nice day! 🙂

    Playful Pleats- Black:
    A Teasing Top- Black:

  191. Louise says:

    Den orangea fÀrgen skriker sommar och att gÄ med de hÀr tvÄ snyggingarna pÄ fest eller varför inte till affÀren gör att man blir nÄgot alldeles extraordinÀrt!

  192. evelinamoniqe says:

    Hej Ebba! tack för fantastisk inspiration.
    Dessa tvÄ plagg har jag helt enkelt valt för att, jag Àlskar orange!

    tack och hej!

  193. Cathi langton says:

    Hey Ebba!
    I would choose the playful pleats in Black, and the sparkling Wine Black top together:) This would be amazing for my end of year ball and would look so nice! It always takes me weeks to find the perfect dress but I think ive found it!
    love Cathi, xoxox
    (follower since your first post!)

  194. Linnea says:

    Det Àr dessa tvÄ plaggen som jag slÀnger pÄ mig alldeles innan en spontan fest. Dessa tvÄ plaggen som fÄr en att se vacker ut trots att hÄret stÄr Ät alla hÄll och kanter och leendet Àr brutet. Dessa tvÄ plaggen som syns i skolans korridorer, bland bibliotekets bokhyllor och pÄ stans allra mysigaste café. Det Àr dessa tvÄ plaggen som jag vÀljer dÄ de alltid kan bÀras, oavsett tillstÀllning.

  195. Hanna says:

    Åhh, hjĂ€lp vad allt var fint! Men om man mĂ„ste vĂ€lja sĂ„ blir det nog dessa tvĂ„:
    JÀttefina fÀrger! Nu blir det att hÄlla tummarna!

  196. Annely says:

    Hi Ebba!

    I’m going to work in a different country this summer. I’ll work as animatrice on a camping in France. I’m hope I can wear this beautiful black dress with, not the same color but sure it match, red top in the France weather at my free- working day once a week.

    I think you’re doing a great job as designer. The different material you use in your designs is my loving-point in your collection. I can’t wait to your next collection.


  197. Isa says:

    Hellooo Ebba!

    Tomorrow we’ll celebrate the birthday of my little sister. And because she only wears dresses en skirts, this will be the perfect gift from me to her.

    She always wears this kind of dresses actually. And because of her blue eyes en blond hair, this beautiful blue color will look stunning on her. The material you use for the end of the dress makes the dress a fairy tale look.
    I can’t wait to give this beautiful gift to her!

    Keep up the great work!


  198. Gemma says:

    Why do I want them? Because you are one of my fashion inspirations and to wear your brand would be amazing. They are such cute all-wear dresses and tops!
    I chose these two:
    specifically because 1. sequins are the style of goddesses – they are just brilliant! This top can be used as a dressy item or on a casual day with jeans and I thought it would be an interesting pair with the organe dress specifically.
    The orange is such a light fun colour and jsut screams spring and fresh air.

    X g.

  199. Cathi langton says:

    Hey Ebba!
    I would choose the playful pleats in Black, and the sparkling Wine Black top together:) This would be amazing for my end of year ball and would look so nice! It always takes me weeks to find the perfect dress but I think ive found it!

    love Cathi, xoxox
    (follower since your first post!)

  200. Emma Nyström says:



  201. Pavlina says:

    the dress is fabulous, the colour even more. I want the dress so i can wear it while i stroll on the pavements by the sea, on sundown. I really love the contrast between burgundy red and the blue of the sea, both warm colors for me, for different reasons!
    many greetings from Greece!

  202. Andrea says:

    Right now, I’m studying for my exames and it is literally raining all day. Luckely I will be flying to the sunny spain in two weeks! I think the red colour of this dress looks amazing with my hopefully tanned skin. I will wear it over my bikini for a easy walk through to city and to the beach. I will match it with a pair of oxfords and a nice hat. The top converts the easy summeroutfit into a really nice partyoutfit. The cut is amazing and I am sure it will be worn a lot! With some sandals and a red lipstick I am going to dance the night away!

  203. Laura says:

    Hi Ebba!
    I’m so thankful that you do a giveaway of your collection, since I’m so in love with it! I just don’t know why, but those dresses make me think of walks on the beach and summer music festivals and just about everything I like about summertime. Imagine how cool would it be to pair one of those dresses with military boots and a colourful headband while you listen to your fav artists live on stage!
    Ok, I’m starting to daydream here, but I would definitely love to get the long orange dress and the orange top. Then I could (hopefully) look a bit more like you 😉

  204. Mareike says:


    I would love to have the red dress and the sparkling wine-plum shirt.
    I already thought about bying a dress because they look so comfy, but really good for the daily life and you can wear a lot of shirts above. So it’s a dress and a skirt. Especially bevor New Years Eve I thought about bying a dress with the sparkling wine-plum shirt. But it was too expenisve. I also thought about sewing one my one but I could find such nice patterns.
    So I would be reaaaaally happy to get one 🙂

  205. Pauline Berthelot says:

    Hi Ebba!
    It’s such a wonderful giveaway. I love your collection!
    I choose this dress : because I love navy blue color and I’m too short to wear long dresses. And I choose this top :, because I would feel like a mermaid in this clothes! By the way, the top has an incredibly nice pattern. It would be nice to wear them on the beginning of summer with my navy blue and white heels. I’m going to Berlin for 3 month to do an internship in product design so maybe I will wear the dress and the top for previews!

  206. Filipa C. says:

    This is the most beautiful shirt I’ve ever seen, and I want it so bad! and this dress would be the perfect match What a dream collection 🙂

  207. Martyna says:

    well i guess i’ll wear it with my high waiseted short black skirt, than i’ll put on my big black shoes and of course my favourite ted hat and biiiiiig sunglasses

    HUUUGS 🙂

  208. Kyta Flower says:
    I would love to own one of “A Long Silhouette” dresses. I don’t have much dresses and don’t like much of the recent offer in stores. Yours are original yet classy. I also love the sleeveless top – sleeves are not really good for hot summer days, are they. 🙂
    Also the short version is awesome, but I just love long skirts and dresses and the way how they flow in the wind 🙂 And I don’t have any!
    And finally, I would totally grab one of the tops but crop tops just don’t suit me since my belly is not as flat as yours 😉

    In case I don’t get anything, still love you! Keep the progress 🙂 And late happy birthday!!

    Loves, Kyta/CZE

  209. Ángela Huete Sånchez says:
    Me encantan estos vestidos!! he elegido Ă©stos porque creo que el largo puede ser ideal con unos zapatos de tacĂłn para una fiesta por la noche, y con unas sandalias o botas para el dĂ­a, el corto me parece precioso para lucir con unas botas o zapatillas vans

  210. Kyta Flower says:

    Hello again, just went through your collection again and made up my mind! Finally!
    Since there’s an option to get both dress and top… I would love the Black or Blue Long Silhouette with Mermaid Goddess Top!! Or the short version, same colours 🙂
    Just simply because of you ^^ And your looovely combo with these pieces which I found in the shoots of the Top!

    Really. This Top is the TOP!!
    ^This I Love.

    Kisses, Kyta/CZE

  211. M. says:

    I love all of them, so that was in fact a really hard choice.:D^^ But after insanely long deciding I finally choose those two.:) Because of the shape and colour, probably. Because the orange ones are giving off such a freshness and the plum ones are just sinfully seductive.:) You are great, Ebba, keep doing!♥

  212. EmHa says:
    I choose those two, because after summer holidays I’m having dancing lessons with my classmates.:) And what would be better than enjoying one of the final balls in so awesomely stunning dress? ^^ :3

  213. Giulia says:

    Hi Ebba!! 🙂
    I just love your style and you make it look so effortless to look beautiful all the time. Just as your collection. I think everyone would look pretty in those tops or dresses and I think this is what’s fashion should be about: to make everyone feel good about themselves. I specially loved (and I would love to win!) the little black dress ( and the mermaid goddess top ( They work so amazingly together. And apart they still stay beautiful. I live in Brazil and the days are so colorfull, but the night… Oh, the night looks so pretty in a little black dress by the sea in the moonlight. I really could see me looking and being so romantic in it with my boyfriend; he would really really really love it too 🙂 And the mermaid top is just so simply designed and perfect. It looks amazing with the dress but I can see it with a pair of hot pants or high shorts (so versatile!). I couldn’t think of two pieces of clothing that would fit me more than these two. Thank you so much for the opportunity!! And please, keep styling ’cause you’re really amazing at it and I really love everything you create. 🙂
    Kisses from Brazil!!

  214. Giulia P. says:

    HI!! I chose these two items for sentimental reasons. I use to wear dark colors all the time (i feel comfortable in black), but my boyfriend is my opposite. He is a fashion addicted (as i am) and his closet is full of colors! He tried so many times to convince me that i should mix colors up and that i surely would enjoy it! And now that we are going to celebrate our 4th anniversary, I’ d like to surprise him! So i chose the orange dress and top: normally i’d never wear them, but i love him and this is the very precise color of his room!
    xoxo Giulia

  215. giselle guan says:

    I bought the red sparkling wine top for my last prom night. Although I am petite type, and it is not perfectly fitted to my body size, I just folded the sleeves and made it look better. The main point is, the reason why I bought Ebba for sin is I love the design, the sequins are in good quality and inner part of the top makes me so comfortable to wear, like made of silk. Hehe

  216. Albert says:

    Hello Ebba 🙂
    I am an Italian boy who has been following you for years. I really like your style and, above all, your hair colour!
    I am dating a girl who is similar to you, she is a really beautiful redhead and i like her so much.
    So i though that maybe i shoud have joined this giveaway and, in case of win, i’d given her the dress as an unexpected present.
    I think that the two pieces that fit best to her (and to you, if i may say) are these:
    Hope to make her happy 🙂
    Keep on like this, you are gorgeous! 🙂

  217. maja says:
    Jag skulle vilja ha dessa tvÄ delar eftersom att jag verkligen behöver en fin lÄngklÀnning att ha i sommar. Jag har tidigare inte varit sÄ förtjust i klÀnningar eftersom att jag kÀnner mig ganska obekvÀm i dem. Jag gillar inte att visa mina ben pÄ sommaren eftersom att jag fÄr röda utslag frÄn solen sÄ lÄngklÀnningar och kjolar Àr A och O för mig. Just nu har jag bara en lÄngkjol och ingen klÀnning sÄ jag skulle bli supertacksam om jag vann. Kram!

  218. Lorna B. says:

    It must be great to get the chance to design outfits.
    I personally love the dress “long sillhouette” in black (very simple and elegant) paired with the mermaid goddess top. Love the scales print!

    Thank you of the opportunity 😉

  219. Kierani says:

    Hey Ebba, thanks for this wonderful opportunity! I’ve been following your blog for about 4 years now 🙂
    I love the Mermaid Goddess Top ( because of its simplicity and playful pattern.
    The other piece that I would love to win is the Teasing Top in silver ( I currently have an obssession with everything sequin.
    Thanks so much Ebba! Have an amaazing day:)
    Love from

  220. Patricia Blaj says:

    Thank you so much for this giveaway! You’re swesome! I’d like the Mermaid Goddess top and the Petroleum long dress because I’m a big fan of yours and honestly, the design is amazing, plus the quality looks really nice too.
    If I could afford buying clothes, I’d buy them all, really 🙂 Too bad I’m saving up for school, huh?

    Lots of love,

  221. Cathi langton says:

    Hey Ebba!
    I would choose the playful pleats in Black, and the sparkling Wine Black top together:) This would be amazing for my end of year ball and would look so nice! It always takes me weeks to find the perfect dress but I think ive found it!
    love Cathi, xoxox
    (follower since your first post!)

  222. Gladys says:

    I would like to own these lovely pieces! I don’t own anything in bright yellow, so I think it would be great to experiment with it during spring and summer (even autumn and winter too!). Especially now, with the rainy days here in Belgium and the exams this month. A pop of colour can brighten up anyone’s day!
    Keep up the good work Ebba! 😀

  223. Clara says:

    Svar till Clara:
    Glömde lÀnkarna, hÀr Àr de:

    SÄg att den blÄ var out of stock! Men dÄ tar jag gÀrna den randiga toppen:

  224. Kasia says:

    Hello Ebba! Hahahha, it’s actually the first time I take part in a competition but I guess it’s worth trying. I really love petrolum dress ( but I prefer the shorter version because I’m myself quite short 🙂 The color is just beautiful because it’s the color of the ocean so it would be perfect for the holidays I start next week after my exams finishing high school. What I also love is the silver top ( which, I believe, can make every look more elegant and it perfectly matches with the dress but it would be also great to wear at the ball I have in a month (it’s also because of the end of high school). I doubt I would win but anyway I wish you a lot of success and everything what”s best on the occasion of your yestreday’s eighteen birthday. Greetings! 😉

  225. -Anna says:

    Hey Ebba,
    I really love your collection and your stiyle and I allways talk about you with my friends when it comes to fashion.
    I am from Germany and I think your new collection is adorable!
    You are very creative

  226. -Anna says:

    Hey Eba,
    I really love your collection it is so inspiering and crative.

    I think the black dress is really cute, it is classy and sweat at the same time.

    And the mermaid sweater is the best thing I ever have seen!

  227. LetĂ­cia Carvalho says:

    hello, Ebba.
    I’m from Brazil and I am a big fan of yours * – * I’m really happy to promote this contest.

    I chose it because I love red, and in Brazil it is autumn, the leaves and match with my country:

    chose this to be my favorite color, dark blue, for being elegant as the winter sky, delicate and cold:

    Loved all the clothes, all the same, impossible to choose, but I have to do, I get the and pleats-black.html!
    anyway, I settle with a hello its me * – *

  228. LetĂ­cia Carvalho says:

    hello, Ebba.
    I’m from Brazil and I am a big fan of yours * – * I’m really happy to promote this contest.

    I chose it because I love red, and in Brazil it is autumn, the leaves and match with my country:

    chose this to be my favorite color, dark blue, for being elegant as the winter sky, delicate and cold:

    Loved all the clothes, all the same, impossible to choose, but I have to do, I get the and pleats-black.html!
    anyway, I settle with a hello its me * – *

  229. becerellen says:

    Hej, Jag har valt just dessa tvÄ för att jag ska till Dubai i höst och vill ha en lÄngklÀnning till den resan. Dels för att det Àr sjukt snyggt och ocksÄ för att det Àr ett muslimskt land dÀr lÄngklÀnning betyder att man visar respekt med att vara fin men ÀndÄ inte gÄ för lÀttklÀdd (visa benen)

    Toppen kan man bĂ„da ha över klĂ€nningen (eftersom det Ă€r samma fĂ€rg och material) eller till ett annat plagg. Multitask helt enkelt 🙂

  230. Rebekka says:

    Hej! =)

    Jag skulle gĂ€rna vilja vinna (den kortare) svarta klĂ€nningen “Playful Pleats – Black” och den nya toppen “Mermaid Goddess” i Strl XS-S. Underbart fina!


    Jag skulle vilja vinna dessa tvĂ„ för att bĂ€ra i Berlin i sommar! De Ă€r precis i min smak – lekfyllt stilfulla och unika!


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