


Ni minns kanske att jag lekte lite i studio med Jocke innan avresan till Puerto Rico? Här är första delen av resultatet. Som vanligt har jag alldeles för kul i photoshop för att nöja med en redigering- denna bild fick tre olika varianter. Den översta fick bli min nya proffe på facebook när jag ändå var i farten. Vilken av dem gillar ni mest?

You may remember that I played a little in the studio with Jocke before traveling to Puerto Rico? Here’s the first part of the result. As usual, I have too much fun in photoshop to settle with one editing- this portrait turned out as three different variants. The top one became my new profile picture on Facebook while I was on it too, haha. Which one do you like the most?

2 responses to “EDIT#

  1. Nato says:

    Three of them is perfect but the first one is my favorite as well! It’s like there are snowflakes on your eyelashes and I like them! BTW there were snowflakes on my eyelashes too just a minute ago cuz it’s snowing and I’m happy 😀 whatever…

  2. Michaela says:

    You look stunning <3

    Best Michaela

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