Hej på er! Så här har det sett ut på dagens plåtning genom mobilkameran. Starbuckskaffe i en stor låda och donuts till frukost, spexiga poser i studion, en sjukt söt liten tjej som hejade på backstage och så den alltid lika häftiga promenaden hem genom staden. Imorgon har jag min lediga dag och det känns nästan lite tomt att inte jobba. Ska försöka checka av de viktigaste sevärdheterna samt se så mycket av staden som man bara kan göra på en endaste dag (alla era tips har varit väldigt hjälpsamma. Tack hörrni!). Det känns som att jag varit här så mycket längre än bara knappt tre dagar! Nu måste jag verkligen sova, det har varit en otroligt intensiv dag. Vi hörs senare!

Hello guys! So this is how today’s photoshoot has looked like through my mobile camera. Donuts and starbucks Coffee in a big box for breakfast, playful poses in the studio, an incredibly little girl who hanged out with us backstage and the walk home among the skyscrapers (I get so amazed everytime I step outside, haha). Tomorrow I have my day off and it almost feels a bit empty to not work. I’ll try to check the most important attractments and experience as much of the city as you can at only one day (I’ve red all your tips, it has been really helpful. Thanks!). It feels like I’ve been here so much longer than just three days! Now I really have to sleep, it’s been an incredibly busy day. Talk to you later!


  1. katy vess says:

    gorgeous! enjoy your trip and day off! 🙂

  2. Tricoy says:

    Great photos! It all looks so cool! Enjoy your day tomorrow!

  3. Mireia M. says:

    It looks like a real cool experience whay you’re having there in NY! I’m so envy!! HAhahaha
    ANyway, have a great time and enjoy as much as you can! I wish I could go to NY! 🙁

  4. hannah says:

    Hi, Ebba! Seems like you’re having a very good time there in NY (that was no doubt though). Can you tell me what phone do you have?)

  5. Apollonia says:

    It sounds all soooo cool! Modeling, going to NYC and everything else! You definitely deserve all of it (:
    xoxo Appie |

  6. ebbazingmark says:

    I have an iPhone 4s 🙂

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