Färgade håret igår, så nu är jag rödtott på riktigt igen. Härligt! Trivs så bra med den färgen. Ville bara visa er resultatet innan jag drar iväg mot skolan för dagen. God morgon gänget!

Translate: I coloured hair yesterday, so now I’m a redhead for real again! Just wanted to show you the result before I’m off to school. Good morning buddies!

14 responses to “FÄRGAT

  1. cajsa says:

    men åh så snygg du är!

  2. Lizeta says:

    OK honestly… What hair color did you use? It looks absolutely fabulous! 🙂 xx

  3. frida xiang says:

    loove your hair!!

  4. welovefur says:

    I just changed my template site =)
    Please take a look at http://www.welovefur.com
    kisses from your follower! ?

  5. Tokyo - Love says:

    Riktigt snyggt! Älskar färgen och lockarna i kombination.

  6. Vla says:

    what is your natural hair color? that one looks soooo pretty
    do you use any special brand? i’m kinda allergic so i don’t really know what should i use, any advice?

  7. - pouline ? says:


  8. MyzaaN says:

    du passar super i det 😀

  9. ana costa e silva says:

    I love your style and blog…

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  10. Lau says:

    Hi Ebba! really like your blog and your hair looks absolutely gorgeous! I’ve been thinking about dying my hair this colour for a while but can’t seem to find the right dye. Could you let us know what colour it is? and if you use any special brand?
    have a great week

  11. Macy says:

    nice pics 🙂


  12. Sheila says:

    Fint! 🙂

  13. chila says:

    That hair colour is fantastic!

  14. maria says:

    I had no idea you colored your hair :O

    Maria Jernov


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