Åter igen- himla kul att ni hade så många bra tips på musik av/med tjejer! Tog några timmar att gå igenom kan jag lova… men det var det värt! Jag har sammanställt era tips i den knappt 5 timmar långa spellistan “GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS” (för er som inte vill gå den hårda vägen och scrolla genom kommentarsfältet alltså). Är det några låtar ni tycker att jag missat så är det bara att lägga till dem, för listan är collaborative (men kom i håg att poängen är att fokuset ska ligga på tjejer!). SÅ kul att ha något nytt att lyssna på här hemma. Tack hörrni!


Again, I’m so happy you had so many good tips on music by girls! It took me a few hours to go through- but it was worth it! I’ve compiled your tips in the nearly five-hour-long playlist “GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS” (for those of you who don’t want to go the hard way and scroll through all the comments, haha). If there are any songs you think I’ve missed, just add them (the list is collaborative, but keep in mind that the point is that the focus should be on girls!). SO fun to have something new to listen to. Thanks guys!

10 responses to “GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS

  1. Ebba says:

    Åh! Du tog emot mitt tips om Little Mix! De är grymma 🙂

  2. Fanny says:

    Har redan hunnit lyssna igenom listan, fan vad mycket girlpower! Kimbra kommer jag lyssna mer på!

  3. Fanny says:

    Har redan hunnit lyssna igenom listan, fan vad mycket girlpower! Kimbra kommer jag lyssna mer på!

  4. Jenna says:

    2/10 playlist.

  5. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till Jenna:
    Hey, be a little open minded! There’s really alot of different kinds of music in there so I bet you can find something you like! The girls need to get some more space in the music industry 🙂

  6. Hanne says:

    Lyssnade igenom hela listan idag. Fint! 🙂

  7. Jenna says:

    Svar till ebbazingmark:
    Mate, the only successful girls in the music industries are the attractive ones. With the few exceptions they have lyrics written for them, their voice heavily altered and mime when ‘performing’ live.

    I’ve given up on trying to root for the girls when I accepted they simply reinforce the stereotype. Men have the best music because they do not have to conform.

    The sooner girls realise this the better.

    I can count the female artists I admire and respect on my hands. The list of male artists I admire and respect is endless.

  8. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till Jenna:
    I think that is a very sad view of the music industry. I do think there’s a just as long list of talented girls, though they doesn’t get as much attention as the guys!:)

    You say the ones that fits the stereotype gets the most succuessful- now why is that? Maybe because people like you and me choose to listen to guys instead of putting some effort in finding the awesome female artist that need our support! 🙂

    Anyway, it’s important to point out that it’s never the “normative” girl’s fault. We can blame the gender stereotypes in our society!

  9. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till Fanny:
    Eller hur!? Upptäckte också Kimbra tack vare det här! SÅ bra!

  10. Rafaela Michels says:

    Ebba, I’d like to show you a singer from my country, Brasil. I forgot to comment on the past post:
    It’s Mallu Magalhães, I hope you like her ♥

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